" Let's get started. --Hmph."

As I blinked, the muscle man instantly closed the distance between , probably  with less than 0.5 seconds, the distance between us, which was about 10 meters, was almost  none . What a guy!


The "Minefield" is a shock wave that is released from the feet and propagates through the ground to explode. As a result of several years of training,  is now able to produce quite high power.

"Oh my !"

But the muscle man stomped on the ground with his strong leg power and canceled out the "minefield".

"You're kidding . ......":

But instead, I was able to get some distance, so I fired a few "shock bullets" at him.


--bash, bash, bash, bash!

However, the muscle man also hits his fist repeatedly to cancel out the "shock bullet" with time to spare.

"I can also use  long distance skills."

A man with a grin speaks to me. His smile is very bright and he doesn't seem like a bad guy, but he is still the suspicious person.

"I'm more of a long range type  fighter ."

The North General's Shinryu is focused on close combat, so I can  be  both, but due to the nature of its inherent magic of shockwaves, I was originally supposed to be sifted into a medium to long range type.

Well, as a result of the  harsh training I endured, I am now able to do my job as an all-rounder who can fight in both the distance and close combat.

"How did you end up in such place ?

Since we had gotten separated from each other, I spoke to the muscle man as a way to regain my composure. The muscle man tightened up, but smiled fearlessly and answered me.

"For research."

"Of this magic tool?"


I knew he was bad guy . He is a thug who is trying to  hurt  my territory. I'm not sure why such a powerful person would do such a meaningless thing. ...... I think you can make a lot of money if you use your power more for the sake  of the world.

"Then I'm going to have to catch you and report you .

He is not even a suspicion anymore. , He is  a real criminal "

"...... You may have your own reasons, but I have a mission that I can't failed

The smile disappears from the muscle man's face. This is why criminals who act on their fanatical beliefs are so troublesome. Even if they have already made the decision to avoid risk, they will act without regard for the risk. Religious terrorism is a perfect example of this.

...... I don't know what kind of mission this muscle man has, though. I don't even want to know. A crime is still a crime.

"You'll have to forgive me  for a broken  bone or two.

If I don't try to kill this guy, I'm in danger. I realized this clearly in the few seconds we had just spent fighting.

"Hmm, I was just about to say the exact same thing.

Tension rises.

The wind blew and the leaves shook as we both jumped out of the trees at the same time. I released a shockwave from the bottom of my foot, and the muscle man kicked the ground with his insane leg strength,  both of us  have a  unorthodox super-agility.

Ora Ora Ora !

He throws a punch. Not a jab, but a serious phone punch.  Telephone punches are often ridiculed as being only good looking and having a lot of wasted motion, but when this muscle man does it, it's nothing fancy. It's so powerful that there's nothing to make fun of!

I managed to dodge the attack by twisting my upper body without any preliminary movement using the application of Bushinryu Omote "Instantaneous Flapping" Oh, my God! The punch made an impossible sound for a fist, and passed through the place where I had just been. In the end, the fist didn't hit me, but the aftermath alone gouged out the ground behind me, sinking about 30 centimeters into the ground.

"Heee ......"

If he hit like this, it's more than just getting hurt. I''m sure that even a glimpse of it will cause my body to explode and become minced meat.

While I was dumbfounded by his crazy attack , I took the opportunity to attack the muscle man who had a big gap after his attack missed and hit him with my sword, Raikiri, in the manner of an iai slash.

"I'm sorry!"

The muscle man overreacted a lot more than I thought he would, and he backstepped a few meters to get some distance away from me, so unfortunately my Iai slash with the Raikiri didn't succeed. I just slashed his clothes a little.


The muscle man stared at my sword as he traced his fingers across his crisply slashed black battle suit.

"...... That's a mess."

"What, that's all you think?""

I thought he understood the danger of the Raikiri in an instant and jumped back as soon as he could. Did he buy too much?

"It's okay. It's the same for me."

"It's not fair that  your body is already a one-hit kill weapon."

I'm not really sure what to say about that, since I also have a [shock].

That aside, we start fighting again. He punches and I avoid him, I swing my Raikiri and he jumps back.

Both he and I have techniques that can kill an opponent with a single blow. And because of this, we can't get into each other's areas of expertise ....... Therefore, the battle situation was in a stalemate due to repeated hit-and-runs, keeping a distance without sticking

But I had a unique skill, "Practices makes perfect " This may not be the original meaning of the word, but I can always keep learning and growing.

"General's armor l, deploy."

If an opponent's one-hit kill scares ,   I can eliminate it  him with a one-hit kill! In accordance with the brainy theory of ......, I just push the magic power to boost the defense and forcefully crush it head-on!

"Silver Armor !"

The silvery-white magic giant wraps around me and turns into a solid armor. It can also neutralize the enemy's attack by releasing an inverse phase shock, so I don't have to be afraid of the muscle man's Mach punch.

"What that ? ............ No, hmm? Wait a minute."

The muscle man waits for the "silver-white armored aegis", distorts his expression, and then makes a dubious face as if remembering something. Now is my chance.

I diverted all my focus to the attack and attacked the muscle man. For me, clad in the silver armor of a great general, his attacks are not even worthy of caution. Naturally, the magic power consumption is inordinately high, but if I can cut him down before my magic power runs out, I will win.

"Criminal Die !"

I shouted a line I had read in a comic book and swung my sword to strike the muscle man. I repeated the attack in accordance with the kata of the North Shogun Bushin-ryu, but it was difficult to hit him. He seems to have sensed that   his attacks are not working and has given up on fighting back, devoting all of his resources to evasion. For a muscle guy, you're pretty light and you're a smart guy. 

"Huh, huh, huh, noooo, wait a minute!"

" I Won't "

"Just wait! It could be a misunderstanding!"

"There's no such thing as a misunderstanding! You're a criminal who tried to harm my territory!

"Clam down already ! You're the Silver Comet, aren't you?"

My hand stopped unexpectedly. What was that?"

"...... I am sure it's you ."

"How did you know?"

I'm not wearing my mask.

"That Silver s famous all over the world with his silver armor. Don't you know?"

"I don't know.

How could I have heard rumors about myself? I don't have my own intelligence organization, let alone my father.

In addition, I don't usually use my General Armor - Silver Armored Aegis - a lot in the first place. I only use it when I'm fighting a moderately strong enemy, or when I'm protecting my friends. It's a waste of magic power and a pain in the ass otherwise .

"In addition, your real name is probably 'Eberhardt'. and the adventurer Hurt."

"...... is correct."

I showed him the mithril key tag with the family crest from my inventory. Then the hostility disappeared from the muscle man, and the magic that had been contained in it dissipated. What the hell? What does that mean?

"I'm not your enemy. Rather, I am a ally . The Emperor, the Chancellor, and your father, Karlheinz, have commissioned me to conduct a secret investigation into a suspicious incident in the Farenheit frontier territory .

"Do you have any proof?"

It's good that you've figured out who I am, but if that's all, you might just be a sharp enemy. I can't trust you without proof.

"I have proof. Here."

The muscle man then took out an official request form with the imperial family crest, the Prime Minister's seal, and my father's signature on it. Forgery of the request form is prohibited, and above all, it is virtually impossible to forge because it uses a very complicated magic contract. So I can say with certainty that this is,

There are many situations where ............ this makes sense. ………Assuming that I was more  a suspect from a muscular man's point of view, I told him to give up  on the magic tool, he came to the frontier to investigate, and he said he had a mission. I can understand everything. Or rather, that is more natural. It means that the discomfort that I felt in the verses, "Is this really a bad guy?" Was correct.

"So I thought you were a suspect and you thought I was a suspect. ......"

"That's  how is it "

"What the hell, ....... What's ...... not funny if   we really killed each other. ......"

"Well, the misunderstanding was cleared up without any injuries . It was a good thing in the end."

The muscle man then smiles with his usual clear face. He's a funny guy. "

"What are you going to do now?"

"My name is Jet Braveheart. That's not my real name.

"That's not your real name?"

"It's called a nickname for job .

Don't say it like it's your real name."

"So, Jet. What are you going to do now?

"I'm going to go back to Heidburg and see Karlheinz.  and give him a full report , including the fact that I met  you and fought  you  by mistake."

"How are you going to get there ?"

I've got my wings, so that's not a problem.

"I'll run."


"I'm a bit of a fitness freak."

I thought  he was smart enough to know that  he wasn't as brainy as  he  looked, but it turns out like this . Normally I wouldn't think of running 350 kilometers.

"'I don't mind, but I'm going home first. ......'"

If Jet wasn't a suspect, there was no need to catch him.

"Going home first? How are you going to get home?"

"Like this."

I unfolded my flying wings and rose into the air.

"What  the hell ! "

I was surprised, but convinced at the same time. It seemed that my father had been a  bad boy once.

"Well, I'll see you later. I'll give him that magic tool.

" Also, please give this to Karlheinz. It's a report addressed to His Majesty. I'll see you at the lord's mansion in Heidburg.

"See you later!"

I quickly fly away from the forest near the village.

I'm glad it all ended well , ....... There are some strange things in this world.

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