Gatz, seated at the table for a long time, looks at Harun and opens his mouth.
“Excellent! I'll make you the best antidote for anything, so go get Iron Snake for me." ”
Finally, the quest fell from Gatz's mouth. On the condition that we get the Iron Snake, of course.
Harun examines the quest window in detail.
Catch Iron Snake
Grade: B
The gallbladder of the rare snake 'Iron Snake’, which lives in the high mountains northwest of the Fuchran Mountains, has a powerful detoxifying effect. Whereas common antidotes work on local poisons, the antidote that contains the gallbladder of the Iron Snake exerts a powerful antidote on all poisons.
Reward: Supreme Antidote based on Iron Snake's Bilberry Ingredients
Reputation 200, S.P. 100
Decrease the Trust of Herbalists and Herb Merchants on Failure
“I understand.”
Harun thanked me sincerely for accepting the quest.
In fact, even with the ingredients, it was almost impossible to formulate the antidote with his pharmaceutical skills, which was only once seen by the teacher.
‘You've become a horse. ’
Harun recalls mentioning the Iron Snake the other day at the mercenary academy when he was picking on the lucky four-man.
I liked receiving quests, by the way, but it bothered me that I was rated B. I didn't understand which monsters had such high ratings.
“Thank you. How hard it is to catch the Iron Snake. I'll make you the best antidote for free if you don't die. ”
The old man Gatz glanced at Harun to see all the strange ones.
"Is Iron Snake that scary? ’
I heard that Hector is a very rare monster, but Harun doesn't know anything more about him.
“Tell me about the Iron Snake. ”
“Sure. I don't really know any herbalists about him. ”
Gatz nods and informs you.
“The Iron Snake is a rare species that lives in a mountain that originally had a huge iron ore burial site. Those seeds that have a life expectancy of about 100 years have been ingesting iron from birth, along with their food, periodically. Their venom is so powerful that even Ogres can't walk ten paces once bitten that no monsters enter their realm at all. The shells of those who have absorbed iron for over a decade have hardened like steel, and the tail of all grown men is swung once, making Orcs so powerful that they can die instantly. ”
As the old man Gatz described, he was a terrifying monster. Or should I say predator? Even an Ogre over level 100 has such a powerful poison that it makes it go into a single blow. It really creeps me out.
“Moreover, Iron Snake, who lives in the Hookran Mountains, has a power and toxicity unlike anything else in the world, so you should be careful. ”
Harun, listening to Gatz, thought that this old man might have experienced the Iron Snake before.
“Where do they live? ”
“I can explain roughly, but no one knows the exact location, including me. There is a map, but the accuracy will be very low. ”
Harun stares at the high peak of Fukran with a firm look.
‘I have a lot of work to do... ’
Even in reality and here, there was a lot to do, but the antidote was necessary to harness the amazing power of a bitch.
While Harun was thinking for a moment, old Gatz pulled something out of his chest.
“This is an antidote I made a long time ago. It may not be possible to detoxify the Iron Snake, but it should prevent the poison to some extent. Take it.”
“This is rare...... ”
Harun couldn't get the antidote easily.
“It's okay. Take it. It may not be the best, but it will be. This is not an Iron Snake of Hookran, but a gallbladder from an Iron Snake caught elsewhere, but Gatz's delicate pharmaceutical skills are unmatched. ”
The old man who dragged him grabbed Harun, who was reluctant to give him the antidote.
“Then I'll use it well. I'll be sure to grab the Iron Snake. ”
“Yes, please. Not just Gatz, but dozens of people. ”
“Yes? What does that mean? ”
The answer was Gatz revealing his complex heart through his eyes.
“I had six childhood friends. We grew up together in a village, and we shared a passion we couldn't change. When we were in our twenties, we were all the best herbalists and hunters in the area, enough to hold our thumbs up. Back then, we were strong and strong like a mountain goat, with sharp eyes like an eagle, and ferocious and strong enough to fight Blackbears like a stag. ”
Gatz's sidewalk is damp.
Recalling the good times, there was a dreadful grief and bitterness instead of the yearning that had to be remembered naturally or a passion from time to time.
“We've decided to catch the Iron Snake in our youth. The greatest Bluebrain Horse Tower of our time has heard of our rumors and asked for a quest. The compensation is 100,000 gold. The six of us could be rich in a heartbeat. Moreover, he offered to accompany two Five-Circle Madosas and ten Expert mercenaries from the Tower, and of course he accepted the quest. ”
With 100,000 gold, it is an enormous sum of more than 15,000 gold, even if six people split it. The price was roughly estimated at the price of one to three gold dollars a month for six brothers and sisters per household, as Philip said before.
“We wandered around the foothills of the Hookran Mountains in search of all sorts of rare herbs and precious prey, and we were reluctant to enter the dangerous Hookran Mountains, but we couldn't resist the temptation of money. Besides, one of my friends had a rare illness at the time, and they were getting married. ”
“That offer must have been inevitable. ”
At Harun's words, the sad old man Gath nods.
“As the grown-ups said, we entered the Hookran Mountains and fearsome monsters and beasts attacked us. Fortunately, the two wizards and ten Expert mercenaries had excellent combat experience as well as skill to avoid danger. While chasing the weather and monsters through the ever-changing mountains, it was only three months after finding a mountain with a terrain worth living in the Iron Snake. We had three casualties at the time, and we had little food. ”
Perhaps it was a desperate situation. Harun's experience of Fukran was filled with truly dangerous things.
“The mountain was a highway mine with iron ore exposed to the surface, and it even had a vein of gold or silver in the middle. There was also the possibility of a jewelry mine, but I didn't think of that at the time. There must have been a massive habitat of the legendary Iron Snake around here a long time ago. We went up the mountain in joy. Until then, I didn't think it was that hard to catch the Iron Snake. We have seven more Expert and Intermediate First Class mercenaries left in our two Madosas. ”
I drooled by myself. Interestingly, old man Gatz continued to talk whether Harun was happy to hear his story.
“But we never found the Iron Snake. Night and day, roaming the countryside like a madman, but his end was a dead end. After so many days and exhaustion, we were attacked by the Iron Snake as we slept tirelessly without any vigilance. ”
Harun swallows his saliva again. Now you can hear the power of the right Iron Snake.
“It's night, but it's moonlight, so I can see it. The dangers of the fearsome one. I don't know how long he lived, but he was a lot longer than 10 meters, and he was big enough for two guys to reach out. If they had wings on their sides, they'd believe it if it was a legendary dragon. I still get goosebumps when I think of his yellow eyes. ”
Gatz was really overwhelmed. The same was true of the other elders.
“He swallowed Madosa with his body under the magic of the flame clan. Later on, I heard that the wizard was using flame magic in three circles, but he was not harmed in any way. Isn't he a terrible man? The Underworld has finally opened. A mercenary with a slight miss in his tail broke his back, and a mercenary covered in his poison melted from his head. We ran wild while the wizards and mercenaries were dealing with him. The moment I saw that he couldn't handle our strength, I knew. By the time we got down that mountain, we could hear the creepy peers he was throwing away, taking out all the wizards and mercenaries. It took a hell of a lot of power in a short while. ”
The old man Gatz's body twitches. Just like yesterday, vivid memories seemed to give me an unbearable horror.
“We hid in the shadows all night and escaped the Hookran Mountains with three mercenaries who barely survived. Those three were the ones who ran away realizing they were no match as soon as the fight broke out, but only after struggling with them to die, did they cross the strong river. ”
“I'm glad to hear that. ”
In Harun's words, the old man has an indescribable sadness in his eyes.
“Maybe it's a good thing. It wasn't his food on the spot. But it wasn't until a year after we realized another misfortune had come to us. That he was addicted to a weak but iron-snake venom. We, of course, became addicted to his poison. The venom of the Iron Snake will melt some muscle in the body, including six of us and their offspring. It's not enough to die right now, but it's hard to live with a real man. ”
The venom of the Iron Snake must have slowly killed the tissue cells.
“The herbs that make herbs grow like this, but don't poison them anymore are so rare that it's not easy to make herbs. ”
When the old man's words ended, Harun was able to clearly see how ugly and difficult this was. It was a quest I never wanted to do otherwise.
“I've been digging through herbs like a madman ever since. I searched everywhere in the Empire for someone who was bright in the herbs. Fortunately, I was able to move away from the left arm. I've never walked properly since I was born with a disease that melted part of my leg muscles, and I couldn't stand to see my daughter and granddaughter without any guilt struggling with the pain of time and again. I was able to find rare herbs by studying them like that, and I made a lot of money with them. I even called the priests with the money, but no one could cure our disease. ”
The witch's healing magic and divine magic made it impossible to heal. It was truly a dreadful poison. It was really creepy to get addicted just by inhaling a tiny amount, and it even became genetic.
“I just found out. The poisonous creatures have poisonous substances that correspond to themselves or their surroundings. In all my research, it must have been his gallbladder that was able to detoxify the Iron Snake venom. Even if you look at the literature or listen to the stories, the poison that uses Iron Snake's gallbladder as the main ingredient can be used to detoxify all toxins. So is his venom. It seems to have the effect of neutralizing other toxins. ”
After finishing his horse, Gatz handed me an empty glass bottle of all sizes in a leather pouch on a shelf.
“It may be difficult to catch him, but it may be possible to gather poison. If you're looking for food that he poisoned, bring the whole area with it. It'll work just as well. Of course, we have to encourage them to do other things with their prey. ”
Harun nods, accepting the leather pouch. I understood what Gatz said.
“Catch him and you'll have nothing better to offer, but I'll consider my request complete if you bring me his poisoned items." A gallbladder would be nice, but even poisoned items can produce a fairly effective antidote. ”
“Very well. Take care on your way. ”
Harun leaves the store, looking at the two old men with a calm heart. My heart was heavy when I saw Gatz waving his right hand, which was thin and immobile like a twig in winter.
Harun went to the Leather Workshop Gatz introduced.
A fairly large workshop consisted of a display of leather goods and two adjacent workshops.
The workshop didn't make a wall because of the ventilation problem, so it was obvious that the smell of leather tanners' sweat mixed with the hideous smell of leather made it hard to catch the nose.
“Welcome. ”
A middle-aged wife hit him as he entered the store. Divided into living goods and armor made of leather such as hard leather or leather boots, several people were looking at the items in the exhibition.
“I'm here for the introduction of old Gatz. ”
“Oh, yeah. Have a seat here. I'll get your father. ”
The middle-aged wife went out a small door to the workshop, reflecting the name Gatz.
After she returned a little later, an old man with a sharp impression followed her, smelling of hideous leather and medicinal scent.
“You're here for Gatz's introduction? ”
“Yes, I'm Harun. I'm a mercenary.”
As the mercenary says, he glances up and down for a moment, looking at his armor.
“That's good armor, but it's too harsh. It's completely ruined. Tsk, tsk. ”
When Harun saw the old man who kicked his tongue with an unfair look, he did not dislike the character of the artisan who had a hard work conscience. It was Harun's idea that those who are proud of their work should be respected.
It was Harun who was angry even though he had been blamed blamed blameworthy at first, or apologized instead of a bad mood.
“I'm dealing with a lot of dangerous people. Moreover, I owe this guy so much for saving his life instead of losing this armor. ”
“Oh, I see. ”
A small smile flows over the face of the old man, even as he is shrewd and cruel. So the voice that followed became slightly softer.
“So, what's your relationship with Gatz? ”
“This time, I've decided to do something for old Gatz. ”
The old man's eyes glowed and disappeared.
“What brings you here? Repair armor or buy armor? I told you before, don't even think about bargaining for the price of having a relationship with a cricket. ”
When I heard the sound of it, I thought I was quite familiar with Gatz.
“Hahaha, no. I'm here to sell some leather. ”
“Hide? Where? Oh, was that a magic backpack? ”
“Yes, a fine leather. I asked you to introduce me to a skilled craftsman, and he told me about this place. ”
“Hehe! Hides have no place to follow us around, not just this town. Ahhh. Let's go to the workshop first. ”
The old man led Harun to the workshop with an open face, saying, "Good leather."
Boom, boom!
When the old man clapped his hands, the three men gathered toward him. As if it were their own signal, the rest of the people were devoted to their work without any fluctuations.
“My sons. It was originally five, but the two of them were too busy to shop in other territories. ”
The three men appeared to be middle-aged, and with a dark beard, they all had great stature, so they could not tell who was up and who was down.
“Harun is in charge of the gale mercenaries. ”
Harun greets the three sons of the old man, and is urged by them to remove the dried skins from his magic backpack while Shirine slaughters them.
Their eyes gleam with a strange heat as they watch the five skins tied at human height unwrap one by one.
“Ah! Father, these Orc hides scarcely hurt. ”
“Oh! Look at this. Is this Rump Orc leather, Father? ”
One of them recognized Rump Orc's hide.
“Look at the thickness. ”
“I see. Rump Orc hide. How did you catch this? We have to get inside the Hookran Mountains to catch these demons. ”
The old man now looks back at Harun, completely stunned.
“Oh, my God! Guys, look at this. More than 20 Demon Orc Hides. It's got black bear leather, alpine fox leather and griphon leather. ”
The three sons were all distracted by a rare hide that was not commonly seen, but the old man's horrific gaze was cast upon Harun.
“It's on its way from Fuchran, and the crew is still there. I came out alone to sell leather and buy supplies. ”
“Well, you're right. I never dreamed I'd find a mercenary in the Hookran Mountains who hunts such fearsome creatures in my life. Gatz introduced you to a really good friend this time. It's almost time for him to help me, and it's weird. ”
“I just got lucky. ”
The old man shakes his head.
“Those devilish Orcs are scary enough to deal with knights. This Rump Orc Hide is the first time I've seen it since I was a young man, except some of the Marquis's knights who came to Hookran and came back alive. ”
Harun knows roughly how much fear people feel about the Hookran Mountains and the monsters that live there.
“Thank you so much for bringing us these pelts. I'll give you the right price. What's with all the wrinkles? ”
The old man smiles brightly, patting Rump Orc's hide like a treasure. Harun was able to see the joy of his craftsmanship in seeing good ingredients from the old man.
“You didn't even tell me my name. I'm Tarim. ”
The face of the old man who spoke his name late was firmly hardened in the flow of time with little change, but presbyopia was filled with a fierce passion.
The old man's three sons vomited Federation awe and touched, felt, smelled and expressed joy.
“I mean the hide from the Rump Orc. ”
“Yes, what is it? Do you want me to make some defense gear out of those? ”
Tarim quickly uncovered Harun's insides, unlike his impressions.
“Yes, I want it to be as set as possible. ”
“Ten people will come out with this kind of material. You've slaughtered so well, there's nowhere to waste. You'd rather be a hunter than a mercenary. You'll soon be rich. ”
“Thank you. But there's someone else who butchered this leather. ”
Harun now smiled and thanked the old Tarim who suddenly showed his appreciation.
“I need seven pieces of armor. I'd like the rest of the leather to do the work. Is that possible? I'll pay you more if it's not enough. ”
“Haha! You don't know the price of this guy's hide. Rump Orc Hide costs at least 200 gold per page. If you meet this type of leather well, you can get up to 300 Gold. ”
“Is this so precious? ”
Harun's eyes flash open. I didn't know you could get such a high price.
I have previously heard that regular Orc hides cost about 1 gold and 50 silver on a per item basis. I've also heard that the hides of Orc Warriors that I caught while traveling with Debron go out for about 100 gold.
“Look at this. ”
Tarim showed me a close cross-section of the leather. I had never looked at the leather properly before, so it was the first time I saw it.
“Can you see how many layers? ”
Taking a closer look, there were five lines overlapping between the flesh or muscle and the endothelium, based on the furry skin.
“His skin is the same seven layers as Ogre or Wyvern. The skin of Rump Oak is so tough and hard to cut because it has different ingredients and arrays, not seven layers of skin in the same array.Otherwise, it's hard to cut properly without a Mana infused blade. It's nothing compared to the hide of an Orc Warrior with five layers of skin. ”
Harun was surprised, but at the same time he had some doubts.
“I see. But my men were very good at skinning this guy." ”
“Peeling is a little different. Moreover, it's not that hard to skin the dead if you have a Supreme Dagger for Sharp Butchering or have a certain degree of Butchering skill. ”
“I see.”
Harun nods, still having some questions.
“The work it takes to make this leather armor set is 100 gold each. Hard leather is the most handy, complex, and requires special tools, so you should get that. I must pay you 5,000 gold for making you seven sets of armor, by the way. Black Bear hides, but alpine fox hides are very rare. ”
Hirun suddenly feels better about his words. For the first time, I was pleased to see the existence of Syrine. If it weren't for her butchering skills, she wouldn't be able to do this kind of transverse work without a thorough leather worker.
“Do the math for yourself. I only trust Tarim. ”
“Haha! I'm glad you're not squeamish. Even the good-looking knights are in trouble nowadays to hit the price. ”
Not because I don't want to be chewy, but because I don't know the price at all.
However, the old man and his three sons seemed to really like Harun's attitude.
“But what did you do with these horns? ”
The one who asked was the youngest of the three sons of Tarim.
“I just threw it away because the wizard didn't need it. ”
“Ha! That's a shame. If it does, it can boost your magic resistance. ”
“Really? Tell me more. ”
Tarim asked instead of Harun. I guess the old man didn't know that either. Then the man stretched out his heart and replied, seeing the curious face of Harun and the other two brothers.
“I stumbled upon this when I worked in the Imperial Forge of the Imperial Imperial Empire as a military until 10 years ago. It is said that if I make armor made from materials that combine living tissue with Manasik, like Rump, it increases my magical defense power. They say that if you carve magic bars into your defense gear using a mixture of Rump-sharpened powder and misrells and a few more ingredients, you can defend against physical defenses as well as three circles of magic up to 50 to 80 percent. I know the secret, and it shouldn't be too hard to carve a magic wand since I'm here at the end of time. Plus, if it's Misrill Powder, there's plenty of Milphran Forge. ”
“Oh, there's a secret to that. Then the defensive strength of the hard leather we've made will climb as high as the body armor. ”
Tarim showed strong curiosity.
“Yes, Father. Painting magic jewels on leather is easier than steel or body metal, so it will be a luxury item, and you can get several times the price, which will increase your yield. ”
Your rich man nods, glaring at each other with a happy face. A new revenue model has been presented. It was originally very difficult to handle leather, but there was not much demand, so it did not make much profit.
Knights or soldiers preferred chain or plank or steel armor, so the popularity or demand of hard leather was very low before the estramorwn appeared. Leather goods were therefore limited primarily to living goods such as clothing or horse gear in the northern part of the Empire, which did not yield much.
However, a hard leather with both physical and magical defenses will tell a different story.
The physical defense strength of Rump Orc leather is slightly lower than that of a steel armor, so its weight, wearability and convenience are nothing compared to that of a steel armor. If you have Magic Defense Power there, it would be really valuable to call out.
“Rump's the problem. ”
If so, I would like to give it to you right away, but Rump is a piece of cake because he ate it all because he was already a whore.
‘No! I forgot. There's Rump.'
It reminds me of catching Rump Orcs. Harun quickly opened his inventory. But it wasn't there. It's probably in a fucking subspace.
Harun was worried about opening the subspace in front of everyone, but he saw the rich people arguing with each other.
By any chance?
Harun's prediction was right.
“You said mercenaries, right? You're a mercenary capable of catching 20 Rump Orcs, so you'll be better than any knight at fighting monsters, right? I'll give you a quest. Please get me some Rump Orc Horns. ”
At that moment, a quest window appeared in front of his eyes.
Get Rump from Rump Oak
Rank: D +
A wealthy Tarim has devised a new leather defense gear. To create the best hard leather with physical and magical defenses at the same time, you need bio-management Rump. We need to get Rump for them to make a new kind of defense gear.
Quantity: 20
Reward: Get 7 free Rump Orc defense gear sets
7 Leather Travel Items Set
Reputation 150
Decrease in likelihood in case of failure, decrease in selling price of leather
Harun immediately accepted the quest. I was thinking of going anyway, even if they didn't offer to raise their defenses.
Moreover, there were already a few, so I didn't have to catch many.
Tarim went out the back door with a happy face and brought a heavy leather pouch to Harun.
“Leather is less than the price of your armor because I believe you'll get Rump no matter what. 5,000 gold. I'd give you more, but that's all we got. ”
“No, you don't have to do all this. ”
“No. You have to pay good money to get the right stuff. It may be the same for others, but the value of goods is built on trust and trust among the people who trade. As us who have rare materials, I'd like to give you more, but this is why we need to make proper defense gear later. ”
“Thank you.”
Harun sincerely thanked the old man Tarim. I was honored to know what kind of flow through my life was unlike someone who had only walked one way in his life. It was so different from a tricky and stubborn first impression.
“Farewell. Even though it's well-groomed, it will take a few days for us to see our family's vision again. Just get Rump, a magical enchanter who has been visiting your brother for a long time, and you'll have the right luxury. ”
“Very well. I'll be back as soon as I can." ”
Harun leaves the workshop, accompanied by four wealthy men.
‘Now, let's hear what the current has to offer. ’
His light steps led to the 'Champagne Tavern'.
By dinner time, Mamong's tavern was filled with users. Apart from the busy waiters and owners, Harun, who had been living with NPCs for a long time, also felt strange.
“Welcome. ”
When he was looking for a vacancy, the current came down from the second floor and hit him.
I have a rough idea of what this is about, but in reality, Noble and in Beyond, the guild master welcomed me like this.
“This place is crowded, so let's go to the inn next door. ”
Currently, he did not wait for Harun's answer, but went to the support. In fact, Harun followed her without a word, even though it was a quieter place than complicated.
“Commander Harun, good to see you again. ”
I saw the appearance of a brightly greeted stranger, and the man who was beaten with a strange smile came to my attention, but I didn't see anyone else at the table in the spacious annex.
“Have a seat.”
“Thank you.”
There was plenty of food on the table. He seemed to have anticipated that he would arrive around this time.
“Let's talk after dinner. I'm hungry too because I'm going to put the food in front of me. ”
“Come on. Mercenaries never eat anything. ”
Harun picked up the bread without hesitation because he was hungry because he had simply solved his lunch. The three of them also looked at each other and began to eat carefully.
“You're eating fast. ”
After watching Harun eat for a while, he said a few words.
“This is what mercenaries usually eat. They eat a lot quickly when they get a chance. Knights eat slowly so they can always use their strength, but we eat like knights when we work, but this is how we eat once the quest is over. ”
“I see. I knew something good. ”
It was an insult to what I had decided to do today and to speak casually.
I was able to eat comfortably because Harun had already guessed what it was about. What's wrong with listening or rejecting?
The three of them realized that eating as a user was just filling the empty hallway, so they lowered the fork as soon as Harun finished eating.
Waving the small bell, the waiter came and cleaned up the food and brought out the car.
Harun spoke directly to the currents who were only timing to tell the story.
“Let's hear what's going on. For the record, I don't want anything to do with Fukran. I've had a really hard time this time. ”
I had already noticed it and said it first, but the face of the currents had not changed much.
“I see. Was the quest successful, by the way? ”
“Yes. I've had a hard time with the monsters, but I've barely completed the quest." ”
At Harun's words, the currents take a few moments, then take out the business.
“Our quest is as you predicted. I know you went to a lot of trouble to refuse the quest, but there's no one to help us if we're not captain Harun because of our difficulties. ”
“I refuse. I pay for the food I eat. ”
Harun is ready to wake up soon.
“Well, you're not flexible at all. Bargaining is supposed to taste like pushing and pulling, but if we refuse so eagerly, we won't be able to draw out a stronger hand. ”
The man next to the stream opened his mouth with a slight twitching tone.
“Who are you? ”
“I'm Mobius. They were both supposed to help until they finished the job. ”
It was a user who had a simple atmosphere from the name.
'Where did Mobius start?' he asked. ’
“I told you when I met you the other day, but I just told you I'm not taking any quests related to Fukran. Did you know that bargaining is a term used when both parties agree on what to do? ”
“Of course I do. But wouldn't it be a man if all these beautiful ladies wanted to do was listen to him? ”
It was a strange word against the nerves.
“Until now, I have survived in Hookran with luck and skill, but I have never been so lucky." Beautiful lady. Well, she's beautiful. My eyes are normal. But I'm not a gentleman or knight who respects a lady, but a mercenary who knows the value of life. If every man in the world says he can become a man, he's willing to take his bottom off right now. ”
Harun's rugged but resolute words did not allow for his own argument. Mobius clears his throat and puts his back back back into the chair.
The Current suddenly seems to have touched Harun's castle. He gives Mobius a fierce glance, then takes out his horse again.
“I'll give you 10,000 gold. ”
Harun momentarily forgot his words.
By now, the illusion would have gone down to about KRW 30,000 per gold. Then he called in 300 million. I had not thought of it before, but it was also said that the money for selling leather is over 150 million won.
The value of the reality was too big for me to feel the value of the inflation so quickly.
“And this is a map of where we're looking. ”
The finely folded parchment leather felt a lasting trace of time at first glance.
Harun thinks for a moment and looks directly at the current.
“Are you looking for a jewel mine west of the Hookran Mountains? ”
“Well, how do you do that? ”
The currents, as well as the currents, and Mobius, were very surprised.
“Every native in this area knows a legend. ”
“Y-you can't be serious. Mobius, what happened? ”
Currently, he asked for an explanation, staring at Mobius with a cold gaze.
“Well, that's ……. ”
Mobius sweats on his face for a moment.
“Now that you've obtained this information, why don't you explain it? ”
“I-I really didn't know. I only believed what the information guild said. I didn't think they would hand this information over to us and other guilds, and I didn't know that this information was well known to NPCs. Sorry, Guild Master! But the map is the only one. 50,000 gold pieces of information. If you deceive me, the Information Guild will no longer exist in the world. ”
Mobius makes excuses with contemplation. He pulls something out of his arms. It was quite a big leather bag.
“I'm returning this to you because I made a mistake. This is 30,000 gold jewels and Manasik that I have accumulated so far. I, Mobius, am not such a strange impostor. ”
The currents opened their pockets with a cold, stiff face and checked inside, then loosened their face a little.
“Good. I don't think it's a lie to see it like this. But there's no denying in the beginning that information that no one will ever know is actually commonplace. And this comes from that mistake. You can take this money against the Information Guild. You were the one who made the deal with them anyway. ”
“Well, yes. Of course they will. You have made my wealth and trust gold, and I will make it worth your while. ”
Seeing signs of relief from the currents, Mobius' pale face turned pale.
“Oh my! Mr. Mobius, that's so cool. I was against the honesty of acknowledging his guilt and apologizing for everything. ”
He created an atmosphere that seemed to be immediately embraced with a face that turned red to see if he really had a crush on Mobius.
In an instant, the atmosphere in the intestine changed. Harun was, of course, just a bystander.
“10,000 gold is a lot of money I'd like to accept right now, but the Hookran Mountains are not the kind of place you can go if you have a map. If you had any experience with Hookran, you would understand me. I'm sorry I didn't listen. If that's the case, take some more time to save someone else. Thank you for dinner. ”
Harun finally gets up from his seat.
Neither currents nor currents caught him anymore, as though his heart were complicated because of Mobius' work.
“Anyway, I need you to think more. When do you leave for Fuchran again? ”
“It's going to take me a couple of days to get a lot. ”
“Then we've finally found a room in this cottage, so rest there. It doesn't have to be a burden. This room was held by our guild members as a group. ”
Harun was uncomfortable, so he tried to refuse.
“Yes. There are thousands of users, or foreigners, gathering in this small castle at once, so you won't be able to find a room anywhere. ”
Harun nods at Mobius. It didn't seem like he was lying to get hold of himself. Moreover, I wanted to rest quickly. Leaping down the mountain through the trees required a lot of concentration, so he was more tired than he thought.
Harun was able to enter the quiet room in the back, guided by a guild member with the consideration of the currents.
‘Let's just look at Bell's face after a long time. ’
I was curious about the situation outside because I hadn't logged out for too long. Then I was in a hurry to think that Belle might be out of all the herbs she talked about.
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