My head is not very tall yet, so I explore the house, while being be careful not to fall down. The corridors seem to be made of marble, but  it's not cold because of the expensive red carpet. I'm also thankful that the season is spring. Even though it was a nobleman's mansion, the  it would probably be cold in winter.

Unlike Japanese houses, aristocratic mansions have similar scenery that goes on and on, even though it is inside the house. There are ten or twenty doors of the same shape and color lined up in a row, and I'm sure I'll get lost in my own house soon.

My room is on the first floor, with the morning sun shining in, on the far left when viewed from the north. From  here, there are about a dozen rooms to the right, and then you come to a lobby-like area. At the top of the lobby, there is a magnificent staircase that you often see in Western movies, leading up to the second floor, with a large door in between, and on the other side is a dining room and hall where small parties can be held.

The stairs are still dangerous, so i can't go upstairs. So  i continued search on the first floor.

After passing through the lobby, = i came to a row of rooms on the right side of the building, each the size of an elementary school classroom. At the very front is the small dining room, where our family usually eats meals. This room is only used by our family, and the servants use the servants' dining room in the servants' hall.  It seems that the welfare of our family is perfect.

Next to the dining room was the parlor. I don't usually have  access to this room. I heard that my father often used this room to talk with envoys from the imperial capital, merchants, and nobles from other domains, but I'm not ready yet. After all, I was only two years old.

Next to the parlor is the guest room. It seems that the guests stay in the room here. I've never been in this room either.

Next was the bathroom. woa  hot spring in this house!

Well, when I say "hot spring," it's not a natural hot spring, but just water boiled with magic tools. However, I like it very much because it has the atmosphere of a stylish public bath from my previous life. Since I'm still a child, I often take a bath with my family, and I've already learned the joy of soaking in hot water like an old man from Edo. Seeing my sister splashing me with hot water, my father said, "Eberhard looks strangely old," and I was a little nervous that my reincarnation would be discovered.

That aside, it was time for the next room. From here on,  i entering a zone i don't know yet. Because all the rooms necessary for daily life are located in this area, i don't have many opportunities to enter beyond this point. It would be nice if there was a hidden room that led to the basement, like  in nobleman's mansion. ...... I paced down the dimly lit corridor, thinking about it.

"Master Hal?'


A shiver went down my spine. Even though it was my own house, I didn't know it all that well yet, and it was dimly lit. It was a dimly lit place, and I was feeling a bit creepy when this sudden call came. He was only two years old and was about to die of a heart attack.

"What's wrong?"

"What's ......, is that you? Don't scare me. ......"

That's the second time I've said that, but   don't let the slowness fool you. I'm only two years old.

"I'm sorry, too. I didn't mean to scare you."

"Oh, well, that's all right."

This servant ......, or maid, is called Alisa. When I shouted "shock !" in my room to test the effect of the [Shock], she  who was actually secretly cleaning the room i

There are many servants in this mansion. They are divided into various parts  of  this vast mansion and grounds. Among them, Alisa belongs to the butler and maidservant duty . In short, she is the caretaker of our family. And Alisa is my personal maid, the one who takes care of me and the rest of the family.

What are you doing here,  master Hal?"

"I want to read a book.

"There  a study , it's on the second floor."

"Really? Every step of the stairs is too big for a two-year-old."

You mustn't go upstairs by yourself because it's dangerous. I'll make a special effort to take you upstairs this time."

"Thank you."

No, its fine "

Alisa picks me up and carries me in her arms. I felt happy as I was hugged by her ample chest. This is the privilege of being a child. Geehee.

We  climbed up the stairs and after going through about three rooms, I found a rather spacious and splendid room.

. "This is the study, and there are materials that have been passed down from generation to generation in the Fahrenheit family, so it's already  like  small museum."


Indeed, the study was quite large for a such kind of room . The library was as large as an elementary school library. As Arisa held me in her arms, I gazed at the pile of books, which seemed to number in the tens of thousands, and asked her;

"Do  we have any books on magic?

"On magic? Yes, wr have them .

I see. In this world, magic is called witchcraft. Even in fantasy manga, whether it's magic or sorcery depends on the world you're reincarnated in. You can't tell which is more mainstream until you've been reincarnated.

With me in her arms, Arisa walked over to the shelf that located   opposite the window. She showed me a bookshelf with several books as thick as a dictionary.

This whole shelf is dedicated to magic. Which book would you like to read first?

" the first one "

Then let's start with the basics.

ALisa then picked up a book called "The Complete Book of Magic, for beginners Edition". The book was bound in a fine leather binding, giving it a sense of dignity.

She set  me  down on the desk and chair provided in the study,  I took the book from her, and opened  it . The next moment, I was shocked and froze.

"I can't read ........................."

That's right. After all, I'm a two-year-old. Of course, my parents and tutor hadn't taught me to read. It's normal to learn such things when you're a little older.

"Alisa, please read"

ALisa sits down on the seat next to me, peers over the side and starts reading aloud.

"If you'll excuse me." ---- "There are five miracles that the great God has given us. The first is reason. The second is words. The third is a dexterous hand. The fourth is fire. And the fifth is magic. To learn and practice magic is to thank and honor the gods.

Suddenly, I  Heard an amazing sentence. It's very much like a Western medieval religion.

"After the great God created the world, he sent his own son down to earth and entrusted him with the rule of the world. That child is the first Emperor of the Empire. All those who are learning magic from now on should bear in mind that it is in accordance with the will of God that we learn magic and serve the Emperor. ---- This is the first thing you learn in any school, book, or institute when learning magic. Magic is a great power, and it would be a serious matter if it were to be used against the nation based on a wrong idea. It is said that the purpose of this lesson is to teach that with power comes responsibility, as well as loyalty to the empire. ...... But is it still a little difficult for  master Hal to understand?

No, I kind of get it.


Perhaps this is similar to the close relationship that  or religion and moral education  that was on Earth. In fact, it may be exactly the same. Churches and temples provide moral education to the people in the form of the teachings of God and Buddha. The powers that be protect the churches in order to protect the teachings that are convenient for the state. In this way, the sacred and the secular have maintained a balance in a relationship of holding and holding. It will be no different in this world. In fact, religious education is probably more important in this world than on Earth because of the existence of the more mysterious power of magic.

""Do you understand what I just explained?"

"Well, yes , read on.

"Yes .... Then I will continue." In addition to non-attribute magic that does not involve attribute changes in magic, there are four attributes called the basic four attributes of fire, water, wind, and earth that require attribute changes. All people have one of these four attributes, although there are differences in their strength. The four attributes are assessed at the time of the seven-crown ceremony at the shrine. It is common to find out, but it is not always the case for those who can check the status on their own,  ―――― Well, for ordinary people, the seven-crown ceremony… … Ah, the seven-crown ceremony is a ceremony to celebrate the successful growth on the seventh birthday. Then, at the earliest, it seems that a priest is called to the house and appraised at the age of four or five. By the way, I have a fire attribute. I can use magic, but ... What?  master Hal-? What happened? "

It's a lie ......, isn't it .......

I was shocked again and froze.

"All people, with varying degrees of strength, possess one of these four attributes?"

The magic attribute  that shown  in my status is " non-attribute: -". ............!

t/n yup i started  mtling one more series !  ope you will enjoy that one as well .

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