Harry Potter and Master of Magic

Chapter 37: Halloween dinner

   Halloween is coming soon, this is a very important holiday in the West.

  The students are looking forward to this festival, because such a festival will definitely have a grand banquet.

   Apart from anything else, the exquisite food alone is attractive enough!

   But Zhang Hao didn't have much interest in these, he only had the yellowed parchment diary in his eyes.

   After returning from the wooden house in the forest, he often went to the library to look up the name Edson.

   Finally yesterday, he found Edson's information in the book "Hogwarts Principals".

   Edson's full name is Edson Thackerenberg. She lived in the fifteenth century and was one of the headmistresses of Hogwarts. She is also a social historian, mainly studying Muggle society, and died in 1503.

   There are so many records in the book. Compared to other principals, this little text is simply pitiful.

   Maybe Edson's portrait is still hanging in the principal's room. If you want to know more about her, you can talk to her portrait.

   It's just that Zhang Hao has no reason to go to the principal's office. He can only learn about Edson through his diary.

   Although the ancient English is troublesome, it doesn't seem to be difficult to interpret them as long as you use your heart.

   Zhang Hao turned to page six and took out the pen and paper as usual, reading and thinking about vocabulary.

   September 8, 1476

   the sun is shining brightly

   I was discovered by those hypocritical knights again

   They are dressed in the cloak of priests

  Using the magic created by Merlin

   They cut the butcher knife to the same kind

   Use our blood to fool mortals

   witch, wizard

   as long as they find out

   will never escape their pursuit

   I don’t know how long I can hold on

   but I believe

   This disaster will one day be eliminated


   The previous article is basically such a record, and Edson seems to be being hunted down. She is hiding in Tibet, and she won't have a birthday in a few days.

   "I didn't expect this female headmaster to experience this kind of suffering!"

   Zhang Hao combined the history of magic to speculate that Edson seemed to have been hunted down by the Crusaders.

  In the Crusades, some wizards with hypocritical masks seem to be called priests.

   In the European Middle Ages, Muggles slaughtered wizards. This history was originally like a joke.

   But Edson’s diary gave Zhang Hao a new understanding of the war between wizards and Muggles.

   Not to mention the Middle Ages, even now it is not easy for Muggles to slaughter wizards.

   Don’t look at Muggle’s technological development day by day. There are more and more advanced weapons, but these weapons are still not enough to deal with wizards.

   Because no matter how advanced the weapon is, it is still Muggles who use it.

   Phantom Shift, Phantom Curse, and Imperius Curse are set, it is not certain who the advanced weapons are fired.

   So, Muggles and wizards can't have any advantage at all when they go to war.

   It is even more difficult to slaughter wizards with the cold weapons of the Middle Ages.

   But the facts are beyond doubt, the wizard did fall into a disadvantage for a certain period of time.

  The reason for this result is the appearance of traitors among wizards is the most reasonable explanation.

   Of course, the possibility of magic being behind at that time is not ruled out.

   Technology is advancing, so is magic.

   is at the same initial stage, it is really hard to say who is higher.

   However, according to the records in Edson's diary, the reason why wizards fell in the middle of the war seems to be because the traitor has a greater impact.

   Zhang Hao closed the diary and put it in the pocket of the wizard robe.

   This wizard robe was cast by him without a trace of stretching curse, and the space in his pocket was enough to hold an elephant.

   The dinner was about to begin. He tidyed up his clothes and walked to the auditorium.

   I ran into Daphne on the road. She was with Hermione and Pansy.

   They often listen to Zhang Hao telling stories together. Although they get along harmoniously, it is the first time to get along with each other like this.

   "Hao! Why are you here?" Daphne was still very happy to see Zhang Hao. She laughed and said, "We are going to summon the pen fairy, do you want to be together?"

   "Summon the pen immortal at this time?" Zhang Hao was a little inexplicable, he asked inexplicably, "Should I summon the pen immortal at midnight?"

   "Daphne is too timid!" Hermione whispered, "She's afraid the ghost summoned is too fierce!"

   "Hermione! How can you tell him?" Daphne said embarrassedly, "This is our secret, you shouldn't tell anyone!"

   Hermione stuck out her tongue embarrassedly, but her usual serious face was gone.

   Zhang Hao said wonderingly: "Hermione, when did you become interested in Pen Xian? Don't you like playing games?"

"Oh! I think you have misunderstood, Hao." Hermione explained, "I just want to know whether the ritual of summoning the pen fairy can really summon ghosts. After all, the cause of ghosts has always been a mystery. Perhaps the mystery can be solved by summoning the pen fairy. question."

Uh! Hermione was still the same Hermione, she just considered summoning the pen fairy as a subject to study.

   "I am afraid I will disappoint you," Zhang Hao said with a smile: "Summoning the pen fairy is just a Muggle game. This game may not be able to summon ghosts."

   "It's okay to try, what if you succeed?" Hermione shrugged.

   "Did I say you talked enough?" Pansy on the side was already impatient, and she grumbled and said, "If you don't leave, you won't have a chance to have dinner!"

   Hermione and Daphne looked at each other~www.ltnovel.com~ and said in unison: "We're gone, see you later!"

   After saying this, the three little girls happily ran to the underground classroom.

   Zhang Hao shook his head helplessly, and could only walk towards the auditorium alone.

   At this time, the auditorium is already full of various decorations, pumpkin lanterns floating in the air, colorful ribbons everywhere, and empty tableware.

   A thousand bats fluttered on the walls and ceilings, and another thousand bats hovered above the dining table like a group of low clouds. The air flow they led made the candle flames in the jack-o-lanterns keep flashing.

   Dumbledore spoke regularly, and then various delicacies appeared on the plate.

   At this time, all the students' faces were filled with smiles.

   Zhang Hao couldn't help sighing, food really is the most conquering thing in the world.

   Halfway through the banquet, Professor Quirrell suddenly rushed into the auditorium, his big scarf worn crookedly on his head, his face was full of horror.

   Zhang Hao stared at Quirrell with a sneer, and mocked in his heart: "This play is true enough!"

   Everyone is staring at Quirrell at this moment, but nobody cares about Zhang Hao's gaze.

   Quirrell walked to Dumbledore’s chair, leaned on the table, panted and said, "The troll—in the underground classroom—I thought you should know."

   When he finished speaking, he fell to the floor and passed out.

   The auditorium suddenly became a mess, and the students who had not passed the storm yelled, panicking like a lamb being disturbed by wolves.

   Dumbledore's face was sinking, he put his wand against his throat and shouted, "Quiet!"

   The auditorium was quiet, and he continued: "Premier, immediately lead the students from each college to the dormitory."


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