Harry Potter and Master of Magic

Chapter 29: Duel: For Lu Wei!

   Thursday afternoon, flight lesson.

   Harry felt that this was the darkest class since entering school, he even kissed a boy!

   And that boy is still the one he hates most!

   Forget it! Don't say anything, let's get up quickly! How dare that guy stick his tongue out?


   Harry hurriedly pushed Malfoy away, pulling away in disgust, wiping his lips with his sleeves, and spitting.

   Malfoy is the same, he glared at Zhang Hao fiercely, and said angrily: "Hao! Are you on purpose? Bastard!"

   Everyone looked at Zhang Hao with strange eyes, as if asking again: Is this true?

   "Uh! Listen to me!" Zhang Hao smiled awkwardly: "At that critical moment, I couldn't think of it so far. Believe me, I didn't mean it!"

   Harry picked up the memory ball that fell on the ground, and said to Zhang Hao in a complicated mood: "Hao! Thank you for saving me. If it weren't for you, I might have been thrown to death!"

   Zhang Hao nodded solemnly, and criticized: "It's good that you know this! Both you and Draco are too impulsive. I hope you will think more about the consequences when you do things in the future."

   "You don't need to teach me!" Malfoy said angrily.

"Then next time I will watch you fall to death!" Zhang Hao said viciously, "In addition, I might report that you violated the regulations first, so I won't have to see your stinky face! Who caused this incident? , Don't you forget? Draco?"

   "Oh! You won!" Malfoy only thought at this time. It seemed that he had just made a big disaster. He bitterly and timidly said: "Don't tell the professor about this."

   Zhang Hao didn’t want to do anything to the bear boy. He glanced at everyone and said blankly, “Then this is the end. Nothing happened today, right? Everyone?”

   Everyone nodded, and the people in Slytherin and Gryffindor knew that they might lose an important student once they were stabbed.

   Zhang Hao is the most correct choice to deal with this, no one has a better way.

   In this way, Zhang Hao virtually established a resourceful image among the two college freshmen.

   He drew his wand again, pointed in the direction where the broom was flying away, and said, "Exio!"

   An old broomstick flew back from the forbidden forest. This is Harry's broomstick.

   "Return the broom to its original position, don't let the professor see anything." Zhang Hao said lazily.

   Everyone hurriedly followed suit, and when everything was cleared, Ms. Huo Qi returned with Neville.

   Ms. Pomfrey’s healing technique is obviously not as unreliable as Lockhart. Zhang Hao estimates that injuries like a broken arm can be cured in a blink of an eye.

  Ms. Huo Qi saw that the lawn was as she imagined, she smiled and asked, "How is it? Children? No accident happened, right?"

   Everyone shook their heads unanimously, without revealing the slightest flaw.

   "Very good!" Ms. Huo Qi said again: "Then let's continue the class!"

   After a class, almost everyone can fly to the sky.

   It's just that Harry failed to join the Quidditch team as early as the original, and it seems that Gryffindor can't be ashamed.

   For this result, Zhang Hao feels pretty good.

   After all, he is a Slytherin, and his own team can beat him with a bright face!

   I heard that the style of the Slytherin team is not very good, but who would let the rules allow it?

   If the school can make Quidditch rules more strict, Zhang Hao believes that Slytherin will not be so shameless.

   In short, everything is a pot of rules.


   The flight class is over, and the day is over.

   But the affair between Malfoy and Harry seems to be endless. The two successfully just finished their first appointment in their lives.

In the Slytherin common room, Malfoy excitedly said to Gore and Crabbe: "We told Filch about this, I think he will catch Harry. Guess what, the school will not Fire them? Huh?"

"It seems that you want to do something immoral again, Draco?" Zhang Hao said contemptuously: "Duels are as sacred to wizards as knights. You make a coward after making an agreement like this. It seems you still haven't done anything I listened to what I said in my heart, really a guy who has done nothing but succeeded! If you want me to say, you are afraid of Harry Potter and dare not fight him, do you?"

   "Nonsense!" Malfoy said shyly, "Why should I be afraid of him? It's just a little trick! It's Slytherin's personality to do whatever it takes to achieve the goal."

"No! You are afraid of Potter. You must admit that." Zhang Hao said lazily: "Think about it, what a great feat Potter survived under the Dark Lord's death curse? You are afraid of this. Opponents are very normal. If you dare to admit this bravely, I think I will admire you. After all, admitting your inner fear requires great courage."

"In addition," Zhang Hao paused, then said, "Using strategy is unscrupulous when you can't, and you should be fair and honest when you can. Only in this way can you develop fearless courage. You must know that bravery is not Gryffin. What a unique quality."

   "What do you know?" Malfoy was furious~www.ltnovel.com~ gritted his teeth and said, "You're just...just a half-blood wizard from a Muggle family! You don't understand the qualities of Slytherin at all!"

"Really?" Zhang Hao said disapprovingly: "You are pure blood, but you don't know as much magic as me. Then why do you think I don't understand the qualities of Slytherin? What's more, I came to Hogwarts just In order to learn magic, to make myself stronger, and to create more brilliance! To be honest, I understand that Slytherin's quality is only to educate you ignorant pureblood believers. I am not a Slytherin student. Proud, because Salazar Slytherin, he is just a goal I want to surpass!"

   "No! You are so arrogant!" Malfoy said in disbelief, "How dare you think like this? Slytherin is the greatest wizard, you want to surpass him?"

   Gore and Crabbe were already dumbfounded. They were already stunned by Zhang Hao's domineering spirit.

Zhang Hao eased his tone and said comfortably: "The wingbird is well aware of the ambition of Honghu. I won't tell you so much. If you don't dare to fight Harry, then I will go for you. I will announce it by the way tomorrow. See how Draco Malfoy, the representative of the dignified pure-blood family, broke his contract. Those who make mistakes will be punished, and no one will be exception. Trust me, Draco!"

   "Enough!" Malfoy said angrily: "You bastard, isn't it just a duel? Can't I go?"

Zhang Hao smiled happily: "Very well, you finally did not let me down. I will be your duel assistant, don't worry! Even if you fail, I can succeed you in defeating Gryffindor. The honor of our Slytherin cannot be desecrated. ."

   At the same time, he thought in his heart: "I finally have a chance to meet the three-headed dog!"


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