Dumbledore pondered and couldn’t guess something at all.

After a long time, Dumbledore suddenly came back to his senses, stopped thinking about it, and began to walk quickly out of the fierce battlefield, holding his wand in the direction he had sensed before, slowly going deeper into the depths of the Forbidden Forest.

Unlike Wilkes, Dumbledore only walked step by step, towards the depths of the Forbidden Forest.

Because he didn’t have the person leading the way in front, he could only sense the direction little by little according to the residual magic fluctuations in the air.

Immediately, with Dumbledore’s back, he gradually disappeared into the darkness of the depths of the Forbidden Forest, and the battlefield fell silent again.


However, more than ten minutes later, a visitor appeared again and “floated” to the heart of the battlefield.

That’s right, it’s “Gone with the Wind”!

It was as if a ghost, a dark cloak, the darkness under the hood resisted the true face, until it floated down in the center of the battlefield to stay, and could barely see a figure.

If Wilkes were here from beginning to end, I am afraid that he would choose to withdraw immediately and exclaim, isn’t this Voldemort?!

It was Voldemort, who possessed Professor Quirrell and survived, who sneaked out of Hogwarts Castle again tonight, intending to ingest the unicorn’s blood for the second time.

Since Voldemort was already very weak, even inferior to the ghost, plus the Horcrux was destroyed again, it was even worse.

Therefore, he needs to ingest unicorn blood more than once to make a living.

But now, Voldemort, who controlled Quirrell’s body, stopped here, because here he sensed the soul fluctuations that he felt with Dumbledore.

“How perfect it is… Soul fluctuations, almost substance. Taking control of Professor Quirrell’s body, Voldemort muttered in a low voice.

As a wizarding world, the understanding of black magic and even the soul is only a handful of Voldemort, and his shock is even greater than Dumbledore’s.

So much so that he stood there and was silent for several minutes.

Until suddenly, there was a huge burst of magic power in the distance, which made him come back to his senses and look sharply in one direction of the Forbidden Forest.

“It appeared again, that soul fluctuation, as if it was a soul directly recaptured from the hands of the god of death, flawless and pure, how did this happen?”

Voldemort couldn’t believe it, and there was even a sense of suffocation in his heart.

He used to be at the top, dominating the wizarding world, he used to be well-read, even Horcruxes, he thought he could make six copies without precedent,

A trace flashed in the bottom of my heart, standing in front of the mountains and looking up, I felt like a drop in the ocean.

How sad this is.

It’s like a villain, after defeating all his kind, when he thinks he is invincible in the world, he suddenly sees a giant, only to know that his achievements may be vulnerable from the beginning.

Compared with the almost pure soul fluctuations left on this battlefield, Voldemort once prided himself on the method of using splitting souls to make Horcruxes, which could only be sighed.

“Nope! I must know how this is done! Pure, substantive, perfect soul, if I can get the way, maybe…” Voldemort thought infinitely in his heart, staring into the distance.

That direction was exactly the direction that had just suddenly erupted with huge magical power!


Without stopping, Voldemort, who was wearing a black wizard robe, suddenly turned into pitch-black smoke and dust, and rushed directly to the distant sky.

If there were wizards here, I am afraid they would be surprised.

Because in the wizarding world, wizards who can fly in the true sense without relying on any props are one of the few in history!

With Voldemort’s departure and disappearing into the sky under the night, this battlefield completely calmed down.

For more than ten minutes, the Forbidden Forest, which used to be calm, was visited many times tonight, and the direction of departure was still unconscious, concurrently in one direction.

That direction, the whole of Hogwarts, perhaps only Hagrid knows, there is, the hinterland of the nest of the eight-eyed giant spider!


Go back a dozen minutes.

Wilkes rode the Shadow Bear, just left the battlefield, followed by the huge eight-eyed giant spider like a black tide, and gradually went deeper into the Forbidden Forest.

“I didn’t expect that the nest of the eight-eyed giant spider would be so deep, if it weren’t for the ‘bloodstain’, I’m afraid I wouldn’t be able to find it for a few days.” Wilkes said secretly.

It had been a few minutes since he had walked, but the eight-eyed giant spider that looked like a black tide was still rushing in front of Wilkes, which made him feel a little uneasy.

After all, there has actually been a lot of movement just now, and now his behavior is all risking.

But as long as it is in Hogwarts, when can it not take risks?

Coupled with the allure that could trigger the system, Wilkes chose to move on, not wanting to wait until later.

Instead of taking the risk of coming to the Forbidden Forest in the future, it is better to take advantage of tonight and try to do it more thoroughly at one time, as long as the hands and feet are sharp, the problem should not be big.


At this time, Wilkes, who was riding on the shadow bear, jerked all over, causing him to directly burst out a foul mouth: “Lean!” ”

Because of the shadow bear, he suddenly braked sharply and almost threw him out.

But immediately, Wilkes calmed down, looked up, and the eight-eyed giant spiders in front of him began to fish into a huge tree hole.

“It’s here, the lair of the eight-eyed giant spider.” Wilkes’s eyes narrowed, and he realized.

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