Harem Palace Sect's System

Chapter 32 - Army Arrival, Forest Battle!~ (3)

The luxurious army advanced slowly and they're really taking their time, while the first army which is currently spreading apart was panicking while retreating in a mess.

The forest seems to judge it as enough, with that the Greenwood golems are disappearing one after another like smoke since they can't see what will be gained from battling a retreating enemy, then countless rainbow-colored vines appear, which are replacing their pursuit task and their numbers are quite plentiful.

They're slithering fast and swift, and since they're learning everything together with Greenwood Golems, they're always monitoring the battle while thinking about how to capture enemies without much noise.

So currently they're slithering faster while avoiding making noise, and they're moving in a zig zag while the grass helping them make their move is undetected.

Suddenly one of the people who's spreading got their mouths blocked by vines that wrapped around their heads while their bodies were lifted so their feet weren't touching the ground anymore, they're struggling with moving their bodies in hope they could be free, but the vines seem not to notice and only rolling their target's body while pulling them into the caves where their master told them to bring these people.

Comical scenes happened everywhere, people from the army rolling until their bodies were bundled with vines until their only face which was not covered while their mouth was blocked and their face's expression was full of fear and pain.

Some of the people who lost their hands or feet were more miserable since they felt like being tortured with their wounds and their rotating state which made them dizzy, although the vines weren't gentle to them they still prevented the blood loss since they knew their master had planned something for these people.

Then everything went back to silence, every person in the army was captured then sent into the cave which was big enough to take in 10.000 people while the blood was absorbed by some of the grass which lead into their color changed into red slightly.

Every lost limb was sent into their respective owners while being preserved in a cave that had its special use, suddenly countless Greenwood golems and vines were gathered in front of this cave whose appearance is beautiful since they're made from plants.

Countless Greenwood golems and vines gathered into two little typhoons, and suddenly 2 women appeared with rainbow-colored and plain green.

Their bodies are unbalanced since some of them are big while some of them are little, their tits and ass were unbalanced and their hair is long until it's touching the ground.

Their height is almost the same between 169cm and 170cm, this scene is quite comical since they're currently naked and their body which is not perfectly formed is like a failure mannequin.

The rainbow-colored woman is touching her own body while scratching her head which is full of rainbow hair, but if we see her body closely everything of her is masses of rainbow-colored vines which capture the people earlier.

The plain-colored one standing with a straight body like nothing will disturb her, if we see her body closely, everything about her is the same with Greenwood Golems body which attacked people earlier and now it's ignoring the rainbow-colored one who keeps trying to communicate with incoherent voices.




Meanwhile, the commander is still dazed while confused when she sees Crystal talk to her while smiling, her face is red to the point where we can see some steam coming out but from her face, we can see that she's trying hard to keep her calm.

Crystal is seeing her like this decided to let her like that, because it seems she needs more time to open her mouth to talk with him and since he didn't have plans aside monitoring how this forest is doing their defense from an invader attack while he plans to interfere if there's someone who can destroy this forest though he doubts it would exist within this low realm.

Unknown to him the forest seems to pick up his interest in women, so their form will be women while some of the plants which have not yet awakened their sentient will copy these two plants within this forest.

Although Tanya is the one who created them, the plant within the forest was more familiar with Crystal so they pick his interest while it's, fortunately, since if they pick it from Tanya then there will be many copies of crystals with countless plant forms.


Within one room in the mansion, there are three women and one kid currently sleeping while only wearing clothes that barely cover them.

The kids who are still infants since she's only almost 2 years sleeping in a device that is almost like an incubator from the modern world, she's sleeping peacefully like she won't wake up from there forever.

The two women sleeping together while drooling since they seem tired, their perks butt and breasts are alluring at this moment while the other women seem to be sleeping with a smile like her burden is gone.

Currently, these scenes are beautiful to see since the two have golden hair almost like a twin, while the mature one who has long black hair is a little inferior to these two but it's still in harmony.


The three opened their eyes at the same time, while their focus was searching for their husband, which currently wasn't here, and Tanya's suddenly knew where their husband had suddenly become since she spread her divine sense, which caught her husband together with another woman again.

Smiling wryly she shakes her head, since this is basically a loophole that her husband found, and now she knows that she's been tricked into agreeing with the last agreement.

"Wake up Alice, why did you go to sleep again? We should clean ourselves up or maybe prepare to receive a new sister!" Seeing Alice sleeping again, Tanya's hand flew slapping her ass while talking to the two to clean up before giving a new bomb with wry smiles.

"What?" Yanling is confused about this, since even though she agrees to force Crystal about the agreement she didn't mind Crystal to find more woman since she knows within this world there are people who have more women than him.

"How?" Alice springs up startles since she thought there's no possibility about this when her husband couldn't go out unless her husband is lying then it's impossible for him to get a new woman.

"Well...its seem our husband is a sneaky one, he seems to have a woman radar or something like that maybe, although its only one but her aura and her appearance seem different or maybe she's in disguise," Tanya explains to the two while trying to pull Yanling into this conversation, since she knows Yanling is submitting to their husband.

"...." Alice tilting her head while confused about what her big sister is talking about, she is still sleepy so she can't catch the meaning.

"...." While Yanling is only silent since she knows that basically, this is a loophole which Crystal found, she already knows about this loophole but seeing Tanya yesterday seems eager to rein in her husband so Tanya failed to notice it and she didn't bother to tell her.

Seeing the two like this, Tanya face-palming while thinking how hard it is for her to manage this harem. Sighing with defeat she joined them to sleep again since she was still tired after their crazy session with Alice while Yanling focusing on monitoring Xiyun's condition which almost cured while sighing seeing her lack of eyes.


Back at Crystal's location, where he is still only staring with a smile at the commander, seeing this is taking too long he decides to approach her since he wants to see her from closing up with his own eyes, not with a divine sense.

Standing up without any dirt on his body, his clothes were spotless white with a golden patterned that matched his hair. Step by step he approaches her with his smile still hanging on his face, his tall body, which is like a javelin, his perfectly handsome face and body that goes beyond what we call art.

The woman feels little pressure while mixed with restlessness and flustered feeling, since she sees that he's approaching with a slow step that will provoke her heart beating faster every step he takes.

She felt that she didn't want to move, she felt that she wasn't worthy for this beautifully handsome man to approach, she felt conflicted with her scar that became her inferior complex but she didn't want to retreat since she doesn't want to hurt this man's feelings when he is already approaching her with a dazzlingly smiling face.

She doesn't know why she felt like this suddenly to the man she barely knew, but there's something from him that would let the woman who sees him cannot control their yearning, which is buried deep in their most hidden place.

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