"Let me kill you ! "

I chase after the wyvern at over a hundred kilometers per hour, spouting lines like Felix the Wind Slayer.I've only just learned how to use flying wings, so the wyvern has the advantage in speed, but my flying wings are much better in combat where I can fly in all directions.



As soon as they crossed each other, I swung my magic sword Raikiri, and each time I swung it, one wyvern's head separated from its body.

The two wyverns that seemed to be his guards  were caught between him from both sides, but I stayed in the air and sliced off their heads in rapid succession with a single rotation.


I catch the corpse in midair and transfer it to my inventory before it falls to the ground and is crushed, including the one from earlier. I've been hunting for wyverns for a while now, and I already have eight dead wyverns in my inventory.

"I think it's time for a break."

I looked around, but I couldn't see any more wyverns. I attacked the group of eight that I was lucky enough to find, but it seemed that no other  wyverns  were  in the area.

I lowered my altitude and flew back to Lilly and Mei on the ground.

"I'm back. It was a great hunt.:

"I could see it. It's so crazy."

The fact that it's called a wyvern instead of a flying bird is typical of this world, but it seems that similar phrases existed in this world as well. I was the embodiment of the otherworldly saying.

The expected number of the living creatures is around ten, so you hunted about 3 more.

In addition to the ones I killed, Lily and Mei  killed one wyvern each on their own and three more in cooperation. So we've killed 13 wyverns in all.

..... But the girls made a spectacular debut, too: the two of them took down a total of five A-ranked monsters , which is comparable to my record as an S-ranked adventurer. They fearsome rookie beginners .

"It's a shame that there are 13 wyverns in a remote area with no adventurer's guild or military garrison."

"What a disaster."

A little further  on south, there are adventurer's guilds and military garrisons to protect against the stampede of  monsters  coming from the Demon Forest.

"They're not here anymore, are they?"

"Yes. I've searched as far as I can, but there's no sign of them."

Lily asks, but I don't spot any C-rank monsters or higher within a 10-kilometer radius, the limit radius of my sonar. In fact, it seems that there are only D-rank and below monsters left. It seems that the wyverns have weeded out all the strong ones to some extent.

"It might take some time for the ecosystem to return to normal."

I don't know why thirteen wyverns appeared out of their natural habitat, but it seems to have had a significant impact on more than just the village


"Oh, you've already defeated them?

When we returned to the village chief's house to report the completion of the defeat, the chief was astonished with wide eyes. I'm sure he believed me, but when I took the 13 wyverns out of my inventory and lined them up as proof, the village chief and the rest of the villagers froze, their mouths hanging open as if their jaws were going to fall off.

"...... Well, then, here is your proof of accomplishment.

After a while, the chief' came  back from his stiffness and handed me a form he had received from the guild with his handwritten signature and seal indicating that he was the representative of the village.

"Yes, thank you."

The request is now complete. The reward would be given at the guild after we will  returned to Heitburg.

Incidentally, since this request was designated as a specific disaster request, the reward would be paid not by the village, but by the country and the lord. This is part of the so-called disaster compensation, and the villagers  have no burden.

If there were no such system, if a poor village was attacked by a  monsters , it would inevitably be wiped out without being able to submit a request. As a country or a lord, the frontier is one of the most important areas for development. If they don't have a certain level of support, their territories won't be able to develop for any length of time, and the government is desperate.

"It's kind of like a match pump."

The son of the lord who gives out the reward accepts the request and receives the reward. If you look at it from the side, it's just money circulating within the Fahrenheit family through the adventurer's guild.

"Well, 50% of the reward comes from the government, so it's a plus."

This is also the case in remote territories where money is scarce, and they can't afford to pay enough. So, to ease the burden, the government also provides 50% assistance.

"This is how the Farenheit frontier family is getting richer and richer.

"With you, Hal, the economy of Heitburg is safe ."

"It's not healthy unless the economy can run without me, though.

Well, Heitburg is the largest regional center city in the north of the Imperial Kingdom. My father's management of the city is going well, and I don't think  the story is going to turn into a "fallen  nobleman  domestic politics cheat" situation in the future. So I can work as an adventurer without worry.

"Well, it's getting  dark , so let's have dinner."

"If that's the case, please let us serve you. It's not much, but it's a pot of stew with fresh vegetables from the village."


The contents of the pot brought by the chief's family were a local dish of the village, filled with meat that looked like some kind of bird and many vegetables.

"This is the taste of  our local dish that has been familiar to us since the time we carved out this land. It is often eaten at festivals or when there is something to celebrate. Please visit ......."

The woman who seemed to be the daughter of the village chief served me a full pot in a wooden bowl with a relaxed design.

"Thank you."

As I took the bowl and took a sip, the natural broth from the vegetables and poultry, seasoned with simple seasonings like salt and herbs, filled my mouth and made me feel happy.

"It's ...... delicious."

It's good to have a hearty meal at home, but it's also good to have a simple, yet rich meal like this. It may be a feast for the village head, but for me, it's like the miso soup I eat at my grandparents' house when I go back to the country. It's simple, but warm.

"It's true, it has a deep flavor."

My family  are  cooks , so this kind of lightly flavored food is also possible.

As a duchess, Lily has eaten some of the finest meals in the world, but this soup in the pot made her say, "It has depth flavor . And the taste of the broth was enough to make even May's tongue, which had been brought up on a thick broth, roar.

I never thought I would be able to find such a high quality meal in such a remote place."

"Mr. Mayor. It's delicious.

"Thank you very much."

I'll ask him to tell me the recipe later. ...... We enjoyed the evening in a friendly atmosphere.

Note Thanks for reading . Remember   release will be irregular , but you can expect chapter tomorrow .

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