Christmas holidays: December 20 – January 5.

On the first day of the Christmas holiday, the weather was not very good, clouds were shrouded and foggy, and the weather in Europe always felt depressing.

Early in the morning, a figure wearing a black cloak, the darkness under the hood covered his face, and the figure of the immature figure stepped into the alley alone, even under the usual scorching sun, it looked gloomy and chaotic in the overturned alley.

Carrying the humidity in the air, and the faint smell of blood, the cold wind constantly blew from the depths of the alley, and the cloak on the figure was blowing, rattling.

At this time, the figure had just reached the middle of the overturned alley, suddenly stopped, sensed it, raised his head, indifferent eyes under the hood, and glanced around inadvertently.

“It’s a really familiar feeling, I remember the scene when I first came to Tumbling Alley, it was like yesterday.” There was a sigh of emotion under the hood.

At this time, I saw him gently put down his hood, revealing his appearance, with clear eyebrows, bright eyes and teeth, and the appearance of a teenager.

Unlike Diagon Alley, at this moment, in Overturned Alley, even if it was just early morning, there were already a large number of wizards mixed with fish and dragons, sneakily walking through this dark and narrow alley.

Inevitably, one by one, the wizards in cloaks also saw this figure in the alley, which stopped in place.

But rarely, all the wizards who saw it subconsciously avoided, and even secretly, the wizards who were still a little greedy were also shocked, and immediately chose to fade quietly.

Seeing this, Wilkes snorted coldly with disdain in his heart, sure enough, if he didn’t show his face, there would really be some trouble.

After such a short distance just walked, he sensed at least three wizards, sneakily walking around him, probably trying to take advantage of him.

“I’m afraid I haven’t been here for too long, and I’ve forgotten about me Wilkes, it’s not a good bone to gnaw.” A haze flashed in Wilkes’ eyes.

People who dare to mess around in the alley as teenagers, the entire magical world, who else can there be except Wilkes.

Exactly Wilkes.

Just after returning from Hogwarts, the wizard residential area between Overturned Alley and Diagon Alley, Wilkes simply repaired and immediately chose to come here non-stop.

And the purpose is to find someone.

If you want to enter the Sterlake Black Market, you must have a shop in the Sterleigh Black Market, and the only person Wilkes knows is Bokin!

After solving the “tail”, Wilkes once again strolled through the dark overturned alleys, skillfully walking through the alleys.

Finally, he came to a somewhat shabby, English-framed storefront that looked more like a down-and-out grocery store.

“13B Overturn Lane, Bockinbock store.” Wilkes muttered secretly, staring up at the store, without pausing, and entering directly.

“Jingle bells!”

As soon as you enter the door, the sound of customers coming is heard.

In the shop, there seemed to be customers at this moment, a faceless wizard wearing a black wizard robe, who was at the counter, negotiating the price with Bokin, who was hunched over and had thinning hair.

As soon as a guest entered the door, Bo Jin, who was talking on the side, casually looked sideways at the door, and when he saw the person coming, an inexplicable brilliance flashed in his eyes.

Wilkes wasn’t a regular visitor, after all, Borgin knew, and he went to Hogwarts, although he didn’t know what the plot was.

Wilkes looked indifferent, walked straight to the counter, ignored whether there were any customers in the store, and stood in front of the counter.

Boom! Boom!

Wilkes knocked on the counter, turned his head indifferently, stared at the wizard in the store who did not dare to show his face, and said seemingly plainly:

“The deal is over, come back tomorrow.”

Suddenly, the two sides of Garon, Bojin and the customers, who had just been discussing Galeon, fell silent.

Borgin hunched over, not knowing what he was thinking, and seemed to look at Wilkes with some surprise, and his behavior, but did not say anything to stop it.

And the wizard in the cloak, the wizard’s fist under the robe clenched, immediately turned his head angrily, the transaction was interrupted, no one will be happy.

But the next moment, after the man saw the person coming, he hurriedly recovered his emotions, froze in place for a few breaths, and then, with a cold snort, he turned around slowly, flicked his robe, and was about to leave the Bockin Bock store.

“How did you run into this guy, hmph, forget it, it’s just a piece of magic material, there’s no need to provoke that… Lunatic. The man whispered through gritted teeth secretly.

As long as the wizards who often trade in Overturned Alley, even the dark wizards, there is no one who does not know Wilkes, after all, he is too legendary.

What could be more convincing than a teenager who began to wander the alleys at the age of ten.

In the Overturned Alley, there used to be many wizards who wanted to covet Wilkes, but now, they are gone, and Wilkes is still here.

The answer is self-evident.

And the event that really made Wilkes lay the “madman”, the title of this title, was a year ago, a dark wizard coveted Wilkes’s Garon, and after making a move, the black wizard survived although embarrassed.

It was also the most murderous time Wilkes had ever experienced, only a little closely, and he couldn’t walk here today.

Afterwards, Wilkes, who was bound to report the news, also planned for weeks in order to deter other wizards who had evil intentions towards him, and finally…

Sneak attack and kill the man!

For those who have hurt themselves, leaving no trace of life, from a ten-year-old boy.

It also rained lightly that day, drizzling on Wilkes’s indifferent cheeks, and under the eyes of countless secret peeps, he left quietly without the slightest expression afterwards.

At that moment, everyone’s hearts couldn’t help but gush a trace of coolness.

There is no cheerfulness after revenge, no bloodthirsty hideousness, no domineering demonstration, no villain’s ambition, just indifferent gone.

It was as if killing the man, just because he did it to himself, he had to die, and everything was as it should be.

Among the peeping wizards, there were many ruthless, but they were all deeply shocked by the back of Wilkes, who turned away and put on a hood under the rain curtain.

Like a young wolf, even if it is young, it will still be bloodthirsty for prey and enemies, Wilkes is such a person.

From that day on, no one would provoke him unless necessary.

Unless you are sure that you can kill him with one blow, I am afraid that in the days to come, I am afraid that you will be stared at by a secret look, and you will be subjected to unreasonable retaliation at any time.


The man who turned to leave, as soon as he left the Bockinbock store, quickly turned around and disappeared into a dark bend in the overturned alley.

In the Bockie Bock store, a somewhat treacherous Borgin stared at Wilkes for a long time before saying with malice:

“Mr. Wilkes, it was a big deal just now, of course, for you, it was just a small amount of money, but I don’t know what to trade this time.”

Although there was a slight malice in Borgin’s tone, he was actually more looking forward to the deal with Wilkes.

“Gee.” Wilkes sneered disdainfully, and shook his head a little: “For a big man like Mr. Borgin, a few galleon businesses can also be called ‘big deals’?” ”

Saying that, Wilkes’s eyes flashed, and suddenly he stretched forward, and said with some temptation:

“This time, I came with tens of thousands of galleons of business, I don’t know if Mr. Borgin is interested…”

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