However, because of the “enemy trap”, Wilkes’ location range, in fact, from the outside, this is just a bland Forbidden Forest.

The only thing the eight-eyed giant spider outside just now saw was a light mass that suddenly appeared in the air, so he consciously chased away.

If Wilkes had just been discovered, it is estimated that he would have pounced long ago.

“Click! Click!! The eight-eyed giant spider under the light mass rioted, and its chela trembled excitedly from time to time, making sounds.

Wilkes was relieved that as long as he was not discovered, these eight-eyed giant spiders were not a threat to him.

However, when Wilkes calmed down, he set his sights on the eight-eyed giant spider, especially the pair of chelated limbs.

“It is said that the eight-eyed giant spider venom of a pinto costs as much as 100 galleons, and it is also the raw material of many top potions, and I am a little excited.” Wilkes suddenly became interested.

As a person who has wandered in the overturned alley, he is very clear about the price of these things.

It is almost impossible to get venom from a live eight-eyed giant spider, so venom is usually obtained from a newly dead eight-eyed giant spider.

This has also led to the price of the venom of the eight-eyed giant spider, which has remained high, and can often be sold for 20% more than the market price on the black market.

If before, Wilkes would not have had the idea of hitting the Eight-Eyed Giant Spider Venom, but now…

“I set a protective spell here in advance, they can’t see me, and I can retreat at any time at this distance, as long as I am careful, maybe I can…” Wilkes’s eyes flashed with greed.

Just like the look he looked a year ago when he was doing all kinds of illegal goods in Tumble Alley, his eyes were exactly the same as they were then.

And the venom of the eight-eyed giant spider, even if it is not sold and kept for its own use, it has a lot to use!

After a while, Wilkes waved his fist: “Mother, such a good opportunity has been met by me, and if I don’t take the things sent for nothing, I’m not an idiot!” ”

Moreover, it seems that he does not have to take action himself.

With a smile on the corner of Wilkes’ mouth, he turned his head to look at the troll soul standing in place behind him, which seemed to be an opportunity to experiment with the strength of the soul servant.

“Go for me, my servants.” Wilkes gave the order to fight to the death in an indifferent tone.


As soon as Wilkes’s words fell, the trolls who were still stupid and stupid in the same place suddenly showed fierce faces one by one, staring at the eight-eyed giant spiders hundreds of meters away.

“Roar, roar, roar!!” The trolls roared up to the sky, without the slightest pause, unkempt

of breaking out of the protective range of the spell.

Boom! Boom! Boom!!

The monsters weighing an average weight of more than a ton rushed like bulldozers on the way, rushing into the eight-eyed giant spiders that looked like a black tide.

But the monster that seems unbeatable on weekdays, at this moment, it seems a little weak.

It’s almost a mortal situation.

“Click! Click! The moment the troll appeared, the eight-eyed giant spider with keen perception had already noticed it, and immediately gave up the light in the sky and turned around and rushed towards the troll.


The distance of 100 meters was approaching in an instant, and the two sides collided together completely violently, and suddenly several eight-eyed giant spider people turned on their backs.

In terms of strength, it is still the trolls who have the advantage.

For a time, the scene became chaotic, facing the eight-eyed giant spider that could be seen everywhere, some trolls raised their fists and punched the surrounding eight-eyed giant spiders, and each punch was accompanied by a splash of purple liquid, directly embedded into the body of the soft eight-eyed giant spider, causing fatal damage.

“Click, click!!” The eight-eyed giant spider made a desperate claw sound before dying.

Some trolls, under Wilkes’ control, picked up the thick and huge branches of trees on the ground and began to sweep them, causing more casualties.

The eight-eyed giant spider, which is not known for its defense itself, and even has poor magic resistance, actually suffered casualties for a while!?

However, the battle situation has changed dramatically, compared to the endless eight-eyed giant spiders, the seven-headed giant monsters are indeed a little weak, and countless eight-eyed giant spiders rushed towards them, directly wrapping one of the trolls in it.


Countless eight-eyed giant spiders injected venom into the body of the monster’s soul, emitting bursts of miserable purple smoke that floated out from the gap that was wrapped.

But after a while, a trolls completely dissipated.

The first troll fell.

This is the disadvantage of the materialization of the soul, which gives the soul physical abilities but can also be harmed.

Wilkes watched all this indifferently within the scope of the protective curse, observing the soul combat power, and he was not surprised by all this.

This is also one of the main reasons why he didn’t before, knowing the preciousness of the venom of the eight-eyed giant spider, but still did not take the initiative to come to the Forbidden Forest to fight the idea of the eight-eyed giant spider.

Although the eight-eyed giant spider is simply fragile compared to the troll, it can be compared with a “baby”, and it does not have excellent defense in physics and magic.

But the horror of the eight-eyed giant spider is the huge number and venom that can kill almost any creature instantly!

Although Wilkes believes that he is powerful, as long as he is surrounded by a hundred eight-eyed giant spiders at the same time, he will choose to run for his life.

Three hundred heads, desperately escape!

Five hundred heads, nine dead lives!

A thousand or in the hinterland of the eight-eyed giant spider, ten dead and lifeless!

Not looking up to himself at all, after the experience of overturning alley, Wilkes is very clear about his jin two, if it were not for the favorable time and place at this moment, he would not have chosen this time point to risk greedy things beyond his current range of strength.

“But now, it’s really the right time and place…” Wilkes couldn’t help but sigh at his luck, staring at the back of his left hand.

The seven-headed monster in the distance, there are only two left at this moment, and they are still struggling to hold on.

Wilkes glanced at it, feeling that it was almost the same, stretched out his left hand, five fingers palmed towards the center of the battlefield, and couldn’t help but excitedly roar out the plan he had made at the beginning:

“Son of Death, come, resurrect, keep fighting!”

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