"If Genji-san drives away Suna shinobi away, then I am willing to give these charka metal ores to you, sir."

"Where did you get all these ores? I heard that this village has scarce resources, bȧrėly living off by selling herbal plants."

I asked the village leader. Since he exposed himself, I planned to make him spill out everything he knew. rare

"Oh, 2 years ago, our village found some hard-to-find expensive medicinal herbs at Cat Mountain. At that time, the merchant wanted to buy those herbs from us, but since he didn't have enough money on him, he optioned to pay with chakra metal ores he had.

That's how our village has these chakra metal ores, but since it's a huge bundle, we decided to keep these in my house and use it for village renovation."

'I gotta say this senile old man sure comes out with damn pretty good lies on the spot. But he is dealing the mighty smart me!

What kind of merchant has chakra metal on himself? He will get robbed by other shinobi before he can even explain himself.'

It seemed like the village head won't planning to tell me the truth. He gave me no choice but to use the forced way. I walked around and made sure the door is locked and enhanced the sound seal.

The village head was curious about my action but didn't interrupt me. Just as he is about to ask me, he felt the sharp-long blade forcing on his neck.

"He..he... What's the meaning... of this, Genji-san?"

The village head spoke with panic while frightened to shit.

"Hey, old man. Do you think I am an idiot who can be tricked by your stupid ȧss shit lie? Bought Chakra metal ore, my ȧss! I already know that chakra metal mine, so you better spill everything out!!"

I pressed my blade on his neck harder. He locked the door and told everyone in the mansion not to disturb us. I made a sound seal, so Suna shinobi won't hear anything. So basically, he just dug his own grave.

No matter how resolved the village head is, he still valued his life. Soon later, the village head begged for his life and spilled everything he knew.

"During the second great shinobi war, our village economy has immensely suffered as we are closed to Suna land. Since just selling herbs can't no longer feed our mouth, we started the mining industry despite having little hope.

But two years ago, one of the villagers working as a miner found chakra metal inside mines in Cat Mountain. We decided to explore more and found out that bundles of chakra metal ore are in Cat mountain underground.

I immediately saw it as an opportunity for us to survive this economic downfall. Since chakra metal ore is expensive and rare, we could sell them. Villagers agreed not to tell about this fortune, including Sunagakure. We knew they will just fȯrċɨbŀƴ drive us away and take the chakra metal all themselves.

Bandits then monopolized the mine for themselves, even killing villagers if we go any near."

I didn't expect this whole village to already know about the existence of chakra metal and kept secret from the whole world, especially Sunagakure for almost 2 years. They sure knew how to survive.

"I see, so you filed bandit extermination mission. But how did you exchange chakra metal ore? Does anyone aside from the village know about the mine?"

"We sell secretly to the black market, sir. I am sure no one has discovered about our mine except bandits."

"Then why is there a large platoon of Suna shinobi? Didn't they come here to investigate mine fȯrċɨbŀƴ?"

"No, sir. They currently chasing their mission-nin, apparently high-ranking to be exact. He fled to this village and escaped to the mountain. I told Suna shinobi that we only gave him food and let him rest for one night before he escaped since we didn't know he was a fugitive. But Suna shinobi force just won't believe our words at all.

I am afraid at this rate, they might accidentally come across chakra metal mine information. So in a panic, I decided to borrow Iwa shinobi, Genji-san's help to drive them away which led to current us"

Unexpectedly, I got the intel on why Suna force is here. To release 100 shinobi to capture one single traitor, that traitor must be a big shot in Sunagakure.

"One more question. Have you or any other villagers ever contacted with Kirigakure?"

Mei and Kiri shinobi's objective was clearly in this village, what else could it be other than mine. But I asked just to make sure.

"No, sir. Why would we contact other great shinobi villages? They will just monopolize the mine themselves, leaving us with nothing. Also, that could result in international conflict.

Even if we did contact, why would we share intel with Kirigakure, the poorest village among Great shinobi villages? I would rather choose the richest villages such as Iwagakure or Konoha, hehehe."

'Haiyoo, Iwagakure is one of the richest villages? I didn't expect him to bootlick me at this timing. But I kinda feel good to hear it.'

Since villages didn't contact Kiri, then who else but bandits, contact Kiri. I was sure bandits already predicted villagers will hire shinobi to eliminate them. Bandits already knew they can't win against shinobi, so they also hired Kiri shinobi to protect them

Among the Great ninja villages, only Kirigakure accepts mission even from criminals like bandits.

Now I started to see the overall situation and factions here.

'Kiri sided with bandits, while Suna here to capture the traitor while I am here to kill bandits. Now, how to make this situation benefit me? I will definitely take Mine to Iwa's. In order to do that, I have to eliminate every Kiri shinobi and Suna shinobi, except Mei and Pakura of course. hehe.'

After thinking for quite a while, I came up with a strategy to defeat Suna and Kiri shinobi while having Iwa control the mine. For now, I have to get out of this place and make sure my students are in a safe place or not.

I knew he won't tell Suna shinobi, but just to make sure I threatened the village head to shut his mouth about what happened here.

"I did let you two follow me inside the village, but believe me, I will kill you if you keep following me outside the village. Tell Pakura that I thank her for passing me to the village. As a gift, tell her that she will have some company later on today, very suspicious one."

After saying, I walked away. Also, those two Suna shinobi didn't follow me. They must have realized I was serious about killing them.

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