"Calm down. We don't know that yet. We will stick to the original plan and see if we can go inside the village." Mei ordered.

"No, I highly doubt that. As we went scouting, I realized Suna seems to be searching for something in the village. They weren't let anyone enter the village. At most, they surely won't let us go with these numbers." One of Kiri scout spoke.

"Then, we will split our numbers. No matter what, we have to enter the village to know the location of the bandit hideout. I will take only 3 people with me: Ringo, Kudo, and Hajo.

The rest of you will hide in the mountain and try searching bandit base until we get back." Mei issued another quick order.

This time, everyone agreed to Mei and split their force. 11 Kiri Shinobi immediately departed to the mountain while Mei and her 3 guards headed to the village.

Not long after they reached close near to the village, they were stopped by Suna shinobi.

"Stop! State your name and purpose to visit this village!"

"Hello, Shinobi-san. My name is Tsuko. I am a rice merchant and here to sell rice in this village. These 3 people with me are my bodyguards. I heard bandits here are quite notorious."

Mei introduced herself and others while showing off her sėxiness. Suna shinobi were stunned by her beauty and sėxiness but still managed to wake themselves up.

"Sorry, lady. I am afraid you can not pass this area. Please go back!"

Seeing this, Ringo got angry and shouted at Suna shinobi.

"Hey, you first asked our names and purpose to here and telling us to go back instantly? If you gonna send us away, why bother asking my info, you fuc..."

Of course, Ringo has been immediately put down by the other two Kiri shinobi, and Mei quickly apologized to Suna shinobi.

"I am really sorry he is just hot-tempered. Shinobi-san, is there any way for us to enter the village? Honestly, this village is a bit isolated and far away from the next towns. We almost out of money, and this is our last batch of rice to sell."

Mei winked at them, trying her best to persuade them to enter the village. Suna shinobi felt pity for Mei. They hesitated and decided to ask Pakura for her order.

Not long after, Pakura arrived and got the current sad and fake situation of Mei. Two beauties in one place sure made blessings in males' eyes.

Pakura raised her eyebrow in suspicions. She checked all Mei's belongings

Mei and others thought Pakura would reject them no matter what. But unexpected for them, Pakura agreed to let them enter the village.

"I got your situation. We Suna shinobi are not that cruel to ignore the weak merchant's plea. But you all can stay at most 2 days and leave the village. Also, don't interrupt our investigation, or else I have to lock you all down. Got it?" Pakura spoke to Mei.

"Ahh... Thank you very much, shinobi-san. Yes, of course, we won't stay there for more than 2 days. We will do our best not to get in your way, shinobi-san. Let's go, you guys." Mei thanked Pakura and ordered others to follow her.

But when Ringo and her two Kiri bodyguards were about to pass, they were stopped by Suna shinobi.

"I forgot to mention, please leave the weapons here! That's the only way we can let you pass. You can fetch them back when you leave the village." Pakura explained before Ringo fight back.

While Mei's bodyguards were okay, but Ringo wasn't. Her weapon is one of seven swords of Kirigakure, Kiba. It's one of the most precious weapons in this entire world.

"No way! This weapon is our family heirloom. I can't let it apart with me. Besides, I don't trust you all, Suna shinobi!" Ringo spoke as expected.

"Then I am afraid you can't pass," Pakura spoke as it wasn't none of her business.

Mei quickly hinted Ringo to give up on her swords, so they can pass. If she sends Ringo back now, Pakura and Suna shinobi would be hella suspicious of them.

Seeing her superior order, Ringo had no choice but to submit her weapon to Suna shinobi and follow Mei and others to the village.


After Mei and her bodyguards are gone, Pakura gestured her face to Suna shinobi to follow Mei.

"They are a bit suspicious. Follow those people closely. They might be related to Jukan, that traitor."

"Pakura-san, if they are suspicious, then why did you let them pass?"

"Jukan has the unique ability to hide from any sensory skills, which is why I didn't bring any sensors. Huge mistake on my part.

It is already incredibly hard to find him as he went to hiding now. If they happen to be related to Jukan, I wanted to use them to lure Jukan from hiding."

"Ahh, as expected of Pakura-san. I will do as you say."


(Bandit base)

I was very proud of my students to overcome the fear of killing. They have successfully managed to kill every bandit except the leader who I captured.

They still had nasty feelings, but I was sure they will get used to it soon. As a reward for their bravery, I promised them to teach one forbidden jutsu when we get back to Iwagakure.

Their tension rose up a bit after hearing my promise. Yahiko, Nagato, and Konan were all tired from battling with bandits, and the night was coming. I told them to go rest at their hiding spot.

After sending them back, it was time for torture and interrogation. I tied up the bandit leader and started questioning him. He was quite brave at first, but after experiencing some real shit pain and torture, he soon became an obedient dog.

"Alright, so did you ask Kirigakure for help?"

"Yes. Please don't kill me! I don't want to die here!!"

"Now, now, I will let you live if you answer every question. So how did you find out there was chakra metal mine in this mountain?"

"It was one of the villagers. He approached us and asked to seize the chakra metal mine and split the profit between him and us. He also told us about the village head issuing the bandit extermination mission to Iwagakure. That's how I decided to ask for Kiri's help."

"I see, so there was the mole in the village. I didn't know that. So tell me who this mole is."

"His name is Pik. According to him, he is the one who found out about chakra metal in the mountain. He secretly went for help to the village head. But the village head decided to share with everyone."

"Ahh, I get it now. I didn't know such a complicated scheme was going around even in this small village. So, where is the chakra metal mine? Do you also know someone Suna shinobi are searching for?"

"It is located at the 9km northeast away from our base. I didn't even know Suna shinobi are searching for someone. Suna's appearance was unexpected for us too, sir. You have to believe, sir. I have told you everything I know. So please spare my life."

"Yes, you have done splendidly. But unfortunately, you have no use for me, and I am afraid you might spill everything about me to Kiri shinobi. So DIE!!!"

I snapped his neck and killed him instantly.

'What an idiot, he shouldn't have trusted shinobi. Did he never think bout Kiri will kill him and take over the mine? Anyway, it's better for him to die.'

While I was getting rid of the corpse, the search eagles I sent previously returned. They seemed very tired and exhausted, but they figured out the Suna missing-nin.

Suna missing-nin was found at northeast 8 km away, which is very close to chakra metal mine.

Eagles also brought news about 11 unknowns. According to Biller's description, they should be Kiri shinobi. But no beautiful woman among them, which meant they split up.

'Mei probably realized about Suna force and decided to split up. Hehe, all according to my plan. For now, I will leave them be. My current objective is to capture that Suna missing-nin.'

"Alright, good job. You guys can return back now. Here is the deer I caught. You can take it." I sent Eagles back.


I arrived at the place Suna missing-nin was last seen. He shouldn't have gone too far away.

Suddenly I saw 5 Kunai flying at me. I quickly intercepted one Kunai and blocked 4 other Kunai using it. Suna's missing-nin showed himself in front of me.

I thought I managed to block his sneaky attack, but Suan missing-nin kept smiling. Soon I felt my body going numb and paralyzed with intense pain in my hand.

"Hehehe, you fool. You thought I would just throw a few simple Kunai? They are full of poisons that can paralyze you by a simple touch. I don't know why Iwa shinobi is here, but you chose the wrong place to come!"

Saying the word, Missing-nin threw Wind Slasher jutsu at me. But instead of panic, it was me who smiled this time. After the wind slasher sliced me, I was turned to mud.

"Earth clone? But when?" Missing-nin was surprised and asked.

"From the start, you idiot. You have been fighting with my clone whole this time."

I replied to him while showing up on the top of a tree branch.

"Hoh! It seems you have some skills. But doesn't matter cause you are going to die anyway."

'Well, he can't see my face properly since it's dark. If he knew me, then he would be running away like there is no tomorrow, hehe.'

"Hahahaha, you killing me?? Many Suna shits spoke the same, and they all dropped dead. Why you idiots won't learn the lesson from the past?"

"I am no longer part of those Suna idiots anymore. Now die!!"

"Unfortunately, I don't have time to entertain you. I will end this quickly with the signature move that I have developed for so long. Be honored!"

"Earth Style: Earth Exploding Bloody Spikes"

"What?? Don't tell me that's...."

Instantly thousands of spikes popped out of the ground.


After the fight, which I obviously won, I approached to lying missing-nin.

"Hey, stop pretending to die. Or else I will really kill you!"

As soon as I spoke, missing-nin got up and begged for mercy.

"Sorry, Genji-sama. I didn't know I was battling with infamous Iwagakure's best genius. I was very foolish. Please spare my life."

I wasn't planning to kill him. He was vital to my plan. So I kept him alive.

"Don't worry. I won't kill you. I know you are being chased by Suna shinobi. As long as you do what I say, I can save you and even accept you as Iwa shinobi."

"Of course, thank you very much for sparing me!!"

There was no way I trusted his words, so I put on the seal on his neck to keep him loyal to me. I also summoned a small eagle to keep an eye on him.

"Alright, I want you to stay and keep a low profile until I order you. Also, there are 3 of my students in the southwest from here. Touch them, and I will make sure you won't even have a body to bury!!!"

"Yes, yes, yes. Got it, sir."

After making Suna missing-nin, Jukan as my puppet, I went back.

'Now all the pieces are gathered except that crazy stalker. I just have to wait for her to come and fall into my trap.'

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