"Hello, Silver. You're on a great shape today."

". Hey, Ernst, you're the one who's doing all the work.

"I'm no match for you, Silver. You're a kid, but you an S-rank adventurer.

The heat of the day had abated, and the evening  came . At the adventurer's guild in Heitburg, there was a lot of bragging going on among the adventurers. The number of  monsters tends to be higher in summer than in winter, perhaps because  monsters are also living creatures. The luxury of the day was determined by how many of the increasing number of prey  person  could hunt. This was a topic that came up whenever the adventurers who didn't have money to spend at night met each other.

"Ernst is only 20 years old, but he has a B+ rank. I think he has a  bright  future.

"Hey, Ernst and Silver, how about a drink?

" Just then, a  barmen  invitation came from the tavern attached to the guild.

"Oh, I'm coming!"

"I'm sorry, I have to go home. See you next time."

"What  the  hell ?!  This thing again !?

"Haha ... "

"I'll  let you be this time .

I smiled bitterly and left the place.

When I left the guild, the streets were crowded with people returning home after work.

Some were hurrying home to their families. Some were going to have a drink with their  co-workers . There was a wide variety of faces, including the owner of a liquor store, who was throwing up his arms as if his work was just about to begin.

Their faces are all cheerful. This is proof of the  peaceful life in this town.

"When will you be back, brother?"

As I was walking home, my communication device rang and I received a message from my younger brother, Albert, who will turn nine this year.

"'I'm  coming . What's for dinner this evening?

"'Aged horn beef steak,  with an exotic jean sauce that my  you  likes.

"I'm looking forward to it. I'll hurry home."

"'All right. Take care.""

I cut off the communication with Albert and hurried  to the  home. The sun was about to set.


"Welcome home, brother."

"Welcome back, brother!"

"Hal, you're late. We all got tired of waiting.

I'm sorry. I hunted down a green boar for you.

"Oh,  I  see !

"welcome back !"

"Yeah, I'm home. Have you been a good boy?


My brother Albert, my seven-year-old sister Rosetta, my fourteen-year-old sister Noelle, and my two-year-old twin brothers Sieghart and Charlotte greeted me.

"Welcome back, Hal!"

"Eberhard, go wash your hands quickly. We'll have dinner when you get back."


Mom and Dad came out, and now the whole family was here. A family of eight: parents and six children. In modern Japan, this would be a large family.

"Master Hal, let me take your clothes."

"Thank you, Alisa.

Alisa has grown up a lot. I think she was 26 this year? She's a grown woman now.

Today's meal was a horned beef steak with jian sauce, a soy sauce-like seasoning I had found in the market a few years ago and which was used in the East. I hurried to the washroom as my heart racing.


Six years had passed since my fight with Felix. After a while, Felix woke up, but as soon as he realized that he couldn't use his right arm, he bit his tongue off and killed himself. Felix's choice to die on his own instead   by  the hands of others was understable , but at the same time, it made me feel sad. He would never be forgiven for what he had done, but his swordsmanship and self-honesty could have been used for good.

However, there was nothing I could do about  it He  may  has  been an enemy, but I had taken a  his life. As the next lord, I will have to make ruthless decisions at times. , and I have to be ethical, but also responsible. I'm sorry to say this to Lily, but it was a good experience that made me realize this clearly and strongly.

That's how I feel mentally. I was almost an adult from the start, so I didn't grow much else. But on the physical side, I have grown a lot.

I was six years old  back then , but now I'm twelve, and I'm starting to acquire the features of an older brother. I've also grown a lot taller. I'm about 150 centimeters tall. I had grown to the tall of an average first year Japanese junior high school student.

As expected, Lily, my bride, has grown up to be a neat and pretty young lady ..But inside, she's a tomboy, and she's a great one.

It's a blessing in disguise that since the incident, she's been very de-rated only towards me, so it's a relief that she doesn't hit me so unreasonably. Besides, I still have a memories form my   previous life, and my mental age is almost thirty years old when added up. It's so cute to see a girl of  same age being so picky. A tsundere childhood friend is the best.

However, she is very hard on Mei. Lilly sees  her as an enemy because she sticks to me unconsciously. a. Lily's specialty is ice, which is a relatively rare attribute for a girl who has learned magic, and the of the women between Lily and May is like the Cold War between the United States and Russia. However, she doesn't seem to dislike  her from the bottom of her heart since she saved her life. You can find a lot of people who are looking for the best way to get the best results.

That being said, I guess I couldn't stand Mei being sticky all the time  to me . After making extraordinary efforts with her guts and tenacity, she woke up about two years ago to the magic of spatiotemporal attributes, She population of the Imperial Kingdom is about 20 million, so even in an Imperial Kingdom with a relatively large number of mages, it's a rare attribute that only about 200 people have.

Thanks to this, she now uses the A-rank space-time attribute magic "Transference" to come to my house every week to play. She says it's because she's practicing her magic, but in reality, she just wants to see me. She's just a tsundere! I can't help but think how cute she is

And then there's Mei. She was my second childhood friend, but she turned into a monster. The blood of a dwarf was terrifying.

First of all, as dwarves, don't grow that tall. Mei is about 130 centimeters tall, which is quite small for a 12-year-old. She is about the size of a third grader.

However, from what I knew about dwarves from  fantasy, stories  I felt that she had grown a lot more than I expected. This is because it is not uncommon for stories to portray dwarves as a race that is less than a meter (or even a few dozen centimeters in some cases) in height. However, the height of the master and other dwarven craftsmen in the Arendal workshop was less than one hundred and sixty centimeters, which is about the same as an adult woman in the Hylands, so it is normal for dwarves to be a little shorter than humans.

It seems that dwarves are not as small as they appear in stories.

Now, these are a race of dwarves where the men become muscular and gory. So what happens to the women?

............ The correct answer is a whipped bimbo. To be honest, it might have been better to go the loli girl route like the dwarves in fantasy stories.

I've always wondered why in so many stories, male dwarves are physically blessed and females are infants. If the physical characteristics of the race were gender neutral, wouldn't women be just as physically developed as men?

--And that's exactly what happened. If she had been a Loli, I would have been convinced that's what she was, even if I couldn't explain why.

In reality, Mei is only 12 years old, but she has grown a big-breasted Loli titty with an E-cup size that is unbelievable. It's really shameful. !!!!!

It was so awful that my poor woke up for the first time in a long time. What's worse than anything else is that Mei's hugging habit still hasn't been cured. She hasn't shown any signs of hugging anyone other than me, and I'm sure she has no intention of changing it, but I can't stand being hugged. I'm sure she has no intention of fixing it, but I can't stand being hugged. Thanks to this, I'm exhausted every morning. I think I need to seriously think about a nourishing menu. Thanks to the existence of monsters in this world, there's no shortage of ingredients for that kind of menu.

To be honest, my sexual awakening in this life was Mei . In addition, the more I work out, the more  my energy will grow, thanks to the fact that continuity is power. It's not just that it doesn't do any good, but it might even interfere with  my daily life, so  i am carefully with that .

It's a good thing that I'm still able to control myself, but I'm worried that I might do something awful to Mei  soon. I'. I didn't trust myself .

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