Harem Palace Sect's System

Chapter 63 - Demon Gossiping & That... Was Too Little!~

Within one of the dormitory buildings which number one, on the topmost floor there are eight ladies talking about Zars with a blush on their faces.

The most red-faced was Supreme Queen, since she sees his nude body without his penis entering woman pussy.

She sees him when he's standing from his throne, so his naked body was totally visible to her eyes at that time.

"Stop calling me the supreme queen! Call me my name from now on!!" She's glared at the six girls with vexed expression since they consistently called her Supreme Queen.

"..." One girl dozed off while the other stayed silent, after hearing her demand for them to drop the formalities.

"...Zertlynn?" Glancing at each other, the six women decided to fulfill her wish. They call her name together which causes her face beaming.

"Huh? Wh.." A sleepy girl startled awake because of their booming voice.

Zertlynn and six other girls chuckled after seeing their sloth friend because her mouth was drooled after sleeping.

"Elinoth, you should control your traits!! You were too synchronous with it, at least you should pay attention to your image!" Zertlynn said with a smile that made Elinoth wiping her cheek since the ladies' eyes were staring at it while chuckling.

"Ugh..Why should I? It's better like this! It is a blessing for us to be able to sleep, you know!" Elinoth exclaimed with a righteous tone. After all, she felt it was better like this and she's true to her word since she's asleep again.

Although there's a difference since her leg is squirming while she's giggling with a flushed face.

"...." Seeing her like this they're speechless and shaking their head while smiling wryly.

"Let her be then... now I will tell you guys to assume the name of your clan seriously! Since that was your clan's head name, currently you all are the head of your own clan."

『Belphegor Elinoth <> Demon of Sloth』

『Asmodeus Zylryss <> Demon of Wrath』

『Superbia Vardis <> Demon of Pride』

『Lusverda Hyrtila <> Demon of Lust』

『Devoyris Xenira <> Demon of Envy』

『Mammon Urillith <> Demon of Greed』

『Beelzebub Grynsea <> Demon of Gluttony』

She called each of their names with a stern tone that caused the six girls' faces serious, though Elinoth still sleeps without care so the serious atmosphere was gone after the second.

(AN: If it is in a manga, every time she calls their name there would be images which represent their face or figures while their name is below it.)

"But Zertlynn, would our children use our old clan name? After all, we're joining the new king! Maybe he wouldn't like it if we did use our clan name for his children!" Xenira suddenly questioned Zertlynn with a concerned face, because she thought about it suddenly which made the atmosphere become strange.

"...well, since we will become him sooner or later~ we should listen to him. After all, we're a woman so my child's surname will follow him!" Zertlynn sighing sadly since she's confused for a second when she mentioned her clan's'name, but her face brightened at the moment she remembers she would be Zars's'woman.

She felt conflicted since it made her remember her father and brother. She felt it was her duty to flourish her clan's name, but since she's a woman it's impossible for her son to take her clan name.

"It is still not sure we will have children soon since it is up to him!And we shouldn't think this far ahead!" Vardis, whose body exuding pride aura, stopped their discussion. She finds it strange that it suddenly changed into a child's name.

"Forget about that! You know~ his body and face are really perfect! Even our most handsome demons back then wasn't worth his feet at all!~" Hyrtila whose body exuding charm of lust changed the topic with a slutty tone. Her faces are like a horny woman who thirst for man's body, though she's a virgin so people would misunderstand her.


While demon's race supreme queen and her friends were discussing him with a fervent attitude and a blushing face.

However, the one which is the topic of their talk, didn't know about it since all his attention was on a little flying ship in front of him.

"Huh? This ship is too... little!! Long Clan trash has a big flying ship, why did this prince only have this size?" Raising his eyebrow he's frowning with the size of the ship since its size was 100m long and 10 wide while its high was only 20m.

"Hmm..husband~ truthfully Long Clan possess the ship that big is because of their connection with the upper realm! They were given by someone who's descended to their place in the past!" Su Yan is chuckling inwardly for her husband's misunderstanding about the standard artifact in this realm.

She briefed him about the source of Long Clan's ship, which was not originally from this realm. Although she doesn't know the exact source, she still knows it was from the upper realm.

"Huh? So people could descend here? Then it's dangerous is it not?" Hearing there's the possibility of upper realm inhabitants descending, Zars startled. Since it would be a tragedy if there are many cultivators who're stronger than this realm's inhabitants.

Although he didn't fear them invading his domain, it's still bad news since he wants to entice more women from this realm before ascending.

He knows that once he's ascended, the difficulty of getting a new harem member would be harder. He perceives this, since from what he's analyzed the women within this realm wasn't too prideful. As long as he's capable and possessing the strength to support them they would gladly become his women.

Of course, most of them would be intoxicated even after a slight glance from him. However, for the women who possess a stronger will, it's needed for them to totally leave their fate to him.

"Don't worry about that, husband~ since from what I know! There's a price for them to do so, but as for the exact price... I don't know about it! Maybe old ancestors from some clan or sect would know about it."

Su Yan hastily explained the impossibility of that occurring since she could see her husband worry. Though she didn't know it was different from her speculation. She merely thought that Zars worried for them to attack.

She said this since she didn't know his limit yet, and it's because she didn't know the real worry about her husband. Maybe if she knew his real worry, she would be confused whether to laugh or cry.

"Hmm, this ship is too showy! Here's what I thought your clan would be more humble! It seems this one is an absolutely black sheep!!~" Nodding his head, Zars criticizing her clan once again. She smiled wryly after discerning this fact. She can't even retort or defend them since she knew the ship was from her clan.

Although it's still an individual who customizes the appearance, it's still within family's permission for that to happen.

Zars smiling seeing her like this, he then cheers her up with little kiss while pinching her nipples which make her moaned.

While this happened Alea was still massaging his shoulder with a smile since she didn't care about this; she solely focused on her task massaging his shoulder, which she took as pleasure since his upper body was naked.

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