The Bridge of the Sky
Harun opens his eyes at dawn. It was the sound of the wind blowing so loud all night, but I could sleep well because it was as comfortable and familiar as a lullaby to him. His mental state was very stable because he slept comfortably.
Harun was able to enjoy the mysterious view of the dawn as he came out looking at the bright sky. I liked the mysterious landscape where Samran began to look again as much as the short sunset that had been locked in darkness.
I've never seen a sunrise like this before. The barrier sky was always cloudy and could not see the sunrise properly. It was only when the clear and clean sky and the world were born again that I was finally able to wake up when the red sun was floating on the mountain far away.
Then the wind dies down.
“You're up, commander? ”
Turning around, it was Henny. I felt sorry for her face, which was a little parched, for not being able to get out of that shock yesterday.
“The wind is sleeping. ”
“Of course. Wind is essentially the flow of air. Because the earth is scorched by the sun and the air on its surface heats up and rises up, and when it cools down, the wind is the most severe from morning to night. Late mornings to early mornings are still the least windy. ”
Harun nods at her explanation. Actually, I don't know, but hearing this explanation felt like it was well organized in my head. Having a good head is just a jealous thing for someone like him.
“But do I still have to go along this path today? ”
Harun looks carefully ahead, unable to quickly answer her worrying question. The path that has been winding up along the cliff is connected to the other end of the cliff, as if it were a snake.
‘If we can get across from here, we can save at least a day. ’
That's not all. The other side of the cliff seems to have no furnace like this one. If we can get across, we can avoid the harsh winds in this huge valley.
Thinking about the weak Abun woman and this new recruit, I was only worried if they connected the ropes to each other as they were yesterday.
Harun's eyes point across the valley. On the other hand, the valley was the shortest distance along the road to come or the road to go. It's about 50 meters in plain sight. On the other side, there is a boulder, tall as a huge boulder over here. Strange shapes of rocks protruding from the middle look like this rock and almost twins.
Harun flashes his eyes and recalls a video of the map.
You were right. There is clearly a path across the map from the rock to the north. That means that we used to cross this valley here. Standing on the other side of the rock is not connected to anything else.
Harun climbs over the massive boulder where the group who passed out yesterday was spread out. A huge rock about five meters high and its tip protruded toward the cliff. Harun's careful observation of the rocks reveals traces of artificial life.
Two thick, deep grooves encircled the rock, two to three meters high.
“What is it, boss? ”
“Something's not right. ”
Hani climbs to the rocks, curious about Harun's words. With Harun's explanation, Hani sees the grooves on the rocks and finds out what they're for.
“These are the rope marks. Looks like a pretty thick rope. The rock we're treading on, but this rock is solid, too, and I don't know how it made a groove like that, but it must have been lodged in that groove. That said……. ”
Her eyes glisten at the boulder that looks like a massive relic on the other side.
“They must have roped this rock and that rock across. ”
“So, the man grabbed the rope and moved between them? ”
“Yes, I'm sure. Maybe he used some kind of special device. ”
“A special device? ”
“This road is Grain Road, which was loaded with grain from John Plain, from the Navuru people who brought their rocks. Of course, it was carried by animals like horses and donkeys and yaks. But it's going to take days, maybe weeks, just to get through this valley of wind to get around this valley and into the Northern Ferry Land. Using these massive rocks, the target would have shortened the poetry. And of course, you have to have a special device. You don't have to be sophisticated because you're using height.
I understood her explanation roughly. Perhaps the rope in the upper groove of this rock is connected to the lower groove across the rock. The top of the opposite rock and the bottom of this rock would have connected the ropes as well.
They would have used a car about three meters tall to move people, luggage, or animals. At a time when the wind is still as it is now. The evidence shows that the floor on which they are standing is flattened, as if touched by a human hand, and can be easily ascended up using the back.
Moreover, even in the middle of the rocks, where there was a large protruding area, there was enough space to set my feet or put my luggage down.
“The problem is the tools that can cross the rope. ”
“There's nothing special about instruments. because if you can hold it with both hands in a shape similar to the saddle, you can use the slope to slide across. but it's going to be very frictional, so you have to be careful. ”
Harun's words make him anxious. I had to hurry because I didn't know when the wind would start again.
Harun returned to the cave and found Tino.
“Do you have any more rope, Tino? ”
“Yes, I do. Why? ”
Tino asks, and starts going through his backpack. Luckily, there's a rope in the magical backpack. There were several rope bundles of various lengths and thicknesses.
Henny explains the situation for Tino, who doesn't know the language. Several people woke up first and carefully listened to Henny's explanation.
“No! I can't get across! ”
As soon as he heard that sound, Donnie screams because his face is blue.
“I'm afraid of heights. ”
She clings to Tino. Like he could be the Savior. It was certainly strange that she, a great mercenary who had made a name for her near-minded archery, was afraid of heights, but others were never comfortable with her face.
Yesterday, they fell off a cliff and passed out on a rope. I didn't feel any pain in the wind, but I felt creepy when I thought about hanging around in the air.
“Relax. We can do that. We're not doing it ourselves. ”
I'm explaining, but in the meantime, Hani's stiff face trembled.
“That's right. I saw it yesterday. There was no rope anywhere. ”
Donnaes, who was attached to his body by Tino's words, feels his reality and blushes and cracks his golden ass.
However, his expectations did not go away.
Since there was no way to hang the rope across the street, Harun didn't really think he would do it, but he probably didn't know the end of his abilities.
Harun, who was on the edge of the rock, summoned Wishin in his mind.
- Wishine, can you tie a rope to that rock? - That won't be a problem.
- All right, then I'll throw it.
Harun turns the Battleax tightly on the end of the rope he prepared a few times and throws it to the other side forcefully.
The rope, which had been flicked, was released in an instant. The Battle Axe, tied to the end of the rope, swiftly flies its head across the boulder, as if it were a living snake.
Dylan and the people staring at it widens their eyes. The rope that flew at the same height for a distance of more than 50 meters was so amazing. I wouldn't be so surprised if I drew a parabola.
“Is that the power of a spirit, too? ”
“No way. I don't know if a spirit can get on the rope.... ”
Ares listens to Valtran's solitude, but he doesn't finish his sentence. I wasn't sure. Because Spirits are so rare, only things about lower spirits are known as fragments.
Finally, a rope of Battleax with its head loops a few times around the base of the boulder and stabs it through the crack in the other rock.
Harun checks how many times the rope is pulled and then protrudes from behind the rock to the waist. I hung the rope in the groove three times and tied it to the large groove behind the rock. Tino taught me how to tie a knot in the morning.
That wasn't the end. Harun runs another rope across the same rock, this time holding it firmly to the bottom of the rock.
“You're not going to cross that rope, are you, commander? ”
Dylan asked on behalf of the people who were always curious.
“That's right. I'm going across the rope. ”
People were frightened by Harun's bold answer. Even Dylan, who had not changed his face much, changed his face this time.
“We are not circus members. ”
“I know.”
As he replied, Harun began to touch the Wyvern Hide and the bones he had already removed with an invisible scrub. The Wyvern Bone should be able to withstand the friction. Of course, to ride the rope for the long term, you have to use the wheels, but now you can't afford to do that, and that was enough.
What he made was a kind of handle made of Wyvern leather and skull bone. Using the hard skull bone, the rope is processed so that it can be placed in the middle, and then the upper part is firmly secured with leather. At the end, you attach a thin rope.
After completing one, Harun made another one just like it.
“What is it, commander? ”
Ares couldn't help but ask.
“Get everyone together. ”
Ares answered vigorously, but there was no need to call. Everyone was already on the rocks.
Harun explained, looking at the people.
“This is a kind of lever. It's not professional, but it's absolutely safe if you don't let go. You can hang it on a rope, grab what's made on either side like a handle, and go all the way to the other side. I'm going to give you a demonstration, so you're going to have to step up. ”
Harun puts one of his own into a magical backpack, and the other connects a fine rope to a thick rope. He then hung a human head-sized Wyvern bone into a groove and grabbed the leather lever that was stretched both ways.
After two or three steps, Harun's body suddenly becomes airborne.
Glug glug!
With the sound of the Wyvern bones and ropes frictioning, his body flies across like a bird. It's more than 50 meters, but it's quick. He flew into the air and landed safely on the other side of the rock.
“Wow! Amazing! ”
Magnum was astonished. The elasticity screamed by the surprised people echoed in a chain, and soon stopped. Looking around, Magran was able to see the faces of others who were whitened. Harun crossed over looked cool, but he was terrified because he wanted to.
Across the street, Harun loosens the Battle Axe and starts to attach the rope to the rock. At last, the rope tightens again, making sure it's firmly wrapped around the rock. The distance between the two ropes, which crossed up and down in advance, was sufficient, so now there is a path in the middle of the Valley of Wind.
At that moment, Harun heard a guide sound for the first time.
- I made a bridge in the air.
Bridge of the Sky
The bridge in the air has been used by flying objects for hundreds of years since the dodo zone was created a thousand years ago, and has never been built again since it was cut off. This broken bridge made it difficult for merchants, including the Navy targets, to pass through, as well as the large number of casualties. In the meantime, people in the Nauru municipality who had suffered from the reduction of grain inflow, and the farmers of John who had a stable platform and cheap salt were able to gain a lot of benefits. Now merchants, as well as local people, will admire you on the Jorn Plain and Navuru. I'm giving you 500 H.P. in the name of the people of the Empire. Now you will be honored by the Imperial people anytime, anywhere.
Uh, what's that sound? ’
S.P. knew it well, but H.P. was the first I heard of it. It was a no-brainer, not to solve the quest, but to volunteer any contribution for the residents here.
Harun, of course, is not a participant in leveling up like other users. He is not a frequent visitor to the Neckwall or Beyond homepage. He is vulnerable to information, but is still the name of a point I have never heard of.
‘Well, I feel good anyway. It would be nice if this would make the journey of the people going back and forth through the Valley of Wind a little more comfortable. ’
Harun gestures to the people across the street. At first, no one was afraid to step forward, but Magram pulled a small rope and grabbed the tool with a handle and boldly stepped forward.
“Kiyayayaaah! Yay, I'm excited! ”
At first, Magram, who was screaming, was joyful, shouting for a shuddering sense of speed and a feeling of heavenly bliss. Harun grabs him and lands safely. His face flickers with excitement.
“Captain, this is awesome. ”
The next one is Dylan. He also smiles broadly, lifting his thumb at Harun as soon as he touches the ground, whether he feels good or just a little bored. After Baltrang, after Henny, after Arvan and after the tomb.
Harun, who was watching the other side, yells.
“I think I'm the enemy! ”
Dylan yells nervously and urges people to hurry. A group of snakes make their way to the snake-ridden cliffs. It looks like knights in shining armor, but the lead seems to already have bad intentions, postponing the sword drawn.
As things got urgent, people closed their eyes and grabbed the device as Tino instructed and flew across the air. But Donnes was the problem. A weak woman like Shani has crossed over, but her namesake mercenary Donnes stretches out, clutching Tino's waist with a blue-faced grip.
“No! I can't get in! I'm scared to death.”
Doraeth shudders, saying that she would rather go to the cliff road than be afraid of everyone else. Meanwhile, Tino already sees a group of knights running up the cliff road. When I was wearing the plate mail, I could see the morning light shining brightly.
The Knight in the Lead shouts.
“Dammit! Those are Duke Bard's favorite Iron Cross knights. ”
Dylan looks at the cross on the front of his armor and frowns.
“Why are they after us? ”
Ares asks, but Dylan shakes his head and Mobius answers instead.
“Duke Wardro, Lord of the Iron Cross, is the main force in the First Imperial camp. It's where the Gold Storm Guild that found the dungeon pushes. Maybe they're trying to block our way. ”
They make a weary face as they pass through the Stony Mountain, but they approach Harun's group directly across the cliff with their eyes wide open.
“Hurry up, Tino! ”
Henry screams in a hurry, but Donnes panics. He seemed completely out of his mind as he was pulling out his sword.
“You bastards! I'll kill you all! Stop right there!”
The Knight in the Lead, who has now tracked his face to a distance, screams again. The knights are the worst, but the onlookers have no choice but to twist their feet.
Tino slaps Donnes on the back of the head, turning his head with a dull voice. Tino grabs the handle with one hand and slams himself into the air, wrapped around Donnie's sagging orb.
“Good job! Hold on tight, Tino! ”
Dylan clenches his fist and cheers for Tino. You can see how well the knights who missed Tino feel as a result of a small discrepancy. Meanwhile, Tino's face draws closer to the notorious teeth.
But are you two heavy? The speed was as slow as that of an ant in the eyes of those who saw it. Some of the knights across the street have taken out their bows.
Harun summons the Wind Spirit in his heart.
- Great. When does the wind blow again?
- Right now.
- We're gonna be late.
Yesterday's blows will pose no threat to arrows flying with strength or protest power. But there was not enough time. I had an idea in Harun's head as he watched the arrows put up in the protest.
- Wishine, can you make shields?
- Of course, of course.
I blew it yesterday. If it was the wind, I would have stopped the arrows lightly. That's why I thought of the shield.
- Then put it behind those guys.
- It's not that hard.
“Windshield! ”
It was a formal spell, but Wishin had already flown right behind Tino and made a shield out of wind. It was a round wind shield made of whirlwind that circularises from the inside out.
Tsk, tsk! Ting!
As expected. The Wind Shield created by Wishin was excellent at stopping the arrows. Harun grips his fist as he looks at the shield so hard that it cannot be pierced or shaken anywhere.
- Our dignity is the best.
- Hohoho, I'm so excited you like it.
Tino finally arrives shortly after Wicinne's Wind Shield blocks the arrow twice more. Dylan rushes out, takes Donneis by the body, and quickly backs away. Tino's face is hard, but he moves behind the rock.
Harun unties the instrument from the rope and tucks it deep into the groove beneath the rock. This will be found and used by merchants who will look for this Valley of Wind at any time now. Harun, who stepped down behind the rock, summoned Wishin.
- Good work.
- It's that easy.
The great spirit that flew to Harun sent a look of anticipation, like a child waiting for a reward in a body that fluttered like the wind.
- Huhu, well done, Wishine.
Harun kisses Wishin's cheek. How many times did I feel ashamed? Wishin whistled as he leaned over Harun. Finally, he showed his face and disappeared.
“You bastards, stop right there! Stop right there! ”
The desperate knights tried to cross the ropes themselves, but they hurriedly backed away from the harsh storm that had just begun to blow and cursed the whale.
‘Whatever. ’
Harun sets out with the group on a relatively comfortable road across the ridge from the Valley of Wind, unlike the other side.
Donnes, who was still so full of the bowl, was still unconscious that Tino, who was responsible for her, gave her a hard look and gasped for breath. Everyone shakes their heads, and he has to walk for a long time, curling her around his shoulders.
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