Iwa 6000 invasion force has successfully escaped from the trap set by Konoha and Ame. But it does not mean we suffered lightly. Out of 6000 shinobi, we lost around 2500 shinobi, and the other 2000 shinobi were heavily injured. If I didn't come finding Onoki, we would have likely suffered more. We also lost all the rations and food we brought for the Konoha invasion, wasting a lot of resources and money. In the end, it does not change the fact that we lost this campaign.

I could say this battle was one of the toughest and hardest ones I have ever faced so far. One of my squad members Gin, lost his eye while Kan was heavily wounded in his ċhėst.

But that was not the worst. When I heard the rumor that Uncle Masashi was killed, I couldn't believe it. It was too absurd.

'Uncle Masashi was strong enough to go par with Kazekage! How could he die in the battle so easily?? His defense jutsu is one of the toughest in this world! His death rumor has to be bullshit!! '

However, as I kept denying the rumor, more witnesses came and told us that Uncle Masashi. Later, Iwa retrieved Uncle Masashi's corpse from Konoha, which confirmed his death entirely.

Uncle Masashi was killed in action by Sakumo Hatake. Suddenly the guilty I made him fighting with Sakumo come rushed at me. Uncle Masashi was like the teacher to me. He taught me taijutsu and agreed on any of my requests. I felt like I indirectly killed my teacher.

I didn't know how to face Shuji and his family, but I still went to give them my deepest condolences. Gari and I went together to Uncle Masashi's house, then we saw Onoki slowly going out from Uncle Masashi's residence. Apparently, Onoki also visited Uncle Masashi's household to give his condolence.

This shows how much valuable Uncle Masashi was to Iwagakure. It is the highest loss we had during the war.

"Damn, Damn, Damn, I will fuking that Hatake bastard!! I promise! I will avenge my father!!"

Shuji was shouting about avenging his father and killing Sakumo. We tried to calm him down but was stopped by his mother.

"Genji, Gari. Just let him blow up his stream. I believe that is the best for him currently. Now come inside. You two must have come to pay respect, right?"

Although she lost her husband, she still smiled at us. We went inside the room and paid respect to Uncle Masashi's picture. I couldn't hold on to the guilt and told everything about how Uncle Masashi saved me and forced to face Sakumo to her.

Well, Shuji's mother didn't seem to be angry. She instead patted my head, saying she was glad that Uncle Masashi's sacrifice wasn't for nothing. I just broke down there and regretted not summoning the Boss Eagle to escape. That way, Uncle Masashi didn't have to come to save me, and he might be alive. But it's all too late.

We went out of the mansion, and Shuji was still screaming. But his mother finally couldn't take it anymore. She went up to Shuji and punched on the face.

"Shut up!! You are annoying the neighbors. If you just want to cry all day long, then just go to the forest. I am sure your dad doesn't dėsɨrė your annoying screaming at his funeral. Let him have a peaceful day, at least today.

Also, if you are a man, don't just stand here cry all day like a fuċkɨnġ girl. Get up and deal with it! Become stronger and protect me and everyone dear to you!!"

'Ahhh, there is a cliche line.'


In the end, Onoki is forced to sign the peace treaty with Konoha and Ame after a humiliating loss. We already lost a lot of resources and money, can't afford to continue this reckless war.

We had to give back Hyuga Hizashi and the previous Konoha land we took during the war to Konoha as part of the agreement. At first, I thought all those efforts to bring that Hyuga kid to Iwa all became nothing. But Onoki didn't let me down.

Onoki, at first, extracted all of Hizashi's spe*ms and completely disabled him, so he won't be a shinobi in the future. He also lied that we never had Sharingan and Byakugan in the first place. Very cruel, but a good move.

Although we lost this ninja war, Iwa still has plenty of Shinobi left. Among the three Great villages who participated in the war, Suna had the most casualties. While Iwa and Konoha both had it small.


I was awarded for my performance during my battle, 1 million ryo. Even dumb idiot would know who was the MVP shinobi during the last battle. If it wasn't me, then Iwa might have lost the entire 6000 shinobi.

My bounty also increased by 10 million ryo more. I also got a shinobi nickname: Eagle Boy. Although it is not that cool and powerful nickname, I still happy that I got one. Hope I get a cool nickname during the third ninja war where I would be already powerful as S-rank, hehe.

The third Great Ninja war is about around 8-10 years from now. I know in the canon, the third great ninja war is won by Konoha, mostly thanks to Minato.

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