Harem Palace Sect's System

Chapter 34 - Hoh~ Who Is This?~

At the place around 250km range from the forest entrance, there's a rainbow-colored cave which is guarded by two strange woman life forms.

Crystal arrived with a slow but firm step, although for him it was slow, the truth when others see if he takes one step for another people they should take 5 steps.

It's the slow step he can muster, although it's not the slowest since he needs to let his new woman catch up not to let her go ahead, Asta Guvarni, which right now wears the clothing he created by mimicking his wife's traits.

Suddenly he stopped while his mouth opened wide with shock, since what he sees is the strangest scene, 2 women or a plant or maybe a plant-woman standing at the cave's entrance, like what guards would do.

With his sudden stopover on track, Asta, who's still walking crashing into his back, sobered the moment Asta was hugging his body from the back out of her instinct.

When she retracts her hand, Crystal smirked while turning around only to see her face red and her body fidgeting like a teenage girl should do, seeing this Crystal feel a little helpless with her since she's shyer than when she's fighting with a gallant disposition.

Lifting his hand, he touched her chin and told her with the most gentle yet melodic tone into her ear, while lifting her head so she could see him, although her head now looked up since his height is too tall for her.

"Don't always look down! Just be yourself, it's not like I want to eat you here!" With chuckling slightly, he teased her at the end of the sentences, which led to her face into getting more reddening.

"Hahaha, my point is you are mine already! So you don't need to act like this, you're not my servant or you're a slave! At least we will wait for Tanya's judgment before choosing whether you will become my wife or concubine, though in my eyes you're still my woman so you can't run away!"

With that sentence, he takes her into the caves while trying hard to ignore a strange Plant-woman, although he feels a little intrigued by these two he can still see their form is still not yet perfected, so even if he wants to try to fuck them it's still impossible.




The sound of footsteps resounded within this silent cave, it brought terror into the prisoner which was detained within this place. Every prisoner was shivering while their body hanging into the cave's ceiling which makes it like they are a fruit which only to be taken to eat, they felt their position is almost like food stock for some crazy 'being' which makes them fear it even more after hearing the sound of its step.

Suddenly the sound of the step stopped, with this they get a little confused while some of them feeling relief washed over them since they think that 'being' should have plucked one of them and going back to eat so their turn will still long.

'At least it's not my turn yet' almost all of them have the same thought.

(AN: Just imagine them as this https://i.imgur.com/gH1Q3rO.jpg but imagine it as people wrapped in rainbow-colored vines from feet to the neck while their mouths were blocked.)


Meanwhile, Crystal, who's stopped at the place where Commander Ginvork, Taza and Long Wei, Long Clan's young master. He's currently staring at them with a mocking smile, since he knows these three are this batch leader.

Although he knows there's more which is higher usually, they would arrive later, at least he knows that 10 people are still alive and would tell the Long Clan or the world about his bait so he didn't mind waiting since everything is only a game for him.

While smiling to mock the three he waved his hand to seal the room so no sound could escape from here, and the cave generated the rainbow-colored throne which he sat in immediately.

Seeing him sat on the majestic and beautiful throne which matched his own beauty, Asta fell into a daze once again while staring at this scene which should be comical as beautiful since she ignored the struggling three people who were wrapped in rainbow-colored vines.

This cave has a gloomy feeling since its used as a prisoner place, its color is contradictory since they're fresh rainbow colored which every woman will find beautiful.

No blood, no dirt since it's clean, which is a little creepy if the people here live for who know how long, every vine that is hanging their body connected into the ceiling, but the real function of these vines is to support prisoners to live since their sharp end was stabbed into the victim's body and its keep sending nutrients, which are only barely enough to support them alive.

Asta still staring at him which makes him feel a little helpless since this girl which he thought as a woman is a virgin, she always fell into daze easily and she will be trapped in her own world while taking his beauty into her eyes greedily.

He knows that he's handsomely beautiful, which mortals shouldn't have, but he also knows that cultivators should be the same with him since the moment they're cultivated their bodies will change and purify.

'Haizz... this girl, here I thought its only Yanling which is like that but here I got one more who's a more helpless case! Is this what I call a lovestruck-fool woman in the past? I mean, they're Idol, but I'm not!'

Unknown to him, his knowledge is only based on the novel which he read from countless resources while in the current world he is different. Since even in that novel which he read, who is similar to his current body and face doesn't exist unless it's a God which possesses it.

As ignorant handsome demon which makes himself too beautiful but he doesn't know that he almost doesn't have a rival in this world until the peak world in this universe, but of course above that peak realm should have some people who have the same beautiful body and face like the current him but he will upgrade his own again at that time so even if god appears they will die with shame.

If people know him thinking about his body lightly like commodities in the common market, maybe some people will die by coughing their own blood or die by bashing their head into the walls.


"Okay, Let's see! You three should be from Long Clan huh? How should I make you feel comfortable here, should I kill you by chopping your body into pieces slowly or letting some of my minions suck your vitality forever as their nutrient? Hmm, what should I do? Ahhh, I should call my third wife here since she should have a grudge against your clan!"

Deciding to ignore Asta, who still acts like a lovestruck-fool, he thinks aloud about what to do with these three, which he knows as Long Clan higher up.

His thinking of sending shivers to the two while the young master was staring lewdly at Asta since she's appeared here, noticing this Crystal frowning seeing that fatty staring at his woman like that, feeling a little angry with this ant's dared to act like this in front of him, he ordered the vines to take this fatty's two eyes.


Seeing this Taza's face paled while struggling to say something to Crystal, he keeps screaming to catch Crystal's attention since he wants to say something which he thought would be useful to save his young master lives.

Closing his eyes, Crystal relishes the scream as music, but it's interrupted by another one who's screaming plea.


Seeing this man act like this, Crystal feels a little intrigued since he didn't think there's someone who is so loyal to scum like that, feeling curious he chooses to let this man, whom he finds amusing to talk about.

He wants to know what this man wants to talk about, since even if it's for the treasure he wouldn't give this fatty mercy since the moment people decide to invade his domain, then their life is already forfeited.

After all, with the system's existence, the treasure wasn't worth a dime for him but of course, he didn't depend too much on the system since when he has this body the system's presence is little needed so unless it is an emergency he won't use it.

Suddenly when he's about to order the vines to open this man's mouth, he feels a presence begging for him, but when he checked it he felt surprised since it was a girl's soul that is close with this man who's pleading to him.

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