Early in the morning, the dwarves gather. There weren't many Dwarves who could use their powers properly. However, even young Dwarves and female dwarves seemed to be quite helpful because they had well-developed muscles.
However, I can't stand the sight of two adults holding a huge tree with an axe. Dylan seems awkward to look at.
“Sir Dylan, have you tried axing? ”
“No, boss. I'm just wondering if it's like using a sword. ”
“I've never axed before... ”
It's still a type of weapon. I thought it would be similar, so I had to try it first. In a difficult situation, the elder led the clan out.
“I know a little about axing. ”
The elder's arm, which held the sack, was stiff.
“Axing is a kind of centrifugal force that focuses on the shoulders. First, we need to set a target line in front of and behind the trees. So the way to cut the tree line and cut the axe is to cut the blade at an angle from top to bottom, and if there is some gap, you can repeat the cut from bottom to top. Just take a good shot of the front and back of the tree and finish with a piece of wood in the opposite direction as you want it to fall. Of course, theoretically, but it's not going to be easy. ”
The elder demonstrated directly after a short description. The tree that was filled with moisture because it was near the valley was stronger and stronger than I thought, so I made a long axe, but nothing changed.
“Come on, let's do it. ”
It is so big that if you cut two pieces of wood, a few people will be able to pass by shoulder to shoulder. Tino and Dylan start the axe first.
Bang, bang!
With the sound of a dull axe, an axe blade sticks into the giant tree, revealing the inside of the tree gradually. The dwarves following you around are struggling to see the clumsy axes of the humans.
I think I wielded the axe for about 10 minutes, and the thick drops of sweat poured down on Tino's face. However, the tree he axed revealed only a third of its insides.
“Move aside. How can a man be so weak? ”
Donnie hands Tino a towel and steals the axe.
“Axeman's focus. You have to put the ax where you want it to be so you can quickly fall on a tree. ”
After rolling up his sleeves for some time, Donneis spits on his palms and rubs his hands together and grabs the sack tightly.
Phew! Phew!
The sound was different. The power was, of course, a natural donnay. The tree that Tino attacked for 10 minutes revealed more than half of its body in just a few minutes.
At first, Dylan, who was wandering around like Tino, knew his tricks, and now he's throwing a powerful blow at the tree halfway through.
The dwarf elder, who was looking at the axes of mercenaries at a distance, screams as his face turns blue.
“You can't just axe me to the end. You have to go behind the scene.Otherwise, the ax will fall in any direction, either through the trees or without warning. ”
Dylan, a young but old Dylan, could have been offended by this inference of heretics, but he only listened with a disgraceful smile.
The dwarf elder picks up the axe and begins axing the other side. Dylan has already cut the axe in half, so the tree starts to shake after 10 minutes. The area he took an axe was higher than Dylan's.
“Look out!"
With a warning, the tree begins to collapse in the direction Dylan took with a few punches with an axe or so. Seeing that it was two beautiful trees, it was almost 30 meters high.
“Phew. Maybe I should use Mana, commander. ”
I was going to. It has already taken almost 30 minutes to cut one.
Harun grabbed the axe instead of the thick sweaty Donnes while all the Dwarves rushed in and cleared out the branches under the command of the elder.
Got it! Got it!
I chopped down the tree with pure strength, just like the others before me. Tough tree lining doesn't seem shy enough to reveal its insides.
This time, I tried blowing Mana on the axe blade. At first, it was not as easy as a sword. Mana should only go into the axe blade, but the thick axe could only be injected at the end of the trial and error for a long time, such as spreading the mana over the entire thick axe or getting stuck in one place.
Dylan's axe blade, already proficient in managing Mana, is surrounded by orange errors and has been dug into a single full swing. Again, Exports was not the best. In just a few minutes, the giant tree was collapsing.
Harun also began to axe. Mana had a hard time stably injecting Mana into the axe blade, but it was several times more effective than an axe made with pure strength, so he was able to cut down the tree quickly.
It was so hard to start, but as time went by, the speed at which the tree collapsed became faster. Tino and Donnes' axe, which they just put their feet on Expert, grows stronger and stronger, and Harun and Dylan still scream at the Federation, even if they realize their tricks lightly.
After some time, Tino and Donnes' faces turn white. Mana is completely exhausted. I was exhausted by the sequelae of using Mana too much. Henny gives you the potion he made for the two of you, but it's not a Mana potion, so rest is medicine.
Harun had work to do before he continued to cut down the trees. It was dealing with the lower part of the tree on the human waist along with the roots.
“Liffy, recall. ”
- Now I have a job to do.
“Can you make it to the root of that tree? ”
- It's possible. It's not the life anymore.
With a proud smile, Liffy flipped two trees that were only waist-high, along with the ground.
- I'll do it twice, not all at once, because I have to do it continuously.
It was not only the ability to absorb the element and change after it increased. Looks like you've reached your self-determination level. She turns the trunks upside down with the ground, two at a time, shortly after.
The crew's eyes widen, as well as the dwarves'. You couldn't see the shape of the spirit, but you could clearly see that the spirit magic was unfolding. Moreover, it was scary to overturn a section of land tens of meters deep enough to reveal its roots.
“Tino, with the help of the other crew and the dwarves, cut this tree root with a small axe. ”
“Yes, commander. ”
After seeing the terrifying spirit magic, the dwarves began to move the exposed tree roots onto the ground, obediently receiving instructions from the crew, including Tino, with a frightening face.
Harun and Dylan continue to axe after the two of them have separated. Of course, Harun had to eat a medium Mana Potion and run a Mana Flow for a short time. Dylan also drank Mana Potions three times more frequently than Harun, or swung the Mana Flow with a specific move.
After lunch, I chopped off the road for another two hours. The steep cliffs on the side, now we have to change the road. I had to build a bridge because a tree was growing across the stream.
Building a bridge was not difficult. Since the tree itself is so big and more than a meter in diameter, only two fell properly, and when the Dwarves hit the trimmed tree on top of it, it became a bridge. He makes a wooden bridge on either side of the valley and makes his way.
The work of constructing a balance on the cliff was also done by bringing together the power of all. Harun and Dylan were responsible for hitting the cliff.
First, Harun made a footrest where he could move the cliff sideways with a light and slender body stroke. Sometimes, of course, I had to get help from Wishin. Dylan then digs a deep hole with Mana's sword where it belongs and inserts a long, sharply sliced brace into Harun's tip. Then, if you stick the stones in the surrounding groove with the right sizes and various sizes of wood, a hard strut will be completed.
The balance is completed when the Dwarves saw over it, wrapped in a thick, long-cut board, and nailed firmly into the area connected to the support pole.
It was fortunate that such a section was not more than 100 meters. Otherwise Harun would have thought of another way. Despite using Mana, his hands were split and exploded, and he had to spin the Mana Flow relentlessly to absorb elemental energy from the Lifebee.
The work was done after a long time.
The new path leading up to the small waterfall, which was the source of the current, was solid enough for those with a level or higher to pass without difficulty. Now we just have to cut down the little trees, and that's it.
“Well done, Lord Dylan. ”
“No, boss. The commander did a lot of good work. I could clearly feel the power of my spirit magic. And since I opened my eyes to delicate horses and operations, I've gained a lot. ”
Dylan was right about that. I'm sure I haven't even trained in swordsmanship, but Harun's managing skills have grown so far that he can move only as much Mana as he wants.
As a result of managing Mana Flow from time to time, the amount of Mana and Spirits also increased greatly, and I feel like my ability to summon Life and cast Spirit Magic has increased by a few steps.
Dylan and Harun, left behind the most meaningless, crucial pieces, dive into a small waterfall and enjoy a joyful humiliation. The eyes of the Dwarves who saw it were filled with awe and awe.
“Well done. I had a quest in mind, but I didn't expect to make such a great path in such a short time. ”
“Thanks to the help of the Red Anvil tribe. ”
On the day the construction was completed, Taruga and the elders who invited the storm troops to dinner were very encouraged by the unexpected results. I was eager to hold a feast, but later I postponed digging a cave for temporary housing.
The Dwarves were even more excited because they had never seen such a strong force among mercenaries or merchants. Dylan and Tino drank heavily, especially when the warriors witnessed the incredible work of injecting Mana to make axes and crucifixion on the cliffs.
“I knew you were good at something, but I just never imagined you were a spirit. Apparently, they resemble the spiritual magic of the Elves. Do you have any connection with them? That's how fascinating you are to understand us. ”
“A compliment. And spiritual magic is fated and learned, but it has nothing to do with Elves." However, I am interested in Elven Spirit Magic. I would love to discuss spiritual magic with them if I get a chance later. ”
“Haha. If you take my place later, I'll make sure to greet them. The Dark Elves who own this place are pretty decent. ”
Taruga has been holding Harun for a long time, and Dylan and Tino are unable to greet each other until they return with the reinforcements of Heny and Donnes.
“I was going to give you some defense gear. Turns out your crew's armor is less quality than ours, but it's pretty good, so I was a little concerned. So I took a closer look at you guys and picked out these things. I hope you like it. ”
All of the items from Taruga were different.
“This is a magic sword that a man named Dylan would use. With a sword enchanted with flame magic, you can strike a Fire Sword three times a day. ”
Based on the information, it is a unique grade. Dylan will be pleased. He was secretly greedy for the sword.
“These are bows made by elves long ago. There's a set of three, but they're separated by ranges. The largest is the Complex Palace, and it has over 1,000 metres of luxury, enchanted by misrels and some magic. ”
Give Donnes three bows and thirty barrels. It was also a unique grade, so I could see her mouth was torn off.
“This is the kind of underwear you can wear under your armor. This item contains enchantments for shield magic as well as increased defense and agility. You'd better give it to that clever therapist. ”
I checked the information and found that the options of Agility Skill +15 and Concentration +5 at +100 were excellent, but the ability to trigger Shield Magic three times a day was also the best item for weak Henry. Perhaps it was a gift for her to heal the weary and ill Dwarves of her journey.
“And this is for you. It's a spirit stone.”
The word "Spirit Stone" opened my eyes. I was trying to get it that way, but I didn't think I'd get it as compensation. The stone the size of the fist was blurry in radiance and in an uncut shape, but Harun was happy to check the information.
Rough stones, but excellent. As soon as I received the Spirit Stone, I felt a sensation like electricity flowing through my body. The origins were the cornerstones of precision. The elemental stones, activated by Lifi and Nia, seem to be communicating with the zebra.
“We don't know how to use this spirit stone, but I thought it might help you, considering how precious the Elves are. ”
Harun thanked you with an impressive face. Although I emptied my health, mana, and spiritual power to the ground more than a dozen times during the course of the full, I didn't know that I would receive this precious item as a reward.
For him, it was more precious than money. This is for bitches. I don't know exactly what he's doing, but this will be a big help to him.
“Now that we can avoid the human eye, we will focus our efforts on making our home. We'll have a residence in about a full day, so please come find us again. I'm going to formally invite you.”
“I see. We were like a family on the road, but we can't ignore it. ”
Certainly not for himself or Dylan. The two played the most crucial role in making their way, so there wasn't much interaction with the dwarves.
But Heny, Tino and Donnes were very close because they were working with the dwarves on the side. Especially for Henie, the effects of herbal remedies were a popular explosion for all Dwarves, both men and women.
It was Harun who couldn't keep his mouth shut, thinking about the faces of the men he would like to receive these things back. Whether it was because of excitement or drinking, Harun returned to Sookmyun's place as if he was walking on a cloud.
Finally, as the old man in the gray robe sat down, the crystal sphere light at the center of the round table faded. A massive old man in a golden tunic sitting on his seat opened his mouth.
“It's been a long time. ”
He opens his mouth to formal greetings, but no one answers. Even after nine people were seated, the interior was immersed in a grim and strange silence.
“Elder Tenn, what's the emergency? It's not headquarters. It's this far from Thebes. ”
The old man's face with a hawk rico was briefly visible in the dim crystal sphere of light, and soon disappeared. His voice is uncomfortable to hear as if it were scratching a metal plate.
“Seven has been away from the Imperial Court for a long time, so perhaps he doesn't know. Everyone knows this, but the detailed location of the dungeon was revealed this time. ”
“Already? We don't have that information yet... ”
The voice of the old man, Maverick, called the number 7, suddenly became sharp.
“I called the meeting because information came through Po's subcontract tissue. The estramorwn exposed the information again. ”
“No way? ”
“It's true. Secretly, the estramorwn who discovered the existence of the last dungeon discovered its exact location again. ”
“That journalist or some other illogical stranger? ”
Tenn nods. Seven asked with an unbelievable expression.
“Where did they get that information? I can't believe there's an intelligence organization on the Empire or on the continent that will rival our guild. ”
“Me neither. But it is true that the foreigners revealed the exact location of the dungeon and the fast and secure route to it. ”
“Another one of those fans? ”
Seven's sharp nose flutters. It's like I'm looking for something to hunt.
“I know it's not this time. The route to the land of tranquility, of course, was revealed by the Gentiles who commissioned them to accompany the storm. ”
Tenn's words silence the throne. Seven, who had a violent reaction, deeply calmed his eyes. The Imperial Intelligence Guild has not been able to determine the source of the information that naming is the highest peak in information.
Tenn turns to the conversation as if the atmosphere on his left was too quiet.
“Fives, how are the princes holding up? ”
Terrified Fives was dressed in a wizard's costume, but he couldn't tell the details at all because it was like a fog.
“Yes, the first and first empress, the third and the 11th emperor, the forces of the electric power, have gone ahead and backward and entered the land of silence. In about a full day, everyone will be in the trench where the dungeons are located. Most of the other prince's factions are either passing through the Irish Mountains here, or on their way here, so it is expected that almost all forces will gather in the Treasure Basin in the next month. ”
“Oh! What a party. Plus, this time, the estramorwn's aggressiveness has increased enormously. ”
“Yes. Above Sword User Senior, above the Three Circle Wizard, we expect roughly 300,000 humans to gather in the Treasure Basin. ”
Fives' words silence him for a moment. They did not even think that the dungeon would become a typhoon core.
“That should be the end of the empire." It's a pity that those thunderstorms have caused enormous profits to go back to bullying, but if we control the situation well, then a thousand years will become our guild world. All right. Let's get you all checked out on your own line. All right, then, three. ”
The person asked by Ten shows only a long, thin finger on the table. I didn't seem to be that old just by looking at my exposed fingers.
“The High Council is reviewing the dispatch of large knights. ”
It was also the voice that was guessed to be middle-aged as it appeared on his finger.
“Of course. You can't just gaze indifferently at rumors that spread secretly between Imperial librarians and the wise." How big do you expect it to be? ”
“I was stranded with five knights and two magical soldiers dispatched. That's how much force we think we can do. ”
“Idiot! Overwhelming force? Thinking about the forces gathering in the dungeons and their skills, maybe this Golden Battle will be confirmed there. Is that the only number? Was Duke Aguilar really that bad of a head, or were you thinking something else? ”
A tent that sells the chairman of the Supreme Noble Council, but no one objected. He was qualified to say that much. It was because he was the highest of the nine elders of the Empire Intelligence Guild ruling the darkness of the Empire.
“Six, how about you? ”
Sixth was sitting across from the ten, but his appearance was hidden in the dark because he was quite distant from the table.
“The Senate is thinking of taking the dungeon on this occasion. We've already deployed ten knights and four magical soldiers to the massive knights who have discovered the dungeon. ”
“As expected, Duke Tyrone moves fast. ”
Except for the ten, the others remained silent except for answering.
“Eid, how's the military? ”
“The Imperial Central and Confederate forces have no movement. However, there is a suspicious movement between the Earl Gaius of the Eastern Army and the Earl John of the Northern Army. ”
Eid appears to be military, but his voice is calm and clear.
“Marquis Gaius is the father-in-law of the Eleven. In the north-eastern part of the Empire, including Aron Plain, his family has been under absolute influence for more than 300 years, although it is within its jurisdiction. According to their field office, they are secretly stockpiling grain harvested this fall. If you consider the suspicious behavior he's done before, maybe there will be consequences. ”
“Perhaps. An 11-year-old is a wise timber within five fingers of the princes. Perhaps he will be free if he fails the Golden Battle.“ I am the only heir to the Earl of Gaius, and I have the wisdom to be greedy. If it had been another Golden Battle, there would have been four emperors worthy of the throne. ”
“The problem is that their movements are secretly going beyond our eyes and ears. We can't control them, we can't see their movements. We already believe our organization is known. This will increase the number of variables that our guild cannot control in this Golden Battle. ”
That's the problem. The Empire Intelligence Guild has always been significantly involved in Golden Battles. He had managed the Golden Battle in a way that conceived the scenario beforehand and made the board properly involved. That is why, in fact, they have exerted so much power and influence that few times have failed.
“The movements of the Duke of Talas, who is the backdrop of the first princess, are also strange. ”
This time, Tenn didn't even ask, but the one who speaks first came out. A quiet voice with little strength lasted for a long time.
“If Tu saw it that way, I'm sure he did. It's been anticipated for a few years, but can you be specific? ”
Tenn's polite words made him much older than him.
“Two merchants in the Duke of Talas are buying a lot of munitions and food this time. Thanks to this, iron ore and grain prices have risen considerably in the South-East. ”
“Hm. I see you want to be independent, too. But the imperial system was too old. Po, what do you think? ”
The portrait of Po was a woman. She tugs the chair forward, her arms on the table, and clasps it together so that everyone can see her. The guild was the only one of them.
“Data from the Intelligence Bureau's recent investigation of the Golden Battle reveals some of the movements of the previous Golden Battle and the game. ”
“What if it's just one move? ”
“The biggest problem is that there are already three strong candidates out of our control or attention. Moreover, some princes feel like they've been trained in cancer. ”
“Hmm. It's a variable. It's always been there. If it goes any further, the information will open up to us, so we'll discuss it again, and we're more concerned with the princes' training. So the land war in the lower noble lands would have been quiet if it had been in the past? ”
“That's what analysts think. One other thing: each of the princes had fierce competition to partner with us, the Senate and the High Council, who had great influence on the Golden Battle, but this time they're showing a different side. As the emperors with the most powerful force in the Golden Battle have promised, they have distances to us and three others. ”
“That's right. But didn't you buy the information about the dungeons they put money in? ”
“Yes, but it was strangers who bought the information. Of course, the fundamental purpose for which they purchased information and found dungeons was to build achievements in the Golden Battle, but analysts believe that their movements are similar. ”
“Good. Prepare a countermeasure for the worst." That's all we need to know about the Golden Battle. Fives, tell me about this leak. ”
Fives was a figure wrapped around the whole body by the magic of Illusion. His voice also sounded dull because he hid his features with magic.
“It turns out the source of that information is not the storm troopers this time. Although known to the foreigners, Tauron, the Earl of Thebes, who met and dramatically survived the encounter with a squadron mercenary, is sure to be unaware of the storm. ”
“Well, is it possible that there are other information organizations that we don't know about? ”
Fives didn't respond to what old man Maburiko said.
“You don't know that. The Golden Battle is a weak situation, as always, for data merchants with small pieces of information. Many of these organizations and individuals are even strangers. ”
“Maybe. But what I don't like about them is that they're out of our sight. Well, it's them. We have to reinforce Joe's activities as we've always done. ”
Fives bows at Tenn's words.
“But you still haven't figured out how many people and how much power there are in the blast, Po? ”
After being asked by Tenn, Po raises his hand to the tall document in front of him and opens his mouth.
“The commander and commander are the only known ones. It's not very reliable at all. Perhaps they're borrowing the name of a small mercenary squadron organized by foreigners. Otherwise, it's hard to avoid our attention. ”
“Maybe. ”
“But it's true that they overlap with the reality of the gale mercenaries. Both assassination attempts go back to bulldozers, and seeing the collapse of the Earl of Thebes' headquarters is clearly relevant. ”
The moment he remembered that the storm trooper was a foreigner and that he was a Class 4 mercenary, he erased it. It was absurd.
“Where are they now? ”
“You have not yet entered the Treasure Basin. In time, we should be there enough, somewhere in the middle. ”
“Well, you're a troublemaker. I have no idea where it's splattered to. ”
“That's why I've ordered Geraz mercenaries and the Crescent Assassins waiting in the two routes I expected to travel to the Treasure Basin. ”
“Well done. That way, you'll have to look at your hands when some people gather there. I'll crawl out in time. Make sure you take care of it then. Good! Keep Cannon in charge of the blast mercenaries, and focus on the Dungeons of Silence and Golden Battle Force for the rest of you. Don't forget that the grimoire in the dungeon must be ours. I'll go there with Po and take care of it myself. Tu will take care of the rest. ”
The interior mood shifts for a moment as the tent that actually leads the Imperial Intelligence Guild out toward the dungeon itself.
“I'll take command of the headquarters if Tenn wants to do that. ”
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