Harem Reborn

Chapter 251: Hail On Slime

I floated back around the corner, but then a bar popped up.

[Mobile Lair Creation] 25% Complete!

What? Lair? Tequila or Dansei, can you help me with this, I'm drawing a blank. I thought beholders took a long time to create a lair? Yup, a real long time, according to the Memory Download, but there is nothing about the Mobile Lair Creation.

'We have actually talked about this, so I can tell you about it. True, it normally takes a beholder three hundred years, give or take. That wasn't going to work for this idea, so we talked over the Mobile Lair Creation. It feeds off the experience you get from monsters, and since you don't use any, all the experience goes to the lair creation. Normally, you had it set to grow with you and give you more rays and access to your negative energy cone.' -Dansei.

'So, I just have to keep killing to fill up my bar, and I get better stuff? Do I have all the lair abilities of the normal beholder?'

'Yes to the first question, but no to the second, partly. Some of the abilities will be similar, but you changed and added some. There is a reason, not even you would allow any of the Adaptling Aspect Class to be played with another Class, or even played in the game at all. You should not have this, but then again, your quirk is cheating, enough said I guess. Check your rays, you should have a new one.' -Dansei.

I opened up my attacks, and scan through them, and noticed Telekinesis Ray. I started reading it, then I read it again. Then, just to make sure, I read it really slow.

'Am I reading this right? I can lift up to a three-hundred-pound object or a creature. That's what it says, but then, the "a creature" part means there isn't a weight restriction on creatures? Or there would be no, a, right?'

'Virtual high five for Dave today! Good catch, that is an original design flaw, but for you, fighting against large monsters will be good! It can be used from any stalk, but it has a ten-second cooldown. Still better than your other rays, so make good use of it!' -Dansie.

Yeah, this was going to be a lot easier now, I hoped. I really shouldn't have even had the thought because when I turned the second corner of the huge tunnel...filled with slimes. Not the cute girl slimes, just amorphous blue transparent blobs with little red cores in them. They were slow, but there were around thirty of them!

Now my all-powerful strategy was cooked! Tossing slimes was mostly useless, but I could use it to toss the closer ones back from me while using my Death, Stun, Petrification, Slow, and Disintegration Rays to kill or slow the ones that got too close. I used the Charm Ray on a slime that tossed, but it had no effect.

There were still more than half left, I had barely killed a third of them, so it was time for the seventh eyestalk to do its thing. I tossed another slime that was getting too close, then pointed to the center of the area that would get the most if it was another meteor strike. I activated the rays and blinked all my eyes as I was bathed in red light, and the roof of the cave was torn off.

[Hail of Blades Ray] Activated!

'RUN!' -Tequila & Dansei.

That was cute, I had no legs, but that didn't stop me from floating back around the corner, and started to panic. There were small points of lights filling the sky, everywhere, and the tunnel I was floating down was all red! What the hell was this! I reached the final turn as the first blade hit the ground, just missing me.

The end of the circle was just around the corner, but I still had to dodge five more close calls before getting out. The circle instantly turned blue, and I was safe, as the ground was hammered with long glowing blades. I didn't have a reason to pant, but I did it anyway, I only avoided the blades because I had seven eyes to pinpoint where I would be hit from.

'What the hell was that?'

'No idea, we just knew you were within the damage zone, cool move though! You should use that seventh stalk more often! You can get by with this easy peasy!' -Dansie.

'You know if that would have been the meteor strike, then there would be anything left of me to clean up!'

'Pft! You're fine. Plus, you wouldn't make anything that would intentionally hurt you, maybe maim, but you'll heal fine! Trust that you built this as an all-powerful class that only you have used before, there is still the Star Devourer and Dragon aspects, but there is something weird going on with this game.' -Dansei.

'Oh, you mean the mission that never ends?'

'I think the normal MainFrame is compiling everything into a single changing run. You might have to complete more challenges, but you have triggered something in the system you built for MainFrame that is overloading Reginold's blocks. Since you have unlocked the beholder Class, we have been able to be freer when speaking about certain things, but not completely.' -Tequila.

'Does that mean if I finished this long and arduous quest, I could finish on this world so quickly?'

'Your original plan that we talked about before the game started was for you to run this game fast, you had a place to drop the girls, and this was just to get them into the Hall of Gods. You wanted to get the other girls that are part of your harem, and life used to the game and that's why you decided to include them in your play through.' -Dansei.

'Just how much do you remember now?'

'All of it, but not the games before this one, like resets. I can remember up to the point that we were sent into Reborn from Second Life, but nothing until your first run, and we did that. Now we are here on your second run, and the best yet according to Mom!' -Dansie.

Talk of the first run avoided again, something bad must have happened. This wasn't the time for aberrant thoughts. It was time for me to finish this game. 

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