Harem Reborn

Chapter 74: Save My Planet

We all stood outside of the door, but Mikota was staying close to me, but I had calmed myself down for the most part. I could see the girls out of the corner of my eye, trying to keep straight faces, but Mikota was facing away from them in embarrassment.

"Who is coming?"

Jill turned to me and smiled. I wasn't sure who it could be. I didn't really know anything about this world.

"MAS trainer Irellia will be joining us to train you all."

Irellia? She came back in so quick? Suddenly the red light for air pressure turned green, and the doors hissed before fully opening. There was a much smoother and more expensive version of the beat-up one in this hangar in the hanger.

We all walked out into the hangar, and the ship opened a door the was previously smooth and undetectable. A very blonde and human Irellia walk out with a man dressed in what looked like a butler suit. I was drawn back to Irellia, my memories flickering around me.

The dance, the wedding, and all the other time we had spent together played out. And the failure, the betrayal still unknown, and our dying breathes swam around me like an ocean current. I ran and scooped Irellia up into my arms and spun her around as she giggled.

"You look just like before, how?"

"Perks of being a god, I guess. I am glad I was able to get a spot like this, though!"

"Would you like to meet the team?"

"Maybe put me down first. I want to make a good first impression on your ladies!"

I put IKrellia down and scolded her for calling them "my girls." I led her over to the group, and the man followed us. I asked Irellia about him.

"What's with the man?"

"Jealous? This your real trainer, Armond, don't worry. He will put you through the grindstone!"

"Wah?! I thought you were the trainer?"

"Nah, I'm just gonna watch Armond run you all into the ground and then make you all work out and do it again!"

"WAH!" All the girls cried out as they rushed over.

"What do you mean, run us into the ground?" Tama asked with a worried expression on her face.

"Allow me to introduce myself," Armond stepped forward.

He looked human, but something about him was off. He looked different somehow. Almost like he wasn't showing emotion in his expressions.

"I am Armand. I was told that this form is best suited for your view. I am a Gammaling, similar to Watch Captain Jill, but I have an immutable form. Our species is in charge of training new civilizations to grow and advance through the natural process. This means only adding information when the population begins to stagnate, or if they start moving faster, then the current understanding would allow."

"So you can blend into any society and covertly help them reach the pinnacle of their civilization? That means you must be as old as Jill then?"

"Yes, and no. Although none of the species the Radiarions have created have reached close to their peaks yet. As for my age, I was created 78432 years ago for the sole purpose of training MAS pilots."

This was interesting. Things like this in the game really made me wonder about the world I came from. So many lifetimes ago before this, but this was hardly the time to be reflecting on that. I bowed to our new trainer and turned back to the girls, who were waiting quietly. I introduced each of them, but I left Tilly and Iona till last.

Well, Armand, this is Tilly and Iona, but I don't think I have to introduce your three."

I turned to Iona, but her arms were crossed, and she didn't look happy. What was wrong with her?

"What are you down here?" Iona asked sharply.

"I wanted to join you!" Irellia said, smiling broadly.

"You idiot! What about my blessing? Now it's gone, you, dimwit!"

Irellia's smile faltered, and her eyes widened. "What have I done? I should have known this! I am so sorry, Iona, I will make it up to you!! I'll do anything for you!"

"Oh, I know you will," Iona had a mischievous smiled on her face, and she took on a far-off dreamy look.

Poor Irellia doesn't know what she's just done. She was going to end up like Miss grace over Iona's knee again! Well, she made the bed, so now she has to deal with the twisted and kinky Woman!

I went over to talk to Sasha. Because of all the things that happened, I never heard her story about herself, and everyone else was busy, so I decided to go over and talk to her. Mikota had lost her shyness from our intense fight and…not fighting after, hehe.

"So tell me about what your world is like Sasha, I really wanted to hear before, and the others are busy now."

I gestured to sit on the ground since no benches were anywhere—kind of ridiculous to have a place like this with no seats. Then, Sasha just sat down like there was a chair under her. And then there was! A section of the floor rose up to support her like a stool.

"What the hell is that?"

"Alta will move the deck to make seats for us, hehe," Sasha giggled as she looked at the shocked look on my face.

"Well, anyway, tell me about your homeworld."

"I am from a planet covered in water called Xeno. The entire planet is covered in water, and all the people are of water-based origin. I am an elemental being like Maxine, except I am Oceana, and I am a healer of sorts. My people help defend the Xenophins from their natural enemies, The Xenowraiths."

"What are they all about, and why do they bother the Xenophin so much?"

"Because they can survive above water."

"Wah? That's it? Just some good old jealousy? Seams kind of petty to me."

"The two races are both the same species, but a certain evolutionary change happened to both sides, but not the same kind. For the Xenophin's, like Tilly, have gills and lungs, but Xenowraiths have only gills but can see in any darkness and handle any pressure exerted by the lowest depths. For Centuries, the two lived in peace, and The Oceana had very few dealing with either race, but after a large group of wraiths decided to wage this petty war, we intervened."

"What made the Oceana step in when you seemed to have remained neutral in the past?"

"The Wraith can become incorporeal, allowing them to phase through objects, barriers, and the walls of the Xenophin's homes in their Hydroglobe cities that ride the currents of the planet."

"So, It was a one-sided fight then?"

"The Xenophin had half their race slaughtered before we could get a hold on the situation, and there are still constant raids. We have tried our best, but now I have more hope after joining this team. Even though I know this is a game, the memories are way too real to discount and the feelings attached to them."

"Oh, I know what you mean, Sasha. I lived every lifetime with each of you during Mini-Game and felt all of the emotions in a moment. The feelings can't be ignored, even though you were a stranger to me in seconds. I relived our entire time till that point in a blink to you, but I was there. It was the same with each contact, but it's not as strong this time. I only have had it happen with Tama so far this time, so maybe it's because of the Mini-game."

"That could be it, but who knows? All I know is the feelings are real, and I can't push them aside. So I want to ask you something, Dave. Will you help me convince Universal watch to help save my planet.

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