After killing Jukan, I waited for Suna and Kiri shinobi's battle to end. I wasn't foolish to enter and battle against both sides. Kiri shinobi are all Jounins, while most of Suna were Chunins. Despite this, I was sure Suna would emerge victorious due to their number.

I mean, the battle is 70 VS 11. Unless Kiri were given cheat skills or the main protagonist, there was no way Kiri will wipe out the whole 70 shinobi with just a mere number of 11.

A few moments later, the eagle scout came down and reported me about the battle situation. As I expected, all 11 Kiri shinobi are dead. Even if Suna shinobi tried to capture them alive, they all just suicided. Kiri shinobi's loyalty was really something else.

Now there are 42 Suna shinobi remained in the battle, frantically searching for Jukan. It was time for my grand entrance to finish them off.

Regarding Pakura and Mei, they were still doing chasing game. According to Eagle, there weren't going to finish it anytime soon.


"Shit, we lost 28 of our shinobi during the battle with Kiri. Damn, who knew Kiri will send 11 Jounins!! What's worse, we lost Jukan in amid of battle!"

"That sneaky bastard!"

"We need 3 people to take injured ones to base, while the rest of us will keep searching for that traitor. He shouldn't have gone too far."

"Sounds good."

Suna shinobi all agreed to the plan to spare few shinobi take their injured comrades while the rest will search for Jukan. But just then, they heard the unknown voice from the top of the tree.

"Well, well, well. What brilliant plan you all got there. But it is not needed as I killed Jukan already. He is long gone already." I shunshined at the tree and spoke to them.

"Genji from Iwa! Why are you here? What do you mean you killed Jukan?"

"Yea! How do we know you actually killed Jukan? Give us the evidence!"

Suna shinobi obviously doubted me and asked a series of questions.

"Evidence? I don't have any. But I have a way to prove to you all that he is dead. How about I kill you all here, and if you meet him at hell, that counts as proof, right?"

I gave them the evilest smile I can make. After hearing me, Suna shinobi all understood that I came here to kill them. They weren't just gonna down without resisting.

"Shit, first Kiri and now Iwa?!! Damn, how dare you look down Suna shinobi!! The enemy is just one. Attack all together and kill him!" One of Suna platoon captain spoke.

"Yes, you all better put up a good fight. After this, I will have a session with S-rank shinobi, so you all could serve as warm-ups."

Suna shinobi crossed his arms to rampart my punch. But unfortunately, stone fist jutsu increased my punch strength to 5 times, and with lightning boost, Suna shinobi just went flying.

"Wind Style: wind bullet jutsu!"

Several Suna shinobi simultaneously shot out fast air bullets from their mouth.

"Earth Style: Earth wall!"

I blocked the wind bullets by creating my earth wall. These Suna shinobi didn't give me any time to breathe and kept charging. I didn't want to use my swords as I needed to blame their death on Tsunade, and she doesn't use blades. This was also the reason I refrained from using my earth and explosion release.

17 Suna shinobi were having taijutsu bout with me while the other 15 shinobi were pulling mid-range ninjutsu on me. The rest of Suna shinobi were injured from Kiri and slowly retreating to report to Pakura.

I quickly stomped the ground hard to channel my charka to perform Earth style: Mud wave jutsu. Soon the surface area around me started to move akin to a wave. All taijutsu Suna shinobi lost balance and fell down or either retreated few jumps.

I used this chance to perform jutsu before other mid-range Suna shinobi to attack me.

"Lightning Style: Lightning devil snake bolts!"

30 lightning bolts, shaped like snakes, flew at the group of injured Suna shinobi who were escaping from the battlefield to report Pakura. I couldn't let them escape here, no matter what.

Those Suna shinobi struck by lightning snakes were electrified and tied by it. Those who were heavily injured before immediately drop dead without any struggles.

'Damn, it's a bit hard for me to wipe them out without using my explosion or earth release. I need to kill the annoying mid-range ninjutsu Suna shinobi first. I better finish it hurry.'

"Earth Style: Earth clone!"

I created 5 clones to keep taijutsu Suna shinobi busy. I performed several hand seals and concentrated lightning chakra in the hand while producing the sound of birds chirping.

"I didn't want to use it, but since I need to hurry, I shall let you all have quick deaths. Have a taste of this lighting, fuċkers, Raikiri!!"

I immediately dashed and pierced all mid-rage and tied Suna shinobi's heart consecutively. All their hearts were ripped off and had big holes in the ċhėsts. Killing them just took bȧrėly 1 minute.

Raikiri definitely is a powerful jutsu, indeed worthy of A-rank jutsu. I gotta thanks Kakashi if I meet him in the future.

Now I only have remaining taijutsu Suna shinobi to kill. With my 5 clones, stone fist jutsu, and mighty Wing Chun style, I managed knocked them out.

I suċkėd their chakra dry by Earth Style Barrier: Prison Dome before I punched them to death.

I decided it was time to go back to the village and steal Ringo's swords, Kiba. But just as I was heading to the village, I saw Biller (eagle) flying towards me with incredible speed.

"Genji, emergency!! Your students are in trouble. Your crazy stalker found your students!! She is currently battling no... she is toying with them right now. You need to go save now!"

"What? Tsunade already is near? That's faster than I predicted. And how the heck did she find Yahiko and others. I made sure they stay at the cave!!"

"I don't know. I was just scouting and accidentally saw them. Since I have zero attack power, I flew to you immediately."

"Shit, those troublesome kids! Change of plans!"

I created the earth clones and ordered them to fetch the Kiba while I rode on Biller and went on to save my students from that blondie zombie.

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