Looking at Hermione’s embarrassed back, Wilkes’ smile gradually converged, although it was very interesting to tease Hermione every time, but remembering the original…

“If it’s not bad, Professor Quirrell will arrange for a troll tonight to try to steal the Philosopher’s Stone.” Wilkes frowned.

He was thinking that this might be an opportunity to trigger the system, it had been a month, and although he had done a lot of things, he had not triggered the system once.

This is a chance, even if the chance is slim, he wants to try.

But before that, Wilkes took out his wand from his arms, waved it casually, and a magic that had been enhanced by the “upgrade” ability was quietly released, and Wilkes smiled when he saw a faint point of light lit up on the tip of the wand that was almost invisible.

“The frequency of peeping is gradually decreasing, presumably Snape, or Dumbledore’s patience, has begun to wear off.” Wilkes nodded.

During this period, a large part of the reason why he did not do anything out of the ordinary was a large part. It’s the fear that you’ll be watched.

Of course, he was more inclined to spy on himself, it should be Snape.

In case he was watched, then he would foolishly go to Professor Quirrell, who was already suspected by Snape, or sneak into the forbidden area, all of which were death-seeking.

Not to mention stealing the Philosopher’s Stone.

At that time, even if he has nothing to do with Voldemort, it is estimated that he will not be able to tell.

Although Dumbledore had ignored him before, Wilkes believed that if anyone dared to do anything that might harm Hogwarts, they would not be let go.

Even now, Wilkes couldn’t help but feel a chill behind his thinking about his wise decision.

Because if it weren’t for this month, he focused on studying books on this subject, and he couldn’t check himself, he would really be watched.

This is a very clever tracking spell, which belongs to a type of curse magic, but it is harmless, and the function is only magic used to monitor the movement of the target and the magic that the target has cast.

A few days ago, Wilkes happened to read the book “Shenshockk: Detection and Prevention of the Curse” in his hand at this moment, and verified that he was indeed being watched.

But now it’s different, as long as he wants, he can break this spell at any time.


Wilkes closed the book in his hand and put it back on the shelf, the book had been read many times, enough.

“The dinner party is about to begin, Professor Quirrell should have led the troll to the girls’ bathroom on the first floor by now, I can…” Wilkes thought.

“Huh?!” Suddenly, Wilkes looked confused, perceived it again, and found that this was indeed the case, so he hurriedly walked out of the library with a gloomy face.

“What’s the matter, since Hermione has just found herself, which means that the plot should have changed slightly, why did she run to the girls’ bathroom on the first floor?”

Wilkes not only researched but mastered this spell, and he cast it on both Hermione and Luna to be on the safe side, so he knew exactly what Hermione was doing at this time.

In his perception, Hermione was close to the vicinity where the trolls appeared in the original book!

Along the way, Wilkes stretched his face, walked with the wind, and casually stretched out his wand and swiped it on himself, as if a light veil was carried away with the tip of the wand.

“Peeping shield!”

Wilkes broke Snape’s spell.

Usually being watched is also being watched, after all, he doesn’t want to do anything out of the ordinary.

Know yourself and know your opponent, and win every battle.

He didn’t want to be known about what happened next.

Soon, Wilkes rushed all the way to the direction of the bathroom on the first floor, but when he reached the corridor on the side of the bathroom on the first floor, he was furious!

At this moment, several trolls who were nearly twelve feet tall, had skin like granite, and their bodies emitted a disgusting stench, constantly walking out from the depths of the corridor.

There were still two trolls crowded in the doorway of the bathroom, trying to enter the bathroom, as if something was attracting them inside.

Hermione, it’s inside!

“Quirrell!” Wilkes gritted his teeth, the hand holding the wand in his hand tightened slightly, and walked gloomy step by step towards the bathroom.

He stopped thinking about why there was only one monster in the original book, but now it has become a bunch of such stupid questions.

“Roar!!” Almost at the same time, several wandering trolls in the corridor suddenly found Wilkes and walked over with a huge stick in his hand.

“me!” Wilkes’s cold glow flashed through his eyes, and he waved his wand expressionlessly:

“Crush your bones!”


In an instant, a blinding red light shot from the tip of Wilkes’ wand to a troll who intercepted in front, and with a bang, several pieces of flesh and blood exploded!

However, as a monster rated as “XXXX” level by the Ministry of Magic, the magic resistance is extremely high, even if it is a strengthened “crushed bone”, the frontal resistance is only to explode pieces of flesh and blood, not crushed bones.

But so what?!

“Crush your bones!” Wilkes did not spare time to play with them, and the wand in his hand was mechanically flung out again and again, and his eyes were always cold.


“Crush your bones!”


“Crush your bones!”

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