"What? Kidnapping?"

"Yeah. , I don't know details , but from what I hear, that's what  is it 

"Boy, you're sure about that, aren't you? You don't want to mess with the adults."

"Yeah,  iI am sure ."

We took the girl to the patrol station, but they didn't trust us much because we were kids. I had no choice but to take out the key tag with the family crest from  mu pocket and invoke  my nobleman's authority.

"Do you  know this crest?"

"I beg your pardon!"

"That's all I need to know. And if you take good care of her, I'll let you off the hook for your rudeness."

"Yes, sir. ...... Hey, Marco. Marco, take Eric and go find the child's parents!"

"Roger that, captain.'

I'm going to go around the perimeter, see if I can find the parents of this kid.

"Wait, John.  I need the kid's name and parent's name first.

"Oh , right"

Apparently, they take their job seriously. I'm sure  thry has a high level of professionalism as  they belongs to the patrol unit.

"And so, young master. Where did you find this girl?"

The captain of the patrol squad, in contrast to the previous one, politely asked me about the situation. Before I knew it, I was being served tea, and Mei was sitting next to me, crunching on some sweets. I don't know what to say, but he's a thick-skinned guy.

"There's a warehouse district, right? I think it's Warehouse No. 4 there. It was in the opposite direction of the blacksmith town, so I'm pretty sure it was around there."

"I see. Then the residential area is close by, isn't it? I don't think they would charge a ransom to a civilian, so maybe it was an illegal slave hunt?"

"Wasn't that kind of thing swept away by the previous control order?"

In the Imperial Kingdom, there are only three types of slaves: criminal slaves, war slaves, and debt slaves. And only the emperor and the court can reduce a person to the status of a slave. All other slaves are illegal slaves.

A year or so ago, in order to save the innocent people who had been enslaved, a nationwide announcement was issued and all illegal slaves were supposed to be freed. It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're doing.

"It was supposed to be so. "Underground organizations are everywhere. Even if it's impossible in Japan, if you sell it overseas, you won't get caught .... Maybe the old one is gone and there is a chance. It may have come from somewhere else just for the chance, aiming at the place. "

"It's a real nuisance and it's causing a lot of damage, so make sure you're not in areas that are unattended, including at night."

"We'll do our best, but we don't have enough staff.

"Do you think we should set up a temporary budget and hire adventurers?"

"That would put the criminals on alert. I'm sure the patrolmen will find out when we let this girl go, so I'm sure the enemy will already be on high alert."

"I'm sure the enemy is already on alert. It's a nasty ......."

"The only thing that the patrolmen can do is to tighten up the screening process in and out of the city."

"That's right. That's what I want you to do. I'll talk to my father about it."

"Thank you."

While I was talking to the captain of the police station, John, who had been out on a field trip, came back with a woman.

"I found someone who I think might be the parent of this child."



The girl, who was called Annie, jumped to her mother and started crying. The mother hugs Annie and cries too.

"I'm so glad."

"Yes, me too ."

It's still good that it ended well this time, but that doesn't mean it will happen every time. I'm sure there have been similar incidents in the past that just didn't come to light. In order to prevent such tragedies from happening, the emperor issued a decree banning illegal slavery. I'm not going to allow anyone to cause this kind of misfortune as the son of the lord of this city.

"I have to think of something to do."

"You mean a way to find criminals?

"That's one thing, but the most important thing is deterrence. We need to retaliate thoroughly so that they can never do that in this city again."

If we show that those who make enemies with me will be thoroughly crushed, at least those who misbehave in this town will voluntarily disappear somewhere. I'm sure they're all willing to die for it.

However, in order to retaliate, we need to find them first, so Mei  has a point. The young man I saw in the warehouse district was too far away for me to get a good look at him, and it would be difficult for me to find him on my own. I had no choice but to mobilize patrolmen and territorial troops to search for him.

"It's been a pain in the ass."

In addition to sonar, there are other spells that can be used to search for enemies, such as eavesdropping and telescopic vision. "I'm not sure if this is a good idea or not, but I think it's a good idea.

I was determined to start training as soon as I got back.


"I've heard about you. You've done well. Thank you for your help. As a lord, I thank you."

"Well, I'm will  the next lord, too. I'm not a stranger to this."

"I knew you would say that. Eberhard, I'm proud of you."

"Ahh, that's embarrassing."

"That's just like you."

Father  looks at me with a frown, but there's nothing cute about the frowning eyes of a mature man. To be honest, I wish he would stop.

"You're amazing, HaL. Your mother will  praise you.

"Thank you."

"That's great,  . I'm going to teach you magic as a reward.

"Seriously? That's great. What are you going to teach me?"

"Hmm, how about healing magic?"


"Hal is not good with anything that doesn't have an attribute, so it will be non-attribute recovery magic."

There are many different types of recovery magic. The most popular is the non-attribute, followed by the light attribute. After that comes water, earth, and finally fire and wind. The life attribute is rare, so it is not a major player in the mainstream. This is because the life attribute is a special attribute that only those with an aptitude for the two attributes of water and earth can use as their own magic. There are only a few high-ranking priests who can use the life attribute.

And to top it all off, my mother, Theresa, was an A+ ranked life attribute mage, a "fresh green saint. My dad is an S-ranked mage ...... or maybe a warrior? 

If my father is a master of the Northern Shogunate Bushinryu, my mother is a master of magic. I've been reading "The Complete Book of Magic" and doing a lot of self-discipline, but I still don't think I could have mastered magic at the age of six without the detailed control and handling of magic power that my mom taught me in between training sessions with my dad. I owe a lot to my mom.

"Recovery magic... ......"

I still can't use recovery magic. I've been trying to learn it, but I just don't know where to start, so I've been neglecting it.

--If you can't heal an injury, why not just not get one?

Fortunately, I was able to use [Shock], a half-cheat-like unique magic, so when I was about to get injured, I would release a reverse-phase shockwave to cushion the impact, or use it to quickly evade, and so far I've lived without any serious injuries.

However, there is no guarantee that  I won't be injured in the future if  i  taken by surprise, and the lack of a means of recovery is still a disadvantage. Aegis ships are designed on the premise that they will not be shot at, but if their armor is paper even if they are not shot at, when they are shot at, they can only sink. But if the armor is paper, the ship will sink if it is hit. The ship must be heavily armored like a battleship, yet highly maneuverable and skilled in evasion and recovery.

I was determined to protect my territory from the creeping demons by learning to "heal" as well as "eavesdrop" and "telescopic vision".

note . I am dropping that series

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