"This is ......!"

The countless tunnels and piles of metal ingots in front of me left me in awe. The pile of silvery metal ingots alone must have been the size of a four-ton truck. The rainbow-colored ingot in the center of the pile was probably as big as a child. Clearly, it's out of the ordinary.

"It's a definite discovery  of the century. ......"

While keeping an eye on my surroundings, I approached the pile of ingots and observed them from a close distance. When I picked up the silver ingot, it was very heavy and did not feel like a fake at all.

"I have to report this as soon as possible. I'll just take one with me as proof."

The rainbow-colored one didn't seem heavy enough  si take it  as proof , so I put the silver one I had just picked up into my leather bag and turned back. It was a shame that I had gotten so rich, but I didn't have an endless box of items like in novels and games. I felt a twinge of regret, but there was nothing I could do about it. When ] people get greedy,  they usually fail.

I closed the heavy metal door and ran up the stairs at a speed many times faster than when I came in while using [Shock]. After a few minutes of running, I finally arrived at the room I came from. I left the lantern ruins and ran off into the forest, this time with my "body enhancement" and "shock" on full blast.

I dove through the dense trees, jumping from branch to branch as I ran through the forest. I hadn't thought that my old training in the mountains would come in handy in a place like this.

"Oh, that's the snake from earlier.>

In order to avoid unnecessary battles, I had also activated my sonar, and at the end of my perception, the reaction of the giant snake that had been there when I arrived appeared. It seems to have eaten its prey earlier and is still curled up and asleep.

"It;s so carefree."

I was a little annoyed that it was relaxing while I was in such a hurry, so I kneaded a little magic power, put it on my sonar, and released it toward the snake in the distance.

"Oh, it fell."

The snake, perhaps startled by the suddenness of the attack, jumped up and fell from the branch where it had been resting. The way it jumped up from its coiled position was like a spring toy.

"Hahaha, yeah.:

After relieving myself of a little stress, I ran out of the forest. It was not yet evening, but the late afternoon sun was dazzling.

"Ah, the cart ......."

There was a cart nearby that had been left at the entrance to the forest.  I had left it at the entrance of the forest because  I could not drive it into the forest.

"I'm in a hurry right now. . I'll come back and leave it there until then. ......"

It's a pity, but it can't be helped.  No one would bother to come to such an underpopulated area to steal something.

After that, it took me about 20 minutes to get back to Heitburg. There were no obstacles, and it was just a straight shot, so I got there very quickly.


As soon as I got back to Heitburg, I didn't take any detours and headed straight for the guild. When I opened the door to the guild and entered the building, the guild was crowded with adventurers who had completed their requests.

I weaved my way through the adventurers to the reception desk.

" What's wrong?"

Perhaps because I came back too early, the receptionist came to see if there was a problem.

"I have something important to tell you about the Lantern Ruins. I'd like to talk to you in a private room or with the guild master if possible."

"Important? ...... Okay. I can't just take the  you to Guildmaster, so I'll ask him in the back room first."


"Sorry, it's a rule," said the receptionist, leading me to the back room. 

"So, what's the matter?"

If I were an ordinary six-year-old, the conversation would not have gone so smoothly. I was grateful for my aristocratic status at times like this.

"Actually, I've already been to the Lantern Ruins, but I found something amazing there.

"Oh, you've already been there and back? Did you use a horse?"

Well, it's not impossible with a horse, is it? That's what most people would think. In fact, the Fahrenheit family has a few fast horses.

"No, it's not like that, but it's true that I went and came back. Well, I figured that's the way to go."

"Okay, "

I'll tell   her about my unique magic another time. I'm sure  she will be able to understand if I explain it to    her at the time when  i will  be tested for promotion to the next rank.

"So, the great discovery is this."

I took out a silver ingot from the leather bag I was carrying and placed it on the desk.

"......Could this be ...... mithril?!"

Mithril ....... It's not just silver or aluminum, it's silver with a strange luster. I'm not sure wha to make of it.

I took out a mithril key tag with my family crest from my pocket and compared it to the shine of the ingot.

"Yeah, it definitely looks like mithril."

"Hal, can I take this to the guild? I want to make sure it's real alright ?.


"Thank you, I'll be right back, have a cup of tea and wait for me!"

As soon as she said that, the receptionist ran to the back of the guild with a silver lump that seemed to be mithril.

Well, I guess I'm going to be bored for  while. In order to pass the time, I'm going to do some meditation to amplify my magic power, which I've been slacking on lately.



"Sorry to keep you waiting."

"Welcome back."

By the time  she came back, I had a slight increase in magic power.

Well, joking aside.

"So, how did it go?"

"I've only done a quick appraisal, but I'm pretty sure it's real mithril. ...... You found that in the Lantern Ruins, didn't you?

"Yes, I did. Well, to be precise, in a huge, supposedly undiscovered crypt beneath the Lantern Ruins."

"Undiscovered areas of ancient ruins. ...... Hal, this is amazing. This is the discovery of the century. It could go down in the history books."

The receptionist told me with a serious face, no joke. It's not as if she was talking about herself.

"The greatness is yet to come. Actually, that ingot is only one of many. I think there were roughly a thousand times as many in the Lantern Ruins.

"A thousand times!"

"Also, there was a rainbow-colored ingot in the center, do you know what it is?"

The receptionist was troubled to hear the word "rainbow".

"I don't know. ...... Either way, this is way out of my area . I'll take you to the guild master, and we can go over it again.


So I was told, and I was ave  to meet with  the guild master.


"It's probably an orichalcum."

In the Guildmaster's room on the second floor of the Adventurer's Guild, me, the receptionist, and the Guildmaster (a strange-looking woman) talked. 

"Orihalcon is ......, the legendary one!"

The receptionist was astonished at what the guildmaster had said.

"Yes, I'm sure of it. As far as I know, orichalcone is the only metal that glitters in rainbow colors. There was also a mountain of mithril, so I think it's highly plausible. I'm not sure how you found it, but I'm glad you did. ...... Mr. Eberhard."

Guilmaz spoke to me. Despite the fact that it happened so much, I'm the one who brought the story to you, the six-year-old. He seemed to be quite taken aback by the out-of-the-ordinary development.

"I felt something strange on the floor of the ruins, so I checked with 'sonar' and found it."

"It's amazing that you can use sonar at your age, and  it's also amazing that you noticed it."

"Sonar" is a C-rank non-attribute magic, right? There aren't that many adventurers who can use it, are there?"

The receptionist's eyes on me changed to those of a child prodigy.

"Well, even I didn't learn 'sonar' until I was 15.

"You're  bteer than Gilmas?

"Yes. Well, it doesn't matter  to me. The Lantern Ruins are more important  right now

The receptionist told me that when she was young (and he still looks pretty young), Gilmas was famous around the Haightburg area as an A-rank adventurer. The receptionist secretly told me about it.

I wonder if there's a law in this world that says beautiful women are strong.

Well, that's beside the point.

"What's going to happen to this ingot?

I asked implicitly, "As the first discoverer, can I claim ownership of the ingot? Gilmas smiled slightly at me and said gently;

"Don't worry. As the finder, you will have 50% ownership.

"Fifty percent?"

"Yes. Normally it is 100%, but this time the situation is a little different. You went to the Lantern Ruins on a research mission, right? Since the purpose of the  mission was to investigate, we can't afford not to give the client any of the results of  it . I'm sure you were paid well for that, so it's a good  deal ".

"What about the ownership of the Lantern Ruins? Ownership, or rather jurisdiction, is fine.

"Ownership? I don't know who owns those ruins, ....... I thought it was under the jurisdiction of a research institute under the direct control of the imperial government.

It's a little unclear. If you don't make this kind of information clear, before you know it, it could be illegally occupied by a shady merchant or individual and they could claim ownership. Humans have a strange habit of flocking to places that smell of money.

"If the ownership of the Lantern Ruins is unclear, I would like the Adventurer's Guild to hurry up and recommend to the territorial government or the country that the Lantern Ruins be officially owned by the public, and to temporarily blockade the area until it is owned by the public.  I am  request it  not as a adventurer, but as the next head of the Farenheit family.

Even though the Fahrenheit family is behind this, the Adventurers Guild and the Frontier Counts are two separate organizations. There is no hierarchy between them. So, of course, we can't issue orders with compelling force, but that doesn't mean we can ignore the requests of either side lightly. In order to maintain a mutually beneficial relationship, it is important to cooperate with each other.

"You're right.  I'll send a few trustworthy adventurers and guild staff to the ruins as soon as possible. Leave the requesting to me. I'll also contact the headquarters of the Adventurer's Guild in the Imperial City.

"I'll ask my dad for help too."

"Hmm, you're very convincing, Eberhard. Isn't that a bit unfair?"


I'm simply saying that it's easier to talk to someone when their father is the head of the territorial government. I have to use  my connections.

"I can't wait to see what the future holds for you."

Gilmas muttered with a bitter smile. I felt somewhat sorry for the receptionist who had been left behind.

um.. sorry for mess with chapter 28 , sorry added  chapter double and n the second time  press  number  instead of 7 so ..  by the way how to make updates auto instead of manual ?

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