I  WAS surrounded by a swarm of goblins. There were about 50 of them in total. If I were to tell you that I was surrounded by 50 ordinary adult males with no particular combat training, would you be able to clearly understand the level of threat?

"This could possibly be the   problem for me "

To be honest, dealing with this many people is going to be a pain in the ass. I'm confident in my magical abilities, so I'm sure that if I focus on firepower, I won't be overwhelmed, but that will make it difficult to secure the parts to prove my defeat. The reward for defeating the goblin was 4000 ells. The reward for defeating the goblins is 4,000 ells, 5,000 ells if you include the magic stones, and 250,000 ells is hard to pass up.

"At any rate, I need to reduce the power of the 'shock bullets ' a bit."

It was the size of a hard baseball that exploded the head. It's a good idea to use a ping pong ball,......, or even a smaller pistol bullet - a 9mm Parabellum bullet would be sufficient. 9mm is about the diameter of your index finger. I'm not sure if it's a good idea, but I think it's a good idea. It's a finger gun.

It's a minimal impact bullet the size of a handgun bullet. ...... I think I'll name  it "Dillinger".

While I was thinking of a new name, the goblins were getting closer and closer. It's about time they came into view.

Even so, the goblins are stupid enough to attack a single person - even an infant - in a pack of 50. They don't seem to understand the concept of efficiency. Even if they did kill me, how would they divide the 50 goblins? If I weighed less than 20 kilos and was split into 50 pieces, each piece of meat would only be worth a small share. ......


"Gah! "Gaaaah!"

"Gee!" "Gee!"


The goblins, with their prey in front of them, are shouting their  victory roar . They have not even killed  me yet. This is exactly what it means to be a raccoon without a raccoon.

I was thinking about goblin rewards, so I'm not in a position to talk about ...... goblins either.

I'm not going to hold back on my attacks.

The "Dillinger," a 9mm mini-impact bullet from my finger, was sucked into the head of the goblin that was running ahead at subsonic speed.

"Gosh ......"

The goblin let out a momentary squeal that could not be called a scream, and with a thud, collapsed . The left eye area and the side of the head were blown off, but this time the right ear seemed to be intact.

"Okay, this  worked out 

I had gained confidence in the Dillinger, and started firing in rapid succession, starting with the nearest one.


"Geez, ......"


One after another, the goblins fall down. The goblins are still more than 30 meters away, but I've already killed nearly ten of them.



The distance between us is now less than 10 meters. But there are still about 30 goblins left. To be honest, I don't want to have to deal with them in close combat.


I want to  kill them all at once somehow. How do I get rid of them  ......?

The next moment, a flash of inspiration landed in my head. I'll be able to kill a bunch of goblins at once with this. I don't know if I can do it, but I'll have to try .......

I imagined activating "Sonar" and "Dillinger" in that order and linking them together.

First, capture the enemy with the sonar. At the same time, I imagine the bullets of the "Derringer" heading towards the captured enemy. ......

I call it .......

"The Absolute Killing Zone"!

From my fingertips,  that i held in the shape of a pistol, more than ten small "impact bullets" are fired every second, just like a machine gun. The semi-energetic bullets, which have no substance, fly at subsonic speeds toward the heads of the goblins without missing even once.


A cloud of dust billowed into the area. The ugly cries of the goblins are no longer heard.

"...... new technique, success."

This is a one-on-many special move that wipes out all enemies within range. Apparently, it worked.

This was my first day as an adventurer. It was a debut that suggested that my life as an adventurer would be full of vicissitudes, but I felt that it wasn't too bad.


"Ahhhh, I'm so tired... ......"

I'm on my way back to the territorial capital of Heidburg with a cart in tow. In the back of the cart were a large number of ears, magic stones, and some horned rabbits.

Horned rabbits are good. The meat itself can be used as material, so as long as you drain the blood, you don't have to dismantle it, and it's easy to kill.

But goblins. You guys are no good. No matter how much 250,000 ells  i get, if  ikeep plunging  my   hands into the hearts of 50 corpses that look like humans and digging out the magic stones,  i wil go crazy.

I don't even want to think about how many lives I've messed with and corpses I've desecrated in one day. They're not bad, but they're psychotic demons. That's what goblins are, I reconfirmed.


"Oh, you're kidding. ......"

"Hey, look at that. That kid it's  can't be ......."

"Wow, you killed that many goblins? I can't believe it.""

I entered the city of Heitburg through the west gate and was now showing the contents of the cart to the guild staff at the warehouse and dismantling area attached to the nearby adventurer's guild.

The stares around me were incredible. It seems that almost everyone here is paying attention to me.

It's not that there aren't parties of adventurers active in the frontier city of Heitburg who have taken down goblin hordes, but the theory is that goblins should be hunted in units of several. A six-year-old kid did that on his first day as a registered adventurer, so it was only natural that  i would be the center of attention.

"Did you kill all these,  goblins ?

"Yeah. I was too lazy to get the magic stones."

"I'm sure you did. ............ ...... Wait a minute, I'll assess it now.

"Thank you."

The old guild employee checked the materials with a tired look on his face. It's a great way to make sure you're getting the most out of your money.

"I'm sure you'll be able to find something that works for you.

"Roughly 270,000. That's a month's salary.

"No, that's more than a month's salary. You're going to be a big shot, kid."


That's almost 400,000 yen in Japanese yen. Adventurers are the best!


After that, I signed up for a parking lot for carts and wagons exclusively for adventurers, parked my cart there (locked, of course), and was walking home with two horned rabbits in my leather bag. I'll have them serve a dish with this meat for a meal tomorrow or the day after.

Come to think of it, it's about time for the green boa meat to mature. Maybe they'll serve it for dinner today.

I've never had green boa before, so I'm looking forward to it. I wonder if it tastes like pork.

Still, it's amazing how some demons taste so good and others so bad. I wonder what determines the taste. Magic power? Or is it their eating habits?

The mystery of demons only deepens.

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