On the morning of January 28th, a hearing on the illegal use of magic by two Hogwarts students outside the school was held in the Judgment Hall on the 10th floor of the Ministry of Magic.

   Zhang Hao and Zhang Qiu followed Zhuang Mingge and took the passenger elevator to the tenth floor underground.

   Zhuang Mingge was talking about some precautions along the way. He was afraid that the two children would be ignorant and say the wrong thing.

"All the members of Wisengama will participate in this hearing. You will be smart at that time." Zhuang Mingge said in a low voice, "After all, this is in someone else's territory. Although I communicated with them in advance, Wisengama is not a monolithic one. It is inevitable that no one will make things difficult for you. If that happens, you can only rely on yourself."

   Wiesengamao is the highest court in the wizarding world of the United Kingdom. It consists of about fifty members, and its chief officer is called the Chief Mage of Wiesengamao.

   The Chief Mage of Wiesengarmore happened to be held by Dumbledore, and almost everyone knew about it.

   Because of this, Wisengamao is also the most authoritative wizarding court in the world.

   After all, no matter how strict the law is, it also requires strong enforcement of force to take effect.

   And Dumbledore, happens to be the most powerful wizard of our time.

   Zhang Qiu was very nervous at first, and when he heard that he was going to be tried by the whole Wisengama, he was immediately frightened.

   She was holding Zhang Hao's arm, as hard as she could.

   "I said, cousin, can you be more relaxed?" Zhang Hao said bitterly, "I guess your arms are swollen by you!"

"Uh! Are you not nervous at all?" Zhang Qiu said with wide-eyed eyes: "That is Wissengamer, Dumbledore will also participate in the trial? We will see many big people, Mr. Zhuang said that some people might make things difficult for us. . What can I do about this?"

"Don't worry, just leave everything to Mr. Zhang." Zhuang Mingge said relaxedly: "Miss Zhang, you didn't use magic on the plane. You are not responsible for this matter. I guess they will treat you. 'S wand uses the flashback spell, other than that, there will be nothing to do with you."

   Zhang Qiu nodded, but the application remained the same.

   It seems that she didn't listen to Zhuang Mingge's words very much. Maybe she can relax completely only if this incident passes.

   "Those big guys are so boring!" Zhang Hao said boringly, "I just put on an oblivion curse, and I have to use the entire Wesengama? Isn't this too a fuss?"

   "This is also human nature. After all, the British wizarding world is so big, and they may handle many cases a year." Zhuang Mingge also wanted to laugh, he said with relief: "Just accompany them to relieve their boredom!"

   After the three arrived on the tenth floor, they were immediately taken to a waiting room.

   Zhuang Mingge was asked to leave, and only Zhang Hao and Zhang Qiu were left in the waiting room.

   After a while, another wizard in a fuchsia robe walked into the waiting room. He solemnly said to Zhang Qiu: "Are you Miss Zhang Qiu? Start with you, please follow me."

   Zhang Qiu gave Zhang Hao a pitiful look, but finally followed the wizard helplessly.

   Zhang Hao watched Zhang Qiu leave, and then comfortably took out the collection of stories about Poetry Weng and Pidou to read.

   When he finished reading "The Story of Three Brothers", Zhang Qiu happened to come out of the trial hall.

"Cousin, it's here for you!" Zhang Qiu said with a clear smile on her face, and she said relaxedly: "Those big people are very kind and not scary at all! However, some of the questions raised by jurors are very annoying, and you may also Encountered!"

   "Really?" Zhang Hao nodded and said with a smile: "I will meet them, you stay here."

   In the trial hall, the jurors are sitting on seats one floor higher than the other, and a sign with their name and identity is placed in front of everyone.

   Zhang Hao glanced around and saw several familiar faces.

   Albus Dumbledore, Connelly Fudge, Dolores Jan Umbridge, Amelia Susan Burns...

   Zhang Hao has already known many Wisengama members through books or newspapers.

   They are all wearing fuchsia robes, with a delicate silver W embroidered on their left chest.

   Everyone looked at Zhang Hao, their eyes seemed to shine on his soul.

   Many people are talking in low voices. They seem to be a little unsuccessful, because the topic they talked about has nothing to do with this hearing.

   Dumbledore sitting in the trial seat picked up a small wooden hammer and hammered it three times.

"Quiet!" After everyone stopped talking, he announced the beginning of the hearing: "At the disciplinary hearing on January 28, the suspect Zhang Hao used magic on Muggles on the plane to China. Questions Author: Albus Dumbledore."

   "The defendant will face the following charges. He used the Forgetting Curse on several Muggles on the premise that he is sober and aware of the illegal behavior. How does the defendant explain this?"

   Dumbledore finished speaking and looked at Zhang Hao blankly. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

"Of course, Mr. Dumbledore, please listen to my explanation." Zhang Hao was expressionless. He described the whole process of the hijacking indifferently, and finally asked: "I would like to ask Mr. Dumbledore, the wizard’s life was threatened. Under circumstances, would using magic on a vicious Muggle count as a crime?"

"The International Confidentiality Act stipulates that any wizard who is threatened by Muggles has the right to use magic to fight back." Dumbledore nodded and asked, "But the question is, how can you prove that you have been threatened? Threatened by Muggles?"

"This is probably not a problem, sir." Zhang Hao said with a smile: "Those robbers killed a passenger with a gun on the plane. If I can't stop them, they may kill more people. Among them, it is very likely. Including me. There are wizards who can testify for this matter, including my cousin Zhang Qiu, and some other exhibits. I think the court should already know about these, right?"

   "Of course!" Dumbledore nodded, and said after scanning the audience: "Then, who has any questions about this case?"

"Oh! I guess he was to satisfy his vanity, so he released magic in front of Muggles." A fat witch said in a sweet and disgusting voice: "How do you prove yourself? What about using magic against discipline for this purpose?"

   Zhang Hao glanced at the witch and said calmly, "Then Ms. Umbridge, how do you prove that I release magic for this purpose?"

"Of course, I can prove it." Umbridge said with a smirk: "As long as you use the pantheon to show you the truth. If you are not satisfied with this method, I think we can still use Veritaserum ."

   "Umbridge! We have no right to do this. If we want to convict someone, we must show objective evidence."

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