Harry Potter and Master of Magic

Chapter 73: The 3rd Magic Riot

   The trap door was opened, and there was a dark passage below.

   "I'll go down first," Harry said bravely: "If I have an accident, you don't have to go down, and send the owl to Dumbledore to deliver the letter.

   "We all understand, you go down now!" Zhang Hao urged: "Finish early and go to bed early."

   Everyone is a little speechless, this is a big deal! Do you think you can still sleep tonight?

   Harry didn't say anything, he just glanced at everyone and jumped down without hesitation.

   Throughout the fall, Harry didn't even scream.

   Zhang Hao admires this kid a little, and nothing else, just this courage is not comparable to that of Hogwarts.

"no problem!"

   After a while, Harry's voice finally came from below.

   "You can get off now, it's a soft landing, you won't get hurt."

   Harry’s voice did sound okay, and Zhang Hao said, "Hurry up! Good luck to you!"

   The remaining three friends gave him a glance, and jumped down the channel one by one.

   Zhang Hao rushed out the door to find Filch, time is very short, he needs Filch as a microphone.

   asked Filch to go to Professor McGonagall, while he himself was behind the friends with a time gap.

  The plan is simple and rude, and the spelling is a quick word.

   Zhang Hao made a lot of noise while running, and the fastest way to find Filch was to let him find it on his own initiative.

   But it wasn't Filch who came first, but the naughty Pipi.

"Oh! You are so arrogant as a first-year kid!" Pippi gave a malicious smile. He walked through the wall and yelled: "I want to tell Filch that there are first-year students who don't sleep in the castle. Running around."

   "Shut up! How many times have you said this?" Zhang Hao glared at Pippi, and said angrily: "Where is Filch? Tell me!"

   "Oh oh! The first grade kid wants to know where Filch is, I don't want to tell him."

   Pippi made a face after saying this, then plunged into the wall and never appeared again.

   Zhang Hao gritted his teeth bitterly, thinking that he must let Barrow the Blood Man teach Pipi Ghost.

   Although Pippi was tricked, fortunately Filch was very powerful today.

   Old Filch is like a pair of dog noses, and he can quickly find anyone who makes trouble in the castle.

   When Zhang Hao turned a corridor, he happened to hit Filch.

   "Do you still dare..."

   "Shut up!" Before Filch finished speaking, Zhang Hao interrupted: "Go to Professor McGonagall, someone is going to steal the Philosopher's Stone. Harry and the others have already stopped it first, go!"

   He didn't give Filch a chance to respond after he finished speaking, and went straight back down the same path.

   The music box is still ringing, and Lu Wei sleeps like a pig.

   Zhang Hao jumped down the passage, cold, humid air whizzing past his ears. He kept falling down, occasionally turning a little.


   About ten seconds later, Zhang Hao finally landed on a soft object.

   He sat up and fumbled around, his eyes still not getting used to the dim surroundings.

   Looking up from here, the hole is like a spot of light the size of a postage stamp. This shows that although the passage has ups and downs, it is generally straight.

   Zhang Hao felt the plants under him moving, and he knew it was the devil net awakening.

   If he doesn't take any measures, he will be swallowed by the devil net as food.

   "Bright blind you!"

  At this critical moment, Zhang Hao blurted out the flashing curse he had practiced tens of thousands of times in the fantasy world.

   This is an instinctive cast, without a trace of jerky.

  The dark ground is like a small sun rising out of thin air, and light fills every corner.

   Every vine on the Devil’s Net, like a rabbit that is a natural enemy, shrinks quickly to a dull corner.

   But this is futile. When Zhang Hao designed this spell, he originally intended to use it against the basilisk.

   Compared with the basilisk, what is the devil net?

   These vines have nowhere to hide, they can only shrink into a ball in the end.

   Zhang Hao also lost support and fell to the ground.

   As soon as he opened his eyes, he felt a sense of weakness in his body again, just like the magic riot last time.

   But this feeling comes and goes fast, it's like an illusion.

   "Is the magic runaway again? Huh? The magic has also increased, but it is much less than the previous time."

   Zhang Hao checked his body, and he felt very good.

"Sure enough, as long as magic is created in reality, it will inevitably trigger the magic runaway and increase the magic power. But the new question is here again, is the intensity of the magic runaway proportional to the amount of the enhancement? What is the factor?"

   Zhang Hao had some inferences in his mind, but he was not sure.

  Magic research, like scientific research, requires a lot of experimentation to produce results. It is impossible to verify any inferences by conjecture.

   I don’t have time to study so much now, my friends don’t know which level they broke into, and I’m afraid they won’t be able to catch up without chasing them.

   Zhang Hao cleared up his mood and continued along a corridor.

   At the end of the corridor, there is a brightly lit room.

   The roof is a high vaulted ceiling, and there are countless jewel-like keys ~www.ltnovel.com~ flapping wings and flying around the roof.

   On the opposite side of the house, there was a flash of heavy wooden door.

   There are also many keys nailed to the wooden door. These keys have wings. They have been struggling, seeming to want to regain their freedom.

   And in the keyhole of the wooden door, there was a fatter key trapped.

   "It seems that there is no need to fly to the sky to grab the key!" Zhang Hao said inwardly.

   He opened the wooden door as quickly as possible and rushed to the next level.

   The second room is larger than the previous room, and there is a huge chess board on the ground.

   The black and white sides on the chessboard lined up, looking murderous.

   While Draco and Ron were lying outside the chessboard, they seemed to have chosen to sacrifice themselves.

   Zhang Hao checked and found that these two fools had just passed out, and there was no serious trauma on their bodies.

   After confirming that the little partner is not in trouble, Zhang Hao focused his attention on the chessboard.

   This is the chess of the wizarding world, also called wizard chess.

   Zhang Hao is good at Go and Chinese Chess, but he is not good at chess.

   It's not that I can't go down, but that the level is not high enough.

  If he follows the rules, he will definitely not be able to pass this level.

   "Asshole! I was deceived by the movie screen!"

   In the movie, these chess pieces were beaten to pieces when Harry broke through, as if they were all abandoned.

   But now it seems that this level is not that simple.

   It seems that regardless of the success of the predecessors, the newcomers must face it again.

   Zhang Hao observed the environment, and he found that the road to the next level was on the opposite side. As long as he broke through the black chess block, he might be able to pass the level.

   "It seems that I have to foul this time!" He said with high spirits: "Since you can't play chess, then choose to break through violence!"

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