Inside the Forbidden Forest, everything is silent.

After a while, Wilkes was already clenching his wand, ready to deal with various situations, but the surroundings were surprisingly quiet.

“Roar…” The ignorant shadow bear on the side, the two bear paws scratched their belly from time to time, not understanding what their master was letting himself do, as if there was no danger at all.

Wilkes squinted at the Forbidden Forest in the night, and then secretly said in his heart: “No! There is no failure, here it comes! ”

Rustling! Rustling!

Suddenly, a rustling sound began to sound in the depths of the Forbidden Forest, and the sound of the wind blowing the leaves seemed to confirm what he said.

The method worked!


Like a black torrent tide, in the depths of the dark Forbidden Forest, it is constantly rushing, and the momentum is huge and unstoppable.

“Fluorescent flashing!” Wilkes waved his wand directly towards the sky, and the tip of the wand flung out a ball of light and slowly floated into the air.


In an instant, the light mass stopped more than ten meters above the ground, emitting a mild light, covering a radius of tens of meters around.

“Click! Click!! ”

At this time, Wilkes saw clearly, like a black tide of eight-eyed giant spiders, thousands of them began to be densely packed, and the dirt and sand flew everywhere they went.

Not only that, all the eight-eyed giant spiders, different from the eight huge dark eyes that Wilkes saw last time, were bright red and abrupt in the light at the moment.

“Click! Click! “All the eight-eyed giant spiders seemed to have been beaten with chicken blood, their eyes were red, and the two huge chelates in front of them, dripping with purple liquid, made excited sounds.


On the chela of the eight-eyed giant spider, when the dripping purple liquid fell on the passing ground, it emitted a piercing and sharp corrosive sound, causing Wilkes’ pupils to contract slightly, and the wand in his hand subconsciously clenched.

Wilkes had once collected the venom of the eight-eyed giant spider, so he recognized it as the venom of the eight-eyed giant spider.

“I didn’t expect the power of the ‘Bloodstained Wind’ to be so great, I can’t be too big and let them get close to me!” Just when the eight-eyed giant spider was already dozens of meters away, Wilkes woke up.

“Shadow Bear, stay by my side and don’t move!” Wilkes told the Shadow Bear, which was his last line of defense.

Randomly, Wilkes clenched his wand and made a few circles in mid-air, and a huge amount of magic was injected into the wand in an instant, and a magic was born.



As soon as Wilkes’s thoughts moved, sparks and flames suddenly appeared in the air, but in an instant, it was so huge that it began to cover the surrounding area for several meters.

Countless flames surrounded Wilkes, and as Wilkes’ arm drove his wand, it continued to rotate, forming a circle of fire and an isolated place.


Like a black tide of eight-eyed giant spiders, it was already approaching in the blink of an eye, and finally seemed to be unable to stop the car, directly crashing into the flames without stopping.

After a few breaths, Li Shu was burned, and miserable black smoke began to rise from the flames.

“Squeak!” Coming from all directions, the eight-eyed giant spider that hastily crashed into the flames, before he took a few steps, he let out a wail and was bathed in fire, but in a few moments, it was completely burned out.

After that, the eight-eyed giant spiders stopped moving forward, their chelates constantly made “click” sounds, and eight bright red eyes stared at Wilkes in the flames, enveloping the ring of fire.

Wilkes stood in the middle of the flame vortex, controlling the flames to rotate around, looking at the eight-eyed giant spider outside the fire circle, although he surrounded himself, he did not dare to take a step beyond the thunder pool.

“However, if you don’t come out, I really can’t help you, and now…” Wilkes’s eyes flashed, looking at the thousands of eight-eyed giant spiders that surrounded him, without the slightest fear, and even a touch of greed rose in his heart.

“Please die here.”

Wilkes muttered indifferently.

Immediately, Wilkes was like a king who controlled the flames, waving his wand to raise the hand of the flames, suddenly withdrawn, the other hand stretched out, grabbed the void, and put it to his mouth to blow out towards the ring of fire.


The next moment, the original fire was still burning around, constantly rotating around, burning and rising, a huge flame stood out, slowly condensed and formed, and finally turned into a wild python.

The huge fire python is more than ten feet tall, the flames condensed throughout its body are restrained, and between the sharp two snake teeth, a tongue of fire spits out from time to time.

Wilkes looked at his masterpiece, his pupils reflecting its appearance, and the corners of his mouth hung with undisguised excitement.

This is the extent to which he has been able to do it for so long, the perfect combination of ordinary fire making spells and transformation spells to form the power of top-level spells!

“Go ahead.” In Wilkes’s heart, a heroic aura suddenly emerged, and he began to control the fire python to sweep out of the fire circle.

The huge fire python crawled out of the flames, and in an instant, arrived in front of the eight-eyed giant spider that looked like a black tide.


In an instant, the fire python suddenly opened its large mouth with sharp snake teeth and pounced on the ground.


Everywhere the huge fire python went, the flames were destroyed, and countless eight-eyed giant spiders turned into scorched black wreckage in an instant, and countless eight-eyed giant spiders began to squeak miserably.

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