"But well, it's a legendary metal with remarkable durability"

. ......"

It's a lump of iron for smithing. It's not just a rock, of course, but it has a completely different durability . Orichalcon must be an amazing metal, because it can cut through it like tofu.

"Hal. Can I have a look?"

"Oh, yes. Yes.

Mei, the creator and researcher,  asked to sho her it , so I handed her the magic sword, Raikiri, without hesitation. She looked at it for a while and then handed it back to me.

"I'm guessing that the unusual slash you just made was probably caused by Hal's  unique skill  .

"My [Shock]?"


She continued.

"It seems that the orichalcone reacts to the user's magical power and nature and amplifies it. If you try hard enough, you can do something similar with  your [Shock], can't you?

I couldn't help but mutter something to myself as I thought of what Mei had said.

"High-frequency blade."

"High-frequency blade? I don't know much about it, but if the essence of the orichalcone is the amplification of magic, I think it's safe to assume that the same thing can be done in  general .

A high-frequency blade, sometimes referred to as a vibrating sword or an ultrasonic cutter. It is a fictional scientific weapon often seen in manga and anime that vibrates  blade at high speed to easily slice through even the hardest materials.

Although it is fictional, it has been put to practical use in the industrial  business in reality, and is said to be useful for processing hard metals. In other words, it's not a completely unfeasible science fiction weapon.


I took out my dagger knife  that was on my waist and swung it down at the iron lump lying in the shape of a dice.

It wasn't quite like tofu, but the knife still managed to slice halfway through the lump of iron without  broking the blade.

"That's great, I got it."

I transmitted a high-frequency [shock] to the knife and tried to slash the iron block, but it seemed to work better than I expected Although it doesn't have the same level of strength as the Raikiri, it might be a good way to get out of a tough situation 

"I'm sure you're right, Hal. Now then, the Raikiri is a gift for you, Hal."

"Is that okay?"

"It's no good for me to have it. I'll be happy to  have it.

"You're a researcher."

"Hahaha. Then let's go right away. I want  gat at least an A-rank magic stone today.

"No, wait a minute. I'll put on a mask."

If I put on the silver mask, I will become an unidentified "silver comet.

Incidentally, the two names "Silver Comet" come from two sources. The "silver" comes from the silvery white appearance of the "Aegis" armor, and the "comet" comes  because I am newcomer who appeared like a comet. I don't know how I came up with the idea, but I've been working in a secret due to fear of being exposed, and the next thing I know, people are calling me that.

"Well, shall we go?"

"Yes, ."

Mei and I walked together to the Adventurer's Guild. I wonder what kind of request we'll get today.


"Oh, it's Silver."

"Who's the girl next to you?"

"I don't know. But she's pretty cute."

"Do you want me to go talk to her?"

"Don't do that. It's the Silver's girl.

"Yeah, don't do it unless you want to die.

As soon as we entered the Adventurer's Guild, the attention of everyone inside was focused on us.

"That's a terrible thing to say. I've never killed anyone directly.

"The woman of silver, apparently," c Mm-hmm.

"You've got a funny way of making me laugh."

I pulled Mei, who was grimacing and uncomfortable, along with me to the reception desk. It's a little crowded, but it's not difficult to get through because everyone naturally  run away from me 

"Oh, it's you, Silver . Are you following the usual pattern today?

"Yes. Recoment me something , please 

Sally, the receptionist, who was one of the few people who knew the identity of the Silver Comet, took out a file and flipped through it d. She's half my exclusive, and her position and salary rise in proportion to my contribution to the guild, and she's a rising star in the Heitburg branch of the adventurer's guild.

"I recommend  this  request. A rank A monster, a wyvern, has suddenly appeared and begun to live in a village near the demon forest. You have to defeat it."

"I've never seen a wyvern before. How big are they?

"I'd say it's about three meters high from the ground. If it spreads its wings, it could be four or five meters tall. It's a lower level dragon, so it's relatively  smaller  for a dragon species.

"But it's still much bigger than a human."

"It's an A-ranked monster . It's an A-rank demon. Strong monsters  are usually big.

"What parts of the wyvern can be used as materials?"

Mei , who was only interested in materials, asked Sally from the side.

Scales can be used to make excellent armor, blood can be used for alchemy, claws and fangs can be used for weapons, bones can be used for forging, meat can be used for fine food, organs can be used for medicines. Even the wing membrane can be used to make leather goods. That's why wyverns can be sold for much more than find a party to kill them . Wyverns are worth a lot of money.

"Everything is made from ...... materials. ......"

"That's great.

You're going to be use everything  from head to toe? I'm starting to feel sorry for the wyverns."

"The guild would appreciate it if you hunted them as much as possible, since they are such one that attack people and livestock. There are reports that their numbers are increasing due to the fact that they are attacking people's livestock, so we don't have to be careful about over-hunting them.

" So let's just exterminate the wyverns that have feared up residence around the village.

"Let's do that."

In Japan, there was a problem with too many deer raiding the forests. A certain amount of thinning will be necessary.

"I'll take care of the request  then."


"Okay, here are the details."

"Thank you.

She handed me a map with a lot of information  with it. It includes the location of settlements, the expected population of wyverns, and the distribution of other demons.

"That's very helpful ."

"It's an A-rank request. I'm sure it's a lot more detailed than that, since there have been a number of D-rank and C-rank research requests before this one.

"I see. You certainly can't just send out A-rank requests."

"That's what I mean."

The only people who can receive A-rank requests are A-rank and above. You can only receive requests up to minus one rank, so even if you have a B+ rank, which is considered elite in the world, you can't get one.

And with A-rank, the labor cost is ridiculously high. If they were to just give out A-rank requests,  they would be wasting human resources, and the Adventurer's Guild would be in the trouble just to pay the fees. Therefore, when a request comes in and is expected to be difficult, the guild asks a D-ranked adventurer or a mid-level C-ranked adventurer to do some research before assigning the request to the appropriate rank.

"The deadline for completing the task is about a month, so I think you can take your time. Have a good day then."

"I'm off."

"I'm off."

Sally sees me off and Mei  and I leave the Adventurer's Guild. And when we leave,I stop and have a discussion with Mei.

"Well, Mei . The request deadline   is one month. I took it on the spur of the moment, but isn't it a bit long?"

"Well, I guess it's enough time 

"It sounds like a fun  request to me, and I'm totally fine with it since I'm free. What about you, Mei? Won't  master get mad at you for being away for a month?

"Well, the R&D team is growing now, so I'm sure they'll be able to run without me, but we have to ask them.

"That's right. Besides, I almost forgot, we're only twelve years old."

If you think about it, a 12 year old girl going on a trip alone with a guy  of her own age is not allowed in a n anime. I don't want to invoke my nobleman's authority either, since I'm indebted to master. ...... . I'm sorry Mei, but that's all I can do.


. I don't mind. Eberhard said he'll go with you ."

And this is what I got when I asked the master. It was quite easy to get permission.

"But, master, are you sure? I'm a man."

"It's more convenient for me."


"Well, there are many things in the adult world, you know.

The master said something I didn't understand, but it was good that he had given me permission.

"So, let's go. We have an item box , so we don't have to worry about food, clothing, or place to stay .

Item box . This is also a new magical tool that was developed during the past six years. It is a large-capacity item box created with the best of Lily's time-space magic and Mei's magic tool production techniques.

The time inside the box is stopped (it can be slowed down or accelerated), the contents never get mixed up, and the capacity is the size of a prefectural gymnasium. Although it can't hold living things, it's a super advanced artifact that boasts the ghostly performance of a blue raccoon robot's interdimensional pocket.

Of course, such a thing does not exist in this world. On the contrary,  We were slowly going beyond the common sense of the world.

"Oh, wait!""

Mei stopped me there.


"Why don't we call Lily?"

"I'd love to, but I'm not sure  if she will approve it .

"I'm sure  it will be fine."

"I don't think so. Well, let's ask her. "'

"Lily, hello?"

I'll ask her on the communication pendant.


"See, I told you "

"It's true. ......"

Thus, Lily joined  us  on our adventure .

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