" Hey...

" What's wrong ?"

"While traveling in the Buffalo, I suddenly raised my voice and Mei asked me .

"Oh, no, I saw a  monster magic reaction in about 500 meters away.

"Five hundred meters? That's a long way. I'm sure they'll be gone by the time  we will arrive o

Lily replied, but it didn't seem it will be like this .

"No, they seem to have stayed on the road all along.

"Are  they  sleeping?"

"I think it's an ambush.

"I guess so. That means it's an intelligent  monster , right?

There are o lo of types of demons, from slime, which may or may not even have instincts, to goblins, which have a certain amount of mind . It's hard to think of a low-grade  , monster like a slime that will stay in one place without thinking. It would be better to assume that they are smart enough to learn that people often pass by when they are on the street.

" I want to  kill  them ."


Lily raised her hand, looking very curious. I can understand why she would want  have  her first battle with a monsters , but isn't it dangerous?

"I've got this.""

"I see."

With that, Lily created a 30 centimeter-long ice spear and made it float in the air. Come to think of it, Lily had learned ice magic before space-time magic, right?

"I've never seen Lily's magic before. I'm curious to see what  kind of magic is it and if it gets dangerous I'll  help hher  from the side, so it's safe to try 

"Yes! That's exciting!"

"But don't come ti them near as close as 30 meters It's dangerous.

If she has  both long and short range attacks like I do, it's not a problem, but if  she can only attack from a distance,  she shouldn't get as close as possible until  she will be  sure  attack reached  the target.

"I That's fine. ...... My arms are itching ."

"Well, just take it easy.""

Even if the reaction is strong, it is at best a C-rank. It's not even close toA rank, which is considered as  advanced monster , and probably not even B-rank, which is semi-advanced. There's nothing to worry about as long as I'm standing by  her  side.

"It's about time.

The distance between us and the  monster is now less than 100 meters. It's not surprising that they  shown sooner or later.


"It's mimicking us.

There are some animals in the world that mimic each other very cleverly. And it's not just a privilege of animals. It's not just animals that mimic each other, it's also  monster that are based on animals.

"Lily, do you know where it is?"

But for me, with my sonar, the position is obvious.

"Hmm, maybe. There?"

Lily pointed to an unnatural rise in the ground. It's hard to tell from a distance, but the mimicry is so poor that if you look at it from close up with prior information that it's suspicious, you can definitely spot it.


"Then I'll deal with that right away "

"Pause do ."

It would be tough for Lily, who had never experienced a real battle, to suddenly take a shot between the lines. So Mei brakes gently and stops a few dozen meters in front of her.

"Take aim and ...... let's go! "Ice Spear"!

Lily creates several ice spears that are larger than the ones she just created, and seem to be 40 to 50 centimeters long, and launches them at a very fast speed.

Boom! The "Ice Spear" that flew with an eerie sound pierced the mimicking monster with a pleasantly ugly thrust.


The monster, which was suddenly hit by a shot , jumped up and screamed.

But perhaps it was hit in the wrong place, and its cries gradually diminished until it finally bled out and stopped moving.

"That's great, Lily. That was a  nice blow.

" I did it."

"You're pretty good at that."

There was already no response on my sonar. It was a sign that the enemy had been completely defeated .

"What kind of demon was it after all?

I approached the dead monster and didn't  wishing  to touch it directly, so I  cast a "General's Armor" to create a magical arm and grab it. The monster that was mimicking ...


"Hmm, this is a lizard."

Looking at a large earth-colored lizard that seems to be close to 1 meter, Mei, who was also approaching to the side, said with his arms crossed.

"Lizard? What is it?"

"It's a C-rank subordinate monster that mimics soil. It eats soil like an earthworm and takes nutrition from insects and other small creatures in the soil. But in rare cases, it can attack large animals, so the adventurer's guild has designated it as a target to be defeated.

"You know a lot about it ."

"One of our  worker is a reptile enthusiast. We have a reptile enthusiast in our workshop , and if you ask me, they're quite charming looking.

"Well, they're dead, though. And they even eat large animals, right? I guess ordinary people can't handle them 

I guess they're like iguanas. I wonder if it's like iguanas. On Earth, there were often news stories about reptile lovers who were bitten by their pets and seriously injured on compilation sites.

"It's often a problem when the pet owner is eaten. 

"Hee ....... Please  other about that...."

It's not  strange that a earth lizard that has eaten its owner to death and learned to taste humans runs away and ambushes people on the street like this .......

"I'm fine with that. We knew the reality and lamented the fact that we couldn't keep them."

As we were talking about this, Lily, who was poking at the corpse of a tweaked earth lizard with an ice spear , asked me question .

"Hey, can  we  sell this?"

" Can we eat the meat or something?

"Oh, no. It smells like dirt."

"Teeth, claws and scales are used to make armor, I believe. The meat, as you can imagine, smells like dirt and is inedible, so let's throw it away."

" Shall we dismantle it?

"Yeah. ......

"Here are your gloves."

"Thanks. Can I borrow your knife?"

Lily was the one who killed it, so she was the one to dismantle it. It was the first time for Lily to dismantle a prey, so it took some time, but  it was not bad.

"Ahhhh, it's done!"

The dismantling was done in about 20 minutes, a bit fastener then i thought .

"It took about 20 minutes."

"Oh, sure. It would have been easier to entrust it to the guild. We have an inventory with a time stop function."

"Will the guild dismantle it for me?"

"For a fee, yes."

"I wish you would have told me that first. ......"

Lily, whose hands were sticky with blood and dirt even though she was wearing gloves, lamented with a fed-up expression.

"It's a good thing  that you learning. You got the hang of dismantling it to some extent.


There is a difference between not being able to do something and being able to do something but not doing it. At least with this practice, she' s not inexperienced anymore. A normal duchess would not be able to experience this, so in that sense it is a valuable experience.

"Well, then, let's get going. Even though we have plenty of time, we don't want to be stuck here."


"Let's go!"

Our journey continues.

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