It has been 3 days since I captured Tonton and forced him to be my slave. I didn't feel bad as he was the one who scammed me first. He should have prepared for consequences when scamming me.

I visited Onoki to get permission to leave Iwagakure for a nice relaxing vacation outside the world. But in truth, I was going to Cat Mountain village with Tonton to fool Tsunade again.

"Going on vacation? You can still relax in the village plenty. Why bother going outside full of danger?"

"Old man! I just finished the S-rank mission and need some break. All of my close friends are either busy or on missions. My students will be in the hospital for months. There is literally no fun here in the village anymore.

Besides, I feel like you will give me a ton of missions even if I take a break in the Iwgakure. So I am going outside vacation no matter what."

"Tch, you selfish bastard, never think about dedicating to your village, do you? At least tell me where and when you will come back."

'not dedicating? I have contributed to Iwagakure most in my generation!'

"For now, I don't know where I will head, but I will send you my location from time to time. I will probably come back in 3-4 weeks later. If I don't come back by then, you can dispatch a search party or something."

"Anyone bring with you?"

"Nope, just me alone."

"Alright, I will permit you to go outside Iwagakure for vacation. But if you don't come back within next month, you better prepare for a shit ton of mission waiting for you."

"Yes, yes. It's enough for me."

Onoki knew I will never betray Iwagakure. He was quite proud of his Will of stone teaching. Since I was his Will of stone philosophy lecture student, he had this arrogance, which made him think I am immersed with this Will of stone.

I was sure this was the reason how Deidara escaped easily from Iwagakure and Onoki.

"Alright, see you next month, old man. Bye, bye."


Our first destination was Pig land, where holy pigs are living. Our reason was to bring the Tsunade's future pig, Tonton with us. We need that pig hog to bribe Shizune.

It took us around one week to get to the Pig land despite riding on Biller (eagle) continuously. Pig Land sure was far away.

I found the Tsunade's future pet Tonton was an orphan there. He or she or it lost his or her or its parents. To be honest, I didn't know which gender that hog is, and I didn't want to know.

Anyway, it was easy for us to bring him with us. Pigs elders that denied us first but just a bit of money, those fat pigs all became my pigs.

Then we straight went to Cat Mountain village where Tsunade was. I am sure she is still roped down by the village head there, following my order.

'So here was my plan: Alcohol, money, and hog. That was it.

First, Tonton (fat guy) COINCIDENTALLY meets Tsunade and gets along with her by playing poker. He will intentionally lose to her and leave a good impression.

Next step, when I perceive their relationship is close and positive, I will order the village head to make Tsunade drunk.

Then, Tonton will take advantage of this and fuc... I mean, ask for her recommendation letter to stay in Konoha.

If Tsunade hesitates a bit, then there comes the money. ChaChing* For the final push, he will present that hog to Tsunade. He or she or it can be her watchdog from debtors.'

Tonton(Fat ȧss) exactly did as my plan. And it worked. Tsunade immediately gave her a letter of recommendation after hearing Tonton (hog)'s ability.

I knew I was a genius. Tsunade was such an easy opponent for me.

This all took 3 weeks since I left the Iwagakure for the excuse of vacation. There I just let Tonton (Fat guy) head to Konoha by himself.

'He has the recommendation letter, so I am sure he would be safe from Anbu or Yamanaka's inspection. This was how much of Senju's authority had in Konoha.'

Before he goes on his spy journey, I gave him a spy eagle to pet and also as a transmitter between us. I knew he won't betray me to Konoha because he knew Konoha was fuċkėd up place for spies and criminals.

I spent the remaining one-week enjoying nature and practicing Lightning armor jutsu. It was quite inconvenient to hide my Lightning armor jutsu training in Iwagakure. They might speculate that I could be related to Kumo.

When I came back to Iwagakure, Tonton (Fat guy) sent me a report that he successfully infiltrated to Konoha. He met Hiruzen, who confirmed Tsunade's vouching letter.

He reported that he changed his name to Tuntun as Tsunade messed up his name while writing her recommendation letter because she was drunk at that time. Typical Tsunade.

I ordered Tuntun to just stay low for now, and he didn't have to send the monthly report to me for the first year in Konoha. Although I had to give him 100k ryo every month, it was worth it.

Besides, I am rich due to System's quests.


(2 years later... Boom!!!!!)


"Ahem, Genji. You are being rude to Tsuchikage-sama."

"Oh, I am sorry, Shuji. But I don't see why I should be polite to the deluded old man who is sending me to death!!"

"Genji, you brat. Just because you are an S-rank ninja now doesn't mean you have the right to yell at me, the Tsuchikage!!

You are supposed to be a role-model for Iwa shinobi, but how can you be afraid of death? Besides, I am not even sending you to death."

"Oh, you know full well how much I am hated in Konoha. And you are sending me there for the next Chunin exam! HOW IS THIS NOT EQUAL TO SEND ME TO DEATH??"

"Well, I mean, your students are almost 15 and still Genins. I thought it was the perfect time for them to be Chunin. As their jounin sensei, it's your responsibility to accompany them."

"Old man, how can you be so shameless!! If it wasn't for your relentless forced disapprovals until now, my students should be already Chunin last year.

You have deliberately led them to join the Chunin exam. How dirty can you be?"

"Listen, Genji! You should also know the current situation between each great village is not very good, especially Iwa and Konoha."

'Yea, mostly because of you. You locked down every Konoha's emissaries.'

"Konoha is getting a bit arrogant for now. That's why I decided to humiliate them during the Chunin exam by destroying their Genin team. That's why I delayed your student's promotion. They are the bright stars for Iwa. I gotta say you really raised them strong."

'All of because of your damn ego, you are sending me and my dear students to hell?'

"Still no way I am going, old man. Tsunade will still try to kill me. You know she doesn't give a shit about the rule."

"Genji, you are S-rank and pride of Iwa. You also beat her 2 years ago, so why afraid? Also, are you just gonna tell your students that you won't go with them cause you are a coward?"

I knew Onoki was adopting a phycology strategy on my pride, and I hate to admit that it's working on me well.

"Also, Genji. You will be in overall charge of shinobi sending to Chunin exam. Shuji will be the vice commander."

"Why me? It is such a pain in the ȧss!"

"Because you are the only S-rank shinobi in delegates. Also, your eagles are useful to run away in case of emergency.

Honestly, I still have no idea how the hell you passed their test!!" Onoki asked.

"Yes, Genji. I took the eagles' test, but it was complete nonsense. I am starting to question your sanity since then." Shuji also asked.

"Shut up. You all just don't get the deep meaning behind its test."

"Alright, you two shut up!!

Anyway, Genji, you have to go to Konoha's Chunin exam as Iwa's head of delegates. This is an order!! You can't refuse me. Dismiss!!"

Onoki gestured his hands, telling us to get lost. Shuji and I went out of his office with frowning faces.

After some time, I started to complain to Shuji.

"Did you see that old stingy shorty man? He appointed me as head of delegates, and he didn't even tell me who is going to be Iwa's Chunin exam squad!! That old man sure went senile!!"

"Haha, calm down. Calm down, Genji. It's not like you to blow up. How about we grab dinner or something?"

"Yea, you are right. I just hope my students will be safe in the Chunin exam."

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