Harem Reborn

Chapter 266: Wrench Into The Fray

[Day 1/1825 on The Godless Green Earth A.I World]

During the run, Mikota fell asleep again, tucked in my arms with her face pushed into my chest. I had some time to think about what I would do, but nothing would come from me trying to plan for what I didn't know. So, I ended up drifting to the only thing that was really on my mind as I ran, Tequila.

She wasn't the one that I wanted to keep safe, but I loved her more than anything in the worlds. I loved all the girls and they knew that, but they also knew that what Tequila and I had was different, but I wondered if they still did? I would have to figure out everything when I got this world done, in five years, that still blew me away. 

I had to watch my step, the massive trees were about to break and there wasn't much to see at first other than the open air, but I was running uphill. When I got to the top of the rise where the trees just stopped, I froze. What the hell was I looking at?

The landscape was shattered, I mean absolutely decimated. End of the world was the right description, the ground was broken up into  hundred meter chunks that were all dramatically different heights. It was going to be hard to move around and I would have to make a ten meter drop, but then I remember the Primal System.

I tried to pull up a menu, but after thirty different failed attempts, I decided to do what I did with the Earth Blade. I concentrated on the earth below me and then used my mind to force the chunk of earth I was on to float free and then I dropped down to three meters and floated forward. 

Amazing, this took almost no effort to maintain, but there was a slight stress. Still, now I could move faster and fly. A series of cracks had spidered making bottomless canyons that I had to float across at times to make progress. Without control of earth, none of this would be possible, but I am sure Gripton knew that. The man was a walking plan that only he knew, but that was every designer's secret weapon to keep the player going and interested.

After an hour of maintaining a fast place, I started to see wasted land of death and decay smashed just as bad as what I had traveled through. The difference was there was a bit a green on the land, but where there had once been water was now a deserted and gouged out wasteland.

"Hey! How are you doing that?" a male voice called from below me.

The voice startled me and I looked down to find another Gialazsaur that was orange with black stripes. The man didn't look threatening, so I slowly lowered myself to the ground and then stepped off the earth but kept control of it. I had no idea how this species would act to me, I had no solid skin tone or stripes.

"Your...different, very. So you can fly, and I know you're a Gialazsaur, but you look like a Worldbreaker. What are you?" The tiger colored man asked.

"I don't actually know what I am, but I was just brought to your world to help save your race from...the Worldbreakers? Is that humans, ones that look like me? I am Dave by the way."

"Yes, I am Kaz, you must come with me and talk to the elders. If you are actually who you say you are, then we have been waiting for you for a very long time. If not, then you will be fed to The Devolved Ones, we don't take kindly to tricks, our kind have been through enough to not fall for such simple words!" Kaz said, but he didn't sound angry, just determined.

"Sure, but don't touch my wife, or we will have a problem, and tell your friends to come out from hiding. The three of you have bright colored skin, pink, green, and yellow. I don't want to keep watching over my shoulder."

Kaz was momentarily surprised, but nodded and the two females and one green male stepped out from their hiding places. They all must have seen me and snuck up, but I had seen them from the air on my way down. It was nice to have my brain working again, it had been like working with half a deck of cards before Julia had done whatever she did to unfuck my mind.

"You're very perceptive, impressive. Follow us, we have about an hour's walk from here to get to the caves, and we will not touch your she. We never would touch another she, that is not right, unless it is to help and only if one is asked, but even then it is looked down on," Kaz explained as we started to walk.

They didn't seem wild, but I wasn't sure what I was supposed to expect. They looked like naked humans with solid colors for skin and stripes, but that was the only difference. I followed silently, and Kaz continued by introducing his she, Mia the yellow and red stripes, then Gar the green with white and the last she, Tal the pink with orange.

They all seemed normal, but then why were they not repopulating? 

"Hey, Kaz, this is probably an awkward question, but why aren't you having babies?" I asked, while turning sideways to step through a narrow cave entrance.

"Hmm? How do you know of this? You just came here, that's what you said, but it is good that you know that, no worldbreaker knows that, so makes you more likely. You will have to ask the elders about that, it is their choice, not someone like me," Kaz said with a half smile.

Oh, great, I should have known there would be another old bunch of crotchety buggers behind this. Someone just threw another wrench into the fray!

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