"Hal! Help me!!!!"


I heard Lily's voice in the middle of the night, and I jumped up.  I in  my room. I was asleep in my bed and Lily was not next to me.



I'm sure t's not a dream. Lily is calling me.

I hurriedly channeled my magic into a sapphire bracelet and connected it to Lily's communication device.

"(Hello, Lily. Can you hear me?)

She might be in some kind of danger. I whispered to Lily so that no one else could hear me.

"Oh, Hal! Thank God, we're connected!

"What's the matter, Lily? Yo are in danger ?

Since Lily was speaking in a normal voice, I replied in a normal voice without lowering my voice.

"I'm being held  as hostage by bandits. But it's okay because there is no Mihari right now.

"A bandist? Are you okay?"

"The knights  is alive and well. Their goal seems to be to get  money from me .

"All right. I'll go help   you right away. Do you know where  you are located ?

"I don't think we in the dukedom yet. We're in a big town.

"How long have you been  held by them  ......?

"'...... the day before yesterday. But they didn't hurt me.

The day before yesterday, which means they were attacked two days after they left Heitburg, although they apparently received minimal treatment considering that they were safe for two days.

"'Do you  know how they look like ?'

"'Hmmm, ......, there are quite a few of them, so I can't say . they don't look too shabby for bandits. They look like mafia.

"'Mafia. I understand. If anything happens, call me right away. If you whisper, they probably won't notice.

"Yeah. ......, Hal."

"What is it?"

"'I'm scared.

Don't worry, I'll save you."

Once I shut down the communication, I hurriedly ran out of the room and searched around the study, illuminating the surroundings with the non-attribute magic "Lighting".

I picked up a map of the surrounding area, with the Farenheit frontier county at the center. With the level of technology in this world, maps are  sercert information, so they are kept in the back of the study like this.

"That what i need  !'

I picked up a map of the surrounding area, with the Farenheit frontier county at the center. With the level of technology in this world, maps are  sercert information, so they are kept in the back of the study like this.

I searched for a town that fit the criteria Lily had mentioned.

A relatively large town in front of the dukedom, a town that takes about two days to travel from here.

"It's ....... The town Canard."

The town Canard is a medium-sized town with a population of about 10,000, located about 150 kilometers southwest  from  the Heidburg. There are a few other small settlements, but no large towns.

"Jut you wait , Lily. I'll save you ."

I picked up the map and ran out of the study. I went straight to my parent's room and woke them up.

"Eberhard? What are you doing here at this  hour ?"

"Lily's in trouble. I  need to  go to the town Canard.

" Town Canard ? And what do you mean by , Lily's in trouble?"

"I'll tell you all about it later. If you can, I want you to send a squad of Territorials or patrolmen to Canard town  right now. See you later .

"Hey, Eberhard, what's going on ?"

"Lily's been kidnapped by the  bandits !


That's all I said, and I ran out of my parents' bedroom. I wrapped a leather pouch around my waist and grabbed a map. I left the mansion and ran out into the night  streets  of Heitburg.


"'Mei,  you are  awake!?"

I don't think a six-year-old girl should be awake at three o'clock  at night , when  everyone should sleep but I bet on the possibility that she might be awake, so I sent a message to Mei. After a while, I received a reply from  her.

"'Nn ......, what's wrong ......, at this  hour ......'"

It seems that I woke her up when she was sleeping .

"'It's an emergency. I need your help."

"' Emergency?

"'Yes. I'm on my way  already "

"'......' is understood. I'll make the necessary preparings  ."

"Thank you."

Not only   she was not angry when  I  call  her in the middle of the night, but  she agreed to help me  without asking what's going on. What a good friend she is .

"So, what's going on ?'

When I arrived at the Arendelle workshop, Mei was standing in front of the workshop, waiting for me. She seemed to have made herself presentable in a short time.

"I want to go to the town Canard now. Do you have any magic tools that would be useful for traveling on  long distances?"

The town  Canard is about 150 kilometers away. It's a lot faster  to arriving by using magic  than going on foot, but no matter how fast I go, it's going to take me about three hours of running at full speed. And after three hours of running, I will be  exhausted. And i won't be able to  rescue Lily.

That's where Mei comes in. I thought that she  might have developed some kind of magical tool suitable for transportation as part of her hobby.

"What ......? I'm sure  i have something  like this .

"Oh! Well then."

"It's just that the  magic energy consumption is horribly   low ."

"......, let me have a look."

"This way."

What Mei   showed me was a huge object that looked like a winged cruise missile with a seat and motorcycle handlebars added to it.

"It's the M-1."

"...... What is this?"

I had a pretty good idea of what it was, but I didn't think it was possible, so I asked  her for more information.

"I made it based on the  airplane    that Hal showed me  on paper a while ago. It is the next  new flying  tool that use Hal's Shook magic as  water power to fly through the air.

"Science and Technology Paradigm Shift!"

I wonder if Mei is the reincarnation of a modern Earth scientist? The gods of forging must have possessed her, because she made a rocket plane after seeing the paper airplane I made before.

"The M-1 requires three C-rank magic stones to fly in the sky, even at its lowest. Even then, it only  can fly for  a few minutes .

"That's horribly low on fuel consumption."

It only takes a few minutes of Mei's magical power for three people to fly. 

"That's why I think it'll be hard to make it useful."

"Don't worry.Now  I'm here."

With the amount of magic power I have, I should be able to travel to a distance of 150 kilometers without  losing half of it.That would be much faster than running, and it was still the right decision to ask for Mei's help.

"Thank you. The truth is that Lily has been kidnapped by the  bandits  and sje  is in trouble. So I'm  wanted to save her .

"What  that  drug dealer? ......"

When Mei  heard this, she looked complicated. But when she thought of something, she looked up and told me.

"Please wait a moment."

Mei  returned to the workshop and brought something. She was carrying a backpack on her back.

"Please take me with you."


"If something happens to Hal's fiancee  , Hal will be sad. That's not good."

"Mei  ......"

"I  will help you."

It's a great  to have to rent transportation at the moment.

"All right. Thank you, Mei "

"You're my friend, so , it's natural thing ."

I couldn't help but burst into tears, but I was too embarrassed to look at her 

"Well, we can't fly  wit this thing in the  town , so we'll have to go outside the city first.

"Right. I'll take it. . ...... Hmmm!

I raised my muscle strength with "Body Strengthening" and lifted the "M-1". It's quite heavy, but not so heavy  to the point where  I can't carry it.

Mei and I continued our way through the city at night. The gates of the castle were closed, but the guards were standing there, so I showed them the crest of the Fahrenheit family to get them  lets us pass though. 

"Be careful, sir.

"Tell my father I'm  leaving ."

"Very well, sir."

I explained the situation to him and he agreed, so I  guess that this guard was a very resourceful person.

"Now, let's  use  the shock engine."

With that, Mei turned on the starter and started the engine.

After the sound of "ooh ......", there was a loud bang and the engine started work .

Geez, ............

"That's pretty powerful.

"The speed is about 300 kilometers per hour."

Three hundred kilometers per hour is about the same speed as the bullet train, isn't it? It is an   thing that is an extremely rare for the technological level of this world.

"I can't keep magic power. That thing needs a lot of magic power . I a m sure you can handle it Hal "

There's magic in this world. It's good that with magic is possible  to make   things work .

"Now, let's get in."

"You want me to drive?"

"It's a system that  required  people to provide the magic power."

Apparently, I have to fly on  jet plane without a license.

"I'm going to have to do it on the spot. Well, probably  Hal will be fine."


But if I won't do that , Lily would be in danger. There is no option not to do it.

"Let's go.


I climbed   in the M-1, put Mei  in the back, and revved the engine. I put Mei  on the back  please  and started  driving .

The "M-1" accelerates with a sound of "GOOOOOO......". The wind blows against it  as it accelerates, but the windshield does a good job of keeping it from affecting us.

"It's a good design.'

"Thanks "

Mei might even develop a passenger plane one day. I don't think my magical power will be able to power a passenger plane, so I'll probably leave the technical issues to her.

The plane finally took off  wwith speed of over 150 kilometers per hour. It was the first flight of my life since I was reborn in this world.

"we are  flying !"

"It was a successful !


"This is the first  I manned flight!"

"What the hell is wrong with you? I knew you were a mad scientist!"

It seems that it was the first time for Mei as well as me to fly .I don't know if there is  flying magic in this world, but this is probably the first time in history that a magic tool has been used to fly.

They say that people will do anything to achieve it , but no one in this world could have imagined that a six-year-old would be able to  create it.

"Wait for me, Lily."

The altitude was already about 100 meters. "The M-1 is sucking  my magic power and accelerating rapidly. The speed is probably 200 kilometers per hour. The city of Heitburg is becoming  closer and closer .

"I'll leave the road planning to you.

Behind me, Mei , holding a map in her hand, corrects direction by referring to the terrain. If all goes well, we should be able to reach the town Canard in less than an hour.

--Wait for me, Lilly. I'm going to save you !

---- Wait for me, crime  organization . I'm going to  kill you all, every  last of you

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