Side : Henriette Lilli von Bernstein

"Father. I have a question for you.:

"What is it, Lilli? Tell me ."

The day I returned to the dukedom, I was sitting in a chair facing my father. It was not a meal or tea time. I have something serious to discuss.

"This time, I was saved by Hal. But from now on, I don't want to be being protecting all the time by him ."


Perhaps sensing my seriousness, my father also became serious and listened to me.

"Hal is very strong. I'm very proud of him as  his bride . ...... But I also don't want to just be protected. I also want to become a strong person who can stand by his side and support him.

H"n. ...... Eberhard is a  boy who is so strong that it can be said that he is a out of the ordinary for his age  . Even though  his parent  is  northern generals it can be said that it is a gens . It's hard to  believe it ."

Father is as strict as ever. But he thinks things through before he says something . That's why I'm willing to listen to him even though he's strict.

"I understand. But I want to spend the rest of my life with Hal . I'll do anything  for that . This is my own way of  showing my feelings for him.

"...... It seems that your stubborn about it   . So what do you want to do?"

"I want training in magic , father."

I have a little more magic power then  average person . I'm not as good as Hal, but I think I have the potential to be a mage.

"Magic. I've heard that training in magic is hard one  . Will  you will be able to endure it?

I Will . If I can't, do this  I don't have the right to be with Hal-. I want to be someone who is worthy of him  I don't want to just be protected by Hal!

Hearing my declaration ,  father closed his eyes and  was thinking for a while. I wonder if  will he allow me to learn magic, or will he not?

"...... is fine. I'll send a trusted mage to teach you. Just remember, you said it yourself. Just don't  foret what you say.

"Of course, Father. Thanks for that   ......!"

Hal, I'll do my best to become stronger. And I'm going to become a woman who can stand next to you. Then we'll be together. Until then, I' Won't vist you . That's what i decide for myself 

......, but please don't mind if I  visit  you once in a while, okay?

Side : Mei  Arendal

"My lord, my lord! What are you doing here in such a hot and humid place?

... When my dad came out with a surprised voice, Hal and  his father  and Lily's father's Duke were standing in front of my house. I did. The surroundings are noisy due to the rugged faces, and the people on the road stop and fall down.

"The Duke said, "My daughter has been very much indebted to your daughter, and I wanted to thank her."

The Duke said so and gave his father a package that seemed to be heavy. ...... 

"The Duke's daughter? Is there something wrong with our store ?"

My father, who doesn't know what's going on, is in a state of panic. It's quite interesting to watch from the side.

"No, that's not why I'm here."

Following the duke's words, the servant accompanying the duke explained the situation to  him in detail. As he listened to the story,  father finally seemed to understand the situation.

"M-m-m-m, Mei. When did you achieved something like this  I mean, the  child that always came to our house  was the legitimate sons of the lord. I'm sorry for calling you a bowler,  please forgive me!

"Hahaha, it's too much , master. It's okay to call me a bowler, like always. ...... Also, Mei's unique way of speaking is just like yours, it's funny."

Hal is smiling happily. When Hal looks happy, I feel happy, too. It's a strange thing.

"It's a small and dirty workshop. , but..."

"Well, you're in my way."

"Excuse me."

"Sorry to disturb you."

The duke, the lord, Hal, and his guards  came into Arendelle workshop one after another. It's kinda troublesome . To be honest, I want everyone except Hal to leave as soon as possible.

"So, about the reward...""

Hal's father started the speak .

"Yes, ."

". You can give it to her directly, but she's still a child. I'll let her take the reward once again when she' will be  older, but for now I've decided it's better to give the reward to  your Arendahl workshop.

"To my workshop, you mean?"

"Yes. I've heard that this workshop boasts of a very high level of technology. I've also heard that they've created a number of new inventions."

That probably refers to the numerous inventions I've created with Hal, such as ball bearings and magic power battery . I enjoy developing them, but making them is a hassle, so I just teach the  workers at the workshop how to make them and leave the rest to them.

"So, I want the Arendahl workshop to be owned by  Farenheit  family."


Father jumped up in surprise. Well, I can understand his feeling. If  they  become a client, We wil be given priority for work, our income will improve, and above all,  it will be stable. Unless  employer, the nobleman, is forced to change his ways,  we  don't have to worry about working  for him . For craftsmen who are not good at business, this is something to drool over.

"I'm sure you'll be able to find a way to make it work. Eventually, we'll be able to buy up and merge with other small workshops that are struggling to stay afloat, and we'll be happy if they become even bigger than they are now."

"This workshop, which I inherited from my father, is now my own workshop. ...... "....... It was worth the effort to come here from my hometown, my father. My grandson has done such a great job. ......"

The father is muttering something thinking about his now deceased grandfather.

"I'm thinking of going with such a policy for now, if that's okay with you?"

If you don't like it, you can refuse. I won't complain."

I'm glad Hal said that. It's impossible for us commoners to refuse a proposal from a nobleman. I have no intention of refusing, but the fact that he give a choice proves that  he care about me that much. This makes me happy.

"It's  absurd to refuse o We, the Arendelle Workshop , would be delighted to  be owned by the Frontier Count family !"

"Well, good. "

"I will do my very best."

If  our workshop will be owned by them  the facilities of the smithy will be  improved . I'm excited to think that I can work on even more inventions from now on.

If Hal asks me for help again, as he did this time, I will polish my skills even more so that I can be of help then as well, and I will create many,more inventions!

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