"Time up "

Ninety minutes passed, and I put down my pen at the direction of examiner Jet. The answer sheets and question  list were collected and Jet continued, "You will take the practical test at eleven o'clock.

"The practical test will begin at eleven o'clock, and we will leave for  the training Hall   fifteen minutes  later , so please be back in this room by then.

After saying this, Jet left the room with the  sheet answers.

This exam was quite difficult, by the way. Twenty-five points each from the four fields of history, philosophy, mathematics, and magic. All of the subjects seemed to be at the level of the entrance exam for the Imperial Academy, which is considered a difficult exam. I was especially worried about Mathematical Sciences. I was  good at liberal arts in my previous life, so I wasn't very good at math. However, I'm good at philosophy and magic. I think I got about 70% in History due to my lack of study.

At any rate, I think I've passed the written test.

"Did you do well on the test ?

We're the only two  people who  taking the  text , so I thought it would be best to make friends with  her , so I spoke to her .

"No good "

Then I got a very unreliable reply. Seriously?

"Well, what percentage do you think you can get?"

"About 30 percent?"

"Seriously, you're in big trouble."

Thirty percent is right on the borderline, isn't it? That's what happens when you're sleeping   on the test with your head held high. Don't you have the guts to do something about it right up until the last minute?

"I'll cover it with my practical skills. "

"I have an interview, too. ......"

"I threw away the interview."


You sound very confident, but if you can do show top tier skill , I'm really looking forward to it. It's the kind of magic that can get you through even if you get the lowest score on the written exam and interview. I'd love to have you as a friend 

"Hey, where are we going? It's almost time to  go in about five minutes.

I asked as the girl started to walk out of the room. If  we will be late , it would cause troubles 


"Oh, excuse me.:

It's been a long exam, and I'm sure she wanted to go to the bathroom. I'll  do the same     


"Okay, you're right on time. Now let's head to the first training area.

"What was the result of the written test?"

"Well, at least you both passed the minimum standard.


I'm glad to see that the girl have passed, even if  she was not able . I can't wait for  he to show  her  skill in the practical test .

"But as far as the  girl for the test at are concerned,  she  was right on the minimum score. If she don't make up for it ,  she won't pass.


You're called Steinfeldt? That's a pretty   nice last name.



"I'm Iris Steinfeldt. Nice to meet you.

"Yeah, I'm Eberhard. You can call me Hal."

"Nice to meet you Hal "

"Oh, yeah. You can call me whatever you want. ......"

You're carefree , ......, even though your success or failure is at stake.

Anyway, it's an interesting coincidence that  she call me by the same name I used when I working as an adventurer. In the Special Demon Division, the "Silver Comet" has joined the division, and I'm planning to keep my identity as Eberhardt a secret from the outside world (although I'm sure it will be an opened up within the division), so perhaps it's more appropriate to call me "Hal".

"Now, Eberhard and Steinfeld . Which method will you choose for your practical exam?"

Jet asked us on the way to the first training area. Of course, I'll choose combat.

"I think combat."

"I'll do demonstration.

"Oh, you're chose e demonstrating?"

"I'm confident in my  skills , but I've never been in a real fight.

"I see."

In other words, if you join, depending on your future training, she has  the potential to become a good rival. The examiners use the demonstration test to see if there is a high or low probability of that happening.

"Well, this is the first training area.

The first training ground was a rather large and magnificent gymnasium. The size of the gymnasium was about the same as the prefectural arena or the city gymnasium. However, the floor is not linoleum or wood flooring, but dry soil. It was like a covered school ground.

As you can see, the floor is made of earth, so even if you destroy it with magic,

we can use earth magic to repair it. In other words, as long as you don't destroy the building, you can use magic to your heart's content!

It's just like the Special Demon Division. How could they have anticipated the destruction of the training grounds at the time of the entrance exam?

"It seems that another examiner has arrived.

At Jet's words, I looked towards the doorway and saw several examiners coming into the training area.

"They all look strong."

Iris muttered, but I knew she was right. All of the examiners here are members of the so-called top-notch Special division . 

"Then let's start with Iris Steinfeldt"


I'm not sure what to do.

"Steinfeld, you're happy with the demonstration?"


"Hmm. I'll explain it right away. First, you can use any magic you want. I'll ask you to show me a total of three spells that you are good at. Each spell has a time limit of one minute to activate. If you want to use attack magic or any other magic, attack the doll. You may destroy the doll. Do not use any magic that will damage the training area itself, including the roof and pillars, not the floor, or that will harm the examiners. If you wish to use it, we will separately prepare an opportunity to test it at an outdoor training ground outside the Imperial Capital. Any questions?"

"No "

"Good. Then stand by in the center of the training grounds. By my signal, we'll begin.


Jet and I moved back to the wall of the exercise area to watch Iris demonstrate her magic. There are several examiners, each of whom has moved into a position surrounding Iris, and they seem to be scoring her magic from all directions. The pressure is not hal.......

What kind of magic will Iris use when she says she only needs magic to pass the exam? I'm really looking forward to it.


Jet signaled in a loud, clear voice.

At the same time as Iris activated her magic, a complex magic circle unfolded around Iris . next moment when Iris thought her right hand was sticking out in front of her, her right hand glowed violently and the target doll was charred and popped.  At the exact same time as her right hand lit up.

"What the hell was that?"

The doll looked as if it had been burned to a crisp, with the entire upper torso blown off. The upper half of the body was charred and lying on the ground.

I had seen an image like this somewhere a long time ago. That's right, when I was at home in my previous life, watching a video of the US military's new weapon experiment with my smartphone in hand: ----.

"Laser beam?"

"Wow, an attacking type of light magic is quite rare!"

Jet roared next to me with a big smile on his face.

Light magic. That's what Jet just said.

In this world, light magic, also known as "holy magic," is a rare  type of magic, a supportive attribute that is said to be common among priests in shamisen. It is said that the manipulation of light with holy magic power cancels out the magic power of the evil dark attribute of the counterpart.

Bit before our very eyes , she had used  very rary type of light magci 

"This is interesting."

Jet muttered, looking at Iris with interest.

"There seems to be no problem in terms of both power and speed of activation. In particular, the lack of time lag between the moment it is activated and the moment it hits the target will be a huge advantage in actual combat."

In general, magic requires a time lag of a few seconds after it is activated before it hits the target. It is not uncommon for a typical beginner's "fireball" to take more than five seconds to hit a target 20 meters away after it is fired. If it takes five seconds for the fireball to draw a parabolic trajectory and hit the target, even goblins, which are synonymous with small monsters and are derided as "monsters for beginners," can be easily avoided.

Even for intermediate to advanced mages who have become accustomed to magic, it still takes time, maybe less than a second.

I can tell that my 'impact bullet', which is close to the speed of sound, it's have a pretty crazy speed.

However, light magic can leave even such a "shock bullet" far behind. The speed at which light travels is about 300,000 kilometers per second. The distance between the mage and the target can literally be reached in "an instant".

There is no enemy that can react to that in time . If there were, it would probably bed omnipotent god, but I don't know if there is a god in this world in the first place. I've been reincarnated in another world, so maybe there are gods, but I don't know if they can communicate with humans, and I don't know if they're hostile to humans. To be honest, I think it's nonsense to thing about something  that may or may not exist.

It's a bit off topic, but in short, theoretically, there is no one who can avoid Iris' attack. The only people who can avoid it are those who can predict the landing point of the bullet based on the behavior of Iris before the attack is launched and take a stance that prevents the attack from hitting in advance.

And there are not many people who are capable of doing that.

As Jet said, Iris's light magic had a considerable advantage even in the current situation where she had no actual experience.

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