
(1 week ago)

In Konoha's conference room...

"Iwagakure finally sent us the list of their shinobi coming for Chunin Exam," Hiruzen spoke to elders and clan leaders in the conference.

"So that confirmes all Great shinobi villages, exclude Kiri, sent their shinobi to Chunin exam, huh?"

"So they finally sent the list to us now? Hmph, paranoid idiots."

"How many of them are coming, Hokage-sama?"

"Is there anyone we should be careful of?"

"When will they arrive here, Hokage-sama?"

"Everyone, calm down a bit. I will let my secretary report." Hiruzen spoke.

Hiruzen's secretary stepped up to the conference and started reporting.

"According to Iwa, they sent 22 shinobi total, including 4 Genin teams, 2 Iryo shinobi, 1 Sensor, 2 Chunin, and 5 Jounins.

Here is our Bingo book intel on them.

Genji is an S-rank shinobi (promoted one year ago). He is known as an Eagle-Lightning Bomber and one of the top genius ever seen in Iwagakure.

He is excelled in Earth release, Lightning release, and Explosion release. It is confirmed as he mastered and created several powerful ninjutsu such as Rasengan, Earth bloody spikes. In Taijutsu, he is one of the best swordsmen in Iwagakure, creating his own style at an early age.

His Genjutsu, Iryojutsu abilities are unknown. But we suspect he has decent skill in Iryojutsu due to his mother's influence, who is ex-head of Iwa General hospital.

He contributed heavily to Iwa's escape on the final battle in the Last Great ninja war. He is mainly responsible for Dan and Nawaki Senju's death. He has fought several powerful A-rank Shinobi and came out victorious.

2 years ago, he and Tsunade-Hime (princess) had a direct clash. During the battle, Tsunade-Hime confirmed that she went all out. She even used the Strength of Hundred-seal and her Summoning animal.

Despite all of her effort, she only dealt a bit of damage to him and ended in a draw as Tsunade-Hime retreated to find her student, Shizune. We ȧssume that he has become much stronger now.

On to the next one is Shuji. He is A-rank Iwa shinobi, whose specialty is Taijutsu. His primary weapons are Knucklers. He is also excellent in Earth release, Water release, and Wind release. We have confirmed that he is a bit weak in Genjutsu. We have no info about his Iryo skills.

He has a deep hatred for Konoha as his father Masashi is killed by our Hatake clan head Sakumo Hatake in the Last Great Ninja war. We ȧssume this was a trigger for his frightening power raise.

He killed several A-rank such as ......."

Hiruzen's secretary continued to report about other remaining Iwa shinobi's intel to the members of the conference. None of them made any noise and quietly listened to the secretary with grim faces.

After the secretary finished his report, Hiruzen looked around to ask for their opinions on Iwa's motive.

"Well, their motive should be the same as other Great Shinobi villages. Iwa wants to show their superiority and their powerful talents to wealthy nations and merchants. I think this is why Onoki sent Genji, a young-powerful S-rank youth, as head of the delegate." Nara clan head gave his view.

"Tsk! I can't believe another monster is coming to our village. I don't like this at all. We already have our hands full to deal with two S-rank shinobi, and now there comes another one.

Rasa from Suna, A from Kumo, and now Genji from Iwa!!

Letting these 3 S-rank enemies to our Konoha is too dangerous, Hokage-sama."

"This is why I warned you not to invite other villages, Hokage-sama! Because of your foolish peace ideology, you let Konoha in danger!" Danzo spoke his mind.

Although Danzo was rude to Hiruzen, nobody said anything to him as he was correct. They never let 3 S-rank enemies into Konoha before. This was the first time ever.

"Enough with blaming. We can't turn back now. Shall we discuss who to keep watch on Iwa delegates?" Homura spoke.

"Since they have S-rank, we need the same S-rank shinobi to keep an eye on them. How about Orochimaru-sama?" monitor

"No, he is tasked to monitor Suna delegate, especially Rasa. Forcing him to watch on Iwa shinobi is too much." Hiruzen's secretary told.

"Then how about Jiraiya-sama?"

"Jiraiya-sama is currently not in Konoha. He should probably arrive in 2 days later to watch the Kumo delegates. So he is also not available."

They didn't even think about suggesting Tsunade. They were not an idiot and knew all too well what kind of consequences it will be if Tsunade hosted Iwa delegate.

"Danzo, how about you do your old friend here a favor and watch on Iwa shinobi?" Hiruzen asked Danzo.

"Heck no. I am not here to clean your mess. Also, I don't want to entertain some young brats." Danzo quickly refused.

He had his own problem with creating Root. There was no way he would waste his valuable time on such things.

Since Danzo refused, all members turned their eyes on another S-rank shinobi participating in the conference.

"Well, that leaves... Sakumo-san, can you do it?"

"If it is your order, I won't mind keep an eye on them, Hokage-sama." Sakumo accepted politely.

Seeing this, Hiruzen gave out a breath of relief and glad that he had Sakumo on his side.

"Alright, with this, Sakumo will monitor Iwa shinobi. I will end the meeting now. Any last question before the end?" Hiruzen asked one last time.

"Well, Hokage-sama. Since Suna, Kumo, and Iwa all sent shinobi, is there any chance Kiri will also send their shinobi?" one of the members asked.

"I don't know, but I doubt a secretive village, like Kiri will send someone. I will gather you all if Kiri does send people for the Chunin exam later.

Also, I know that I don't need to mention this, but don't inform Tsunade about Genji or Iwa delegate! You all know what will happen next then, so I am not going to say any further. Dismiss!!"

With Hiruzen's word, everyone started to leave.



Sakumo Hatake was guiding me and the delegate to our hotel and show around Konoha.

Although Konoha citizens didn't react much when seeing us, Konoha Shinobi acted complete shit opposite to their citizens.

They openly glared at us with eyes of caution. Some spit their saliva out while another even grabbed Kunai pocket for battle.

'What a bunch of idiots. Do they think we will really attack them or what? It really feels uncomfortable to be stared at by old ȧss men. I want girls to look at me, not your idiot males!'

"Man, these people sure staring at us a lot. Can you do something about this, Konoha shinobi-san? I feel like they are violating me." Yahiko didn't hold back and straight up confessed his discomfort.

Soon everyone looked at Yahiko as he has some screw in his head. 'Did he even know about what the word 'violating' is' was what they had in mind.

Unlike other innocent kids, Yahiko is mȧturė a lot in a sėxuȧŀ way due to the Hentai world.

Sakumo just laughed at Yahiko and apologized to him for the inconvenience. He just told surrounding Konoha shinobi to quit staring politely.

'Wow, what a polite tone from S-rank shinobi. If it were me, I would have shouted to mind their own shit. Such a huge difference.'

It didn't take long for us to reach our hotel.

"Here is your hotel. By the way, other villages of shinobi are also staying here. So please don't cause any trouble or ruckus fighting them.

First, unpack your belongings. Then I will give you a quick tour of Konoha. After that, you guys can do whatever you want." Sakumo told us the schedule for today.

"Alright. Thank you, Hatake-san." I replied Sakumo.

Then I ordered everyone to go to their own room and unpack their belongings for 10 minutes.

My room was on the highest floor, which was the third. And I was the only one to reside on the third floor, which was a bit weird.

'Are they trying to separate me and delegate? But for what?'

When I go up, there were only 5 rooms on the third floor. On the first and second floors, I saw a shit ton of rooms. But to have only 5 rooms on the third floor got me curious.

Suddenly I heard my 2 neighbor rooms open simultaneously.

"What the fuċk is this!!!"

I was too shocked by my neighbors and accidentally said it out loud. It was Rasa and A from Kumo. These two future Kage monsters were my hotel neighbors.

Hearing me, they also looked around and were visibly shocked to see me, especially Rasa. 3 S-rank shinobi from different villages all staying next to each other's room.

'God damn it. I see what those Konoha fuċkers are trying to do. They want us to be wary of each other and stay low. Also, by grouping us together, it is easy to keep track of us.

But I really didn't expect A and Rasa to be here for the Chunin exam. Oh man, I can already feel troubles are coming to me. What a pain in the ȧss.'


(Somewhere over the rainbow)

"Oh shit, I am late, I am late, I am late!! The old man will lecture me a lot when I come back. But it is worth it as I took 3 days more for my research. Heheheh." Jiraiya was on his way to Konoha.

But Jiraiya stopped his movement and went to a nearby town to have a delicious meal.

He entered the shop and then immediately captivated by the beauty of the waitress. Just as he was about to ask her something, he heard someone calling his name.

"Hey, Jiraiya. Long time no see. What are you doing here?"

Jiraiya turned around and was surprised that it was Tsunade who called him. He immediately went to sit at her table.

"Yoh, Tsunade-Hime. I also didn't expect to see you here. I was on my way to Konoha and stopped here for the meal."

"Konoha? So you are finally ended your journey?"

"No, the old man contacted me for help. For the upcoming Chunin exam, other Great Ninja villages sent S-rank shinobi as head delegates. He asked me to come to Konoha and keep an eye on the Kumo delegate.

How about it, Tsunade-Hime? Do you want to come with me? It's been a long time since we left Konoha, and it should be refreshing to watch the Chunin exam."

Jiraiya asked as he didn't know Genji was there in Konoha.

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