The training of the North Shogun Bushinryu "inside" was extremely fierce. It is a training that would not have been possible without big amount of magic power, recovery magic,  and the unique skill "Practice Makes Perfect". it.

I mastered the "General's Armor" in one year. I had always been able to use magic swords , so it didn't take me that long to master the materialization of magic power. The amount of magic power that I have is inordinately large.

In contrast, it took me a very long time to learn the "clothe and tie". It took me two years to master it to a certain extent, and then three years to get it to a level where it could  use it in  actual combat.

As I sat at the table, I remembered the hard days of training.


"Eberhard. I'm sure you're skilled in manipulating magic. What's the difference between normal "body enhancement" and "cloak"?

Normal "body enhancement" makes the body stronger and more vital by concentrating the magic power on the part you want to strengthen. But this is not the case with "Clothing". It looks more like it's spreading to the entire body in detail.

"That's pretty close but  that's the right answer is . It is true that the magic power is spread to every corner of the body. Then how are you doing it?"

To start the training  of the North Shogun Bushinryu "inside ", father  posed a difficult question. If I were asked to guess how they do it without any prior knowledge, I don't think I could normally answer.

"Hmmm ....... Every inch of ....... The magic power circuit is being expanded ......? But since magic circuits are not real organs of the body, they are not supposed to lead to 'body enhancement'. ......

I take a deep breath and try to collect my thoughts.

"It's not a magic circuit. The expansion of magic circuits is useful for using magic, but it only increases the power of magic and does not lead to the enhancement of the body. So even if you train your magic circuits and make them thicker, it may lead to an increase in the power of the "body enhancement", but it will not spread the enhancement to every corner. If you try to force it, the amount of magic power consumed will be outrageous."

"In other words, you can't just keep on thinking about increasing the power like you do in normal magic training. A change in thinking is necessary."

"I don't get it. The  creator who came up with this must have been an amazing person.

Sighing deeply once more, I look up at the sky. The air in Heitburg is clear . Japan was one of the cleanest countries in the world, but even so, the air in cities like Tokyo was more polluted than deep in the mountains of the countryside due to exhaust gas and dust.

Heitburg is a provincial city located right next to a vast expanse of nature. The air is very clean, and more importantly, the stars are very visible. The starry sky from here is completely different from the one on Earth. There is no Summer Triangle, Orion, or the Milky Way. There are many similar things, but they are different from what  I remember  on Earth.

It's daytime now, so it's impossible  to see them.

"............ Oh, could it be?"

I looked at my father again.

"Did you come up with something?

"Hey, can you  show again?

"...... Okey"

The magical power exudes from the inside of  HIS body as if it  Was smog  and wraps the  his  body. I was convinced of the true identity of "that  thing   I saw it getting darker and darker with each pulse.

"---- pulse. Blood, to be exact."

When Dad heard this, his eyes widened in admiration, followed by a grin and he said .

"You got it.  The secret of the cloak's ability to spread magic throughout the body lies in the blood.


"Let me explain."

, then you've found the answer to your question. Fathe  began to explain in detail about the "robe".

"As you know, normal 'body enhancement' only involves concentrating magic power on the part of the body you want to strengthen. You can get a lot of power and strength just by doing that, but there is a limit to that."

. I know that better than anyone.

I can also use body enhancement . The amount of  my magic power is almost 30,000, so it should be possible to use a very high level of "body enhancements". However, in reality, once I strengthened  MY  body to a certain level, no matter how much magic i put into it,  I cannot strengthen it to that level after that. This is generally called the "wall of enhancement" in the wizard  world.  This is true for most any kind enhancement magic that can be called enhancement, whether it is body enhancement or material enhancement.It was common knowledge in the wizard world that there is a limit to enhancement.

But in the Bushinryu, it goes even deeper than that. It doesn't just use brutal  force to strengthen the body, it changes the way you think and strengthens it in a new way.

"The technique is called 'blood demon mixing'."

"First, the compressed magic power is collected in the heart, and then the magic power and blood are mixed in the heart. Then, the blood tinged with magic power is spread to every  coner of the body through the blood vessels. Blood runs through the entire body, from the tip of the head to the tip of the toes. By distributing magic power densely throughout the body through the blood, it is possible to strengthen the body with a density that is much higher than that of ordinary "magic power enhancement". The amount of magic power consumed is large, but if you master it, there is little waste and you can achieve the highest efficiency in strengthening."

"The magic power that has spread through the bloodstream to the entire body blows out from the sweat glands to cover the surface of the body, covering the entire body in a thin layer. This technique is called 'cloak and clothe' because it looks as if you are wearing the magic power like a robe.

I had  chill on my back as I listened to my father's  explainings . It wasn't because I was scared. It was because I was shocked by how amazing it was.

The magic power is sent to the whole body through the blood. In essence, this means that every single cell in the body will be strengthened with magical power. In this day and age, when the concept of cells has not yet been discovered, the idea of strengthening the body on a cellular level was  amazing . I wonder how brilliant the first Lord Farenheit really was.

". Just be careful, don't suddenly 'mix blood and magic' in the heart."


"Because if you do it wrong way , you will die. In the past, people have collapsed and died during training, or their hearts stopped beating, or they survived but could not speak properly. You have to mix the magic power little by little and strengthen your whole body step by step.


I see. The power of the heart muscle is strengthened abnormally, and the blood pressure becomes too high, which may cause a cerebral hemorrhage, or a heart attack due to the sudden magical power  in the heart. This is why it is strictly forbidden to do it  at once .

"There is a reason why this training is supposed to start at the age of ten. The adjustment is endlessly difficult, but the more you master it, the stronger your body and combat power will be, beyond human limits. This is the reason why the Farrenheit family has outstanding combat power, because they can use this "cloak".

"............ is amazing."

"It may take some time, but I think you can learn it. As far as I know, there are not many people of your age  as talented as you.

"I'll do my best  you , father.

"I'll do my best. Keep up the good work."

"Can you say the same things in a few years?



This is how my hard and demanding training began.

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