Harry Potter and the Blind prince
11 The Sorting P3 + Houses V1
(Lauren's pov)
"Glinderlyn, Lauren!"
'Oh, It's finally my turn!' I thought to myself. With a flick on my wrist, I took out the cane that I bought when we were visiting Diagonally.
Clack clack
The sound of the wooden cane and the floor colliding. But when it come to the stairs…, it wasn't that easy. But I somehow managed.
'This stench' my nose picked up a familiar scent, I couldn't help but smirked 'Ah! So the old man is still here huh?'
I went forward, took the dusty oldman, sat on the wooden chair (which I nearly fell) and put 'him' on my head.
"Hello old man'' I muttered "Long time no see!"
"Hm? Am I supposed to know you kid?'' he asked me, in his old husky voice
"Ehh??? You don't remember me? I'm kinda hurt, (1) Olty" I played around with my voice while trying my best to keep my outer face as natural as possible. Which is, for your information, troublesome and hard.
"This attitude and 'Olty'? Ah! Its you!"
'Fiuuh' I sigh in relief 'thank goodness he hasn't forgotten about me'
"So you succeeded then, you brat!" He lamented
"If I didn't succeeded, than I wouldn't be here now would I?" I answered him
"Hm? What's with your eyes, brat?" He asked "Aren't a powerful wizard like you suppose to be able to cure 'that' with a flick of a wand?"
"I tried" I smiled faintly, mocking myself "But for some reason, it's not working at all"
"So, what are you going to do now?" He asked again "I'm sure you didn't came here just for fulfilling the prophecy right?"
"Yeah! You sure caught on fast Olty!" I said "But first, can you do me a favor?"
"Spew it brat!"
I started whispering as quietly as I could so no one, except myself and Olty, could hear me, "Can you do that Olty?" I asked him
"Fine, I guess I can…
"Thanks Old man"
"No problem, just be careful kid"
"..." Hah…, this old man "Of course I would! Who do you think I am?" I took Olty off my head and started walking towards the cheering table.
"Needed help?" Lork asked me in his usual child like voice.
"Eh?" that surprised me, he never took the initiative to help me before, ( if you exclude those time he fought because me) (2).
"I'm asking if you needed help?" he asked again with a bit of irritation in his voice
' Well he did offer it, right?' So I simply answered him, "Yeah"
(Lorkhan's pov)
"Needed help?" I asked him, stretching out my right hand.
Okay… this is awkward. Why did I ask him again? He can do it himself!. So why…?. I look up and saw Lauren's confused face. I know I'm going Ooc (3) but do you have to be that surprised?
"I'm asking if you needed help?"
What's wrong with me….?
Huh? Did I hear wrongly
I offered it so I better give it, huh?. Shrugging my shoulders, I took his hands and went to the Table Lauren suppose to be at.
"Granger, Hermione!" The professor called out to another student while I was helping Lauren to his seat. "Gryffindor!" The hat called out again. 'same as Lauren huh?' I frowned my eyebrows a bit, There sure are alot of the Gryffindor's now, huh?.
"Kinsfolk, Elliot!"
It's him
And there he goes~
"Khorn, Lorkhan!"
Oh, it's my turn
I hurriedly trotted towards the seat and put the hat on my head, but before I manage to properly put it on, the Hat shouted
'Hm? So not the same place as Lauren?' I thought. I put the hat back on the chair and went to the green table. But it seems, this place wasn't as welcoming as I thought?
Along the way I heard few sentences like "Why is there a Mudblood here?" or "Filthy Mudblood!"
Judging from how they look at me and how they spew the words I'm guessing it's something between a sarcasm, an insult or something of the sort. Well, either way, it's not like this was the first time, right? Wonder if any of them really dare step up front?. Hehe… I couldn't help but smirk a bit.
I went to the edge of the table, which doesn't have much students, and sat there. I took out my Wand and fiddle with it, then a thought pass through,
But if they really do step up, the problem would be if they used 'Magic'. Before I could even give them a good punch, they would already blast me off with a single spell. Guess paying attention to class would be mandatory, huh?
And while I was in my own inner monologue, the sorting still kept on going. Next after me was a Longbottom, MacDougal, Malfoy, Moon, Nott, etc.
It was kinda boring…, but then.
"Potter, Harry!"
I started hearing whispers all over the hall, and no, not the whispers that I got from the 'fellow students', it was more that of a admiration? Praise? Well something like that.
"Potter, did she say?"
"The Harry Potter?"
The entire student body began trying to take a good look at him. I moved my head to where the other pointed their views and saw a boy with dark unkempt hair and glasses.
Like the others, he put on the hat and sat at the stool. His turn was quite long, but not as long as Lauren. "Gryffindor!" The hat shouted
Another Gryffindor huh?
But woah.
He had gotten the loudest cheer so far, he must be very popular, huh?. He walk shakily towards the table where Lauren was at. One of the upperclassmen shook his hands while a pair of redhead twins yelled "We got Potter! we got Potter!" cheerfully.
(Kinda jealous here…)
"Thomas, Dean!" The professor continued on
"Turpin, Lisa!"
Oh it's the other one I met on train, "Shern, Jack!" the professor called out. He did what the others did. "Hufflepuff!" the hat shouted.
That's quite disappointing, I thought maybe there would be someone I know here, in this… what was it called again? Oh right, Slytherin table.
"Weasley, Ron" the professor called the last student.
The boy ran towards the Potter boy and collapse onto the chair next to him.
The professor rolled up the scroll and took the chair and hat away. After a good few while, an old man with white silvery hair and half Moon shape glasses stood up from his chair and beamed at the students, opening his arms as if welcoming an old friend.
"Welcome" he smiled brightly "Welcome to a new year at Hogwarts! Before we begin our banquet, I would like to say a few words. And here they are: Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak!" he proudly exclaimed "Thank you!" As he sat back down, the entire student body clapped their hands.
'does he have a few screw lose?' I asked myself since I can't just barge to where Lauren was and I can't just ask them (Other Slytherin's) suddenly now can I?
'Hm? What is this smell?' I turned my head and faced it towards the table and saw many different kinds of foods. Looking around, I saw the students started eating, so I look at the pile of foods in front of me again. I took some fried eggs, toast, and few other things and made it to a sandwich. Then, I took a big bite out of it,
"Yep, nothing beats this!"
As I was savoring every single bite I could get, a Bloody ghost came near and sat in front of me. He had blank staring eyes, gaunty face, and his robes was stained by silver like blood.
"Who might you be sir?" I asked him
No answer, he just kept on staring at me like this was some kind of staring contest. "Okay…, you do your thing and I do mine then?"
I took another bite from the sandwich I made. But, in this awkward situation…, I could barely taste anything.
"Look the Filthy Mudblood is eating"
"Ugh…, even the way he eats make me wanna puke"
"Wanna bet how long he would last before he ran off to his mommy?"
Ah…, this again. Even in the wizarding world this kind of things happened to huh? Well, I don't know how things operate here but from what I could see, the students won't be making any moves as long as the teachers are here. So…, Let's just ignore them! For now!
After we all (students) finished the feast. The dishes in front of us also disappeared, and the old man from before stood up again, making the entire hall fell into silence once more.
"Ahern, just a few more words now that we are all fed and watered. I have a few start-of-term notices to give you
"First years should note that the forest on the grounds is forbidden to all pupils. And a few of our older students would do well to remember that as well." It was only in an instant, but I could see his gaze was flashed towards the twin who shouted earlier.
"I have also been asked by Mr. Filch, the caretaker, to remind you all that no magic should be used between classes in the corridors. Quidditch trials will be held in the second week of the term. Anyone interested in playing for their house teams should contact Madam Hooch"
"And now, before we go to bed, let us sing the school song!" The old man said.
When the old man said that, I could see the other Professors smile's were rather…. Fixed? And with a flicked of the wand, A golden ribbon like figure flew up and twisted it self, creating words magically.
"Everyone pick their favorite tune," he said, "and off we go!"
When I saw the other students sang, I followed them
"Hogwarts, Hogwarts,
Hoggy Warty Hogwarts,
Teach us something please,
Whether we be old and bald
Or young with scabby knees,
Our heads could do with filling
With some interesting stuff,
For now they're bare and full of air,
Dead flies and bits of fluff,
So teach us things worth knowing,
Bring back what we've forgot,
Just do your best,
we'll do the rest,
And learn until our brains all rot."
I used the tune from one of Celine Dion's song and tried my best not to make it sound to weird, but in the end, I failed miserably.
And to be honest, the song sucks. The voice was overlapping each other, between a joyish and depressing tone. For example the Redhead twin, they finished the last because of the grave like March tune they used.
After the song finished (completely), everyone clapped their hands, with the old man the loudest.
"Ah music," he exclaimed, wiping of the tears from his eyes "A magic beyond all we do here! And now, bedtime. Off you trot!"
I stood up and followed the other Slytherin students. I distance myself for a moment, and moved my head to the Gryffindor's table, searching for Lauren. But, it didn't take too much effort. As soon as I moved my head, I could already see him clearly. He was laughing with the other first years and probably some of the upper-classmens. Well Lauren was always easy to talk to begin with, and would probably have one billion friends if you didn't take his disability into account. Well I guess I don't have to worry about him to much, huh?.
Walking through the halls, we arrived at a long low underground room, or at least that's what I think it is. The walls was made out of rough stones and the ceilings was mostly covered by greenish lamp hanging by chains.
One of the upperclassmen explained about the house, it's history, when it was in the peak of its glory, etc. After a long while, the upperclassmen showed us to the dormitories.
As I enter my assign room, I saw a huge room colored mainly in green. Four poster-beds covered by a green eiderdowns with a night stand next to it. There was also a wooden chair and dresser near the bed. And green carpet with the Slytherin crest on the floor. The ceilings was like the common room, covered in green silk and there was also few posters on the wall.
I turn my head left and right. There was only me in this room. Well, what do expect? Thirteen first years, Nine boys and each room can only fit four students. Sigh, at least I don't have to worry at night too much.
I went to my trunk, which was placed at the foot of a bed, and opened it. I change my clothes and went to one of the bed. Closing my eyes.
"This day just remind me of that troublesome first day, huh…"
"Glinderlyn, Lauren!"
'Oh, It's finally my turn!' I thought to myself. With a flick on my wrist, I took out the cane that I bought when we were visiting Diagonally.
Clack clack
The sound of the wooden cane and the floor colliding. But when it come to the stairs…, it wasn't that easy. But I somehow managed.
'This stench' my nose picked up a familiar scent, I couldn't help but smirked 'Ah! So the old man is still here huh?'
I went forward, took the dusty oldman, sat on the wooden chair (which I nearly fell) and put 'him' on my head.
"Hello old man'' I muttered "Long time no see!"
"Hm? Am I supposed to know you kid?'' he asked me, in his old husky voice
"Ehh??? You don't remember me? I'm kinda hurt, (1) Olty" I played around with my voice while trying my best to keep my outer face as natural as possible. Which is, for your information, troublesome and hard.
"This attitude and 'Olty'? Ah! Its you!"
'Fiuuh' I sigh in relief 'thank goodness he hasn't forgotten about me'
"So you succeeded then, you brat!" He lamented
"If I didn't succeeded, than I wouldn't be here now would I?" I answered him
"Hm? What's with your eyes, brat?" He asked "Aren't a powerful wizard like you suppose to be able to cure 'that' with a flick of a wand?"
"I tried" I smiled faintly, mocking myself "But for some reason, it's not working at all"
"So, what are you going to do now?" He asked again "I'm sure you didn't came here just for fulfilling the prophecy right?"
"Yeah! You sure caught on fast Olty!" I said "But first, can you do me a favor?"
"Spew it brat!"
I started whispering as quietly as I could so no one, except myself and Olty, could hear me, "Can you do that Olty?" I asked him
"Fine, I guess I can…
"Thanks Old man"
"No problem, just be careful kid"
"..." Hah…, this old man "Of course I would! Who do you think I am?" I took Olty off my head and started walking towards the cheering table.
"Needed help?" Lork asked me in his usual child like voice.
"Eh?" that surprised me, he never took the initiative to help me before, ( if you exclude those time he fought because me) (2).
"I'm asking if you needed help?" he asked again with a bit of irritation in his voice
' Well he did offer it, right?' So I simply answered him, "Yeah"
(Lorkhan's pov)
"Needed help?" I asked him, stretching out my right hand.
Okay… this is awkward. Why did I ask him again? He can do it himself!. So why…?. I look up and saw Lauren's confused face. I know I'm going Ooc (3) but do you have to be that surprised?
"I'm asking if you needed help?"
What's wrong with me….?
Huh? Did I hear wrongly
I offered it so I better give it, huh?. Shrugging my shoulders, I took his hands and went to the Table Lauren suppose to be at.
"Granger, Hermione!" The professor called out to another student while I was helping Lauren to his seat. "Gryffindor!" The hat called out again. 'same as Lauren huh?' I frowned my eyebrows a bit, There sure are alot of the Gryffindor's now, huh?.
"Kinsfolk, Elliot!"
It's him
And there he goes~
"Khorn, Lorkhan!"
Oh, it's my turn
I hurriedly trotted towards the seat and put the hat on my head, but before I manage to properly put it on, the Hat shouted
'Hm? So not the same place as Lauren?' I thought. I put the hat back on the chair and went to the green table. But it seems, this place wasn't as welcoming as I thought?
Along the way I heard few sentences like "Why is there a Mudblood here?" or "Filthy Mudblood!"
Judging from how they look at me and how they spew the words I'm guessing it's something between a sarcasm, an insult or something of the sort. Well, either way, it's not like this was the first time, right? Wonder if any of them really dare step up front?. Hehe… I couldn't help but smirk a bit.
I went to the edge of the table, which doesn't have much students, and sat there. I took out my Wand and fiddle with it, then a thought pass through,
But if they really do step up, the problem would be if they used 'Magic'. Before I could even give them a good punch, they would already blast me off with a single spell. Guess paying attention to class would be mandatory, huh?
And while I was in my own inner monologue, the sorting still kept on going. Next after me was a Longbottom, MacDougal, Malfoy, Moon, Nott, etc.
It was kinda boring…, but then.
"Potter, Harry!"
I started hearing whispers all over the hall, and no, not the whispers that I got from the 'fellow students', it was more that of a admiration? Praise? Well something like that.
"Potter, did she say?"
"The Harry Potter?"
The entire student body began trying to take a good look at him. I moved my head to where the other pointed their views and saw a boy with dark unkempt hair and glasses.
Like the others, he put on the hat and sat at the stool. His turn was quite long, but not as long as Lauren. "Gryffindor!" The hat shouted
Another Gryffindor huh?
But woah.
He had gotten the loudest cheer so far, he must be very popular, huh?. He walk shakily towards the table where Lauren was at. One of the upperclassmen shook his hands while a pair of redhead twins yelled "We got Potter! we got Potter!" cheerfully.
(Kinda jealous here…)
"Thomas, Dean!" The professor continued on
"Turpin, Lisa!"
Oh it's the other one I met on train, "Shern, Jack!" the professor called out. He did what the others did. "Hufflepuff!" the hat shouted.
That's quite disappointing, I thought maybe there would be someone I know here, in this… what was it called again? Oh right, Slytherin table.
"Weasley, Ron" the professor called the last student.
The boy ran towards the Potter boy and collapse onto the chair next to him.
The professor rolled up the scroll and took the chair and hat away. After a good few while, an old man with white silvery hair and half Moon shape glasses stood up from his chair and beamed at the students, opening his arms as if welcoming an old friend.
"Welcome" he smiled brightly "Welcome to a new year at Hogwarts! Before we begin our banquet, I would like to say a few words. And here they are: Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak!" he proudly exclaimed "Thank you!" As he sat back down, the entire student body clapped their hands.
'does he have a few screw lose?' I asked myself since I can't just barge to where Lauren was and I can't just ask them (Other Slytherin's) suddenly now can I?
'Hm? What is this smell?' I turned my head and faced it towards the table and saw many different kinds of foods. Looking around, I saw the students started eating, so I look at the pile of foods in front of me again. I took some fried eggs, toast, and few other things and made it to a sandwich. Then, I took a big bite out of it,
"Yep, nothing beats this!"
As I was savoring every single bite I could get, a Bloody ghost came near and sat in front of me. He had blank staring eyes, gaunty face, and his robes was stained by silver like blood.
"Who might you be sir?" I asked him
No answer, he just kept on staring at me like this was some kind of staring contest. "Okay…, you do your thing and I do mine then?"
I took another bite from the sandwich I made. But, in this awkward situation…, I could barely taste anything.
"Look the Filthy Mudblood is eating"
"Ugh…, even the way he eats make me wanna puke"
"Wanna bet how long he would last before he ran off to his mommy?"
Ah…, this again. Even in the wizarding world this kind of things happened to huh? Well, I don't know how things operate here but from what I could see, the students won't be making any moves as long as the teachers are here. So…, Let's just ignore them! For now!
After we all (students) finished the feast. The dishes in front of us also disappeared, and the old man from before stood up again, making the entire hall fell into silence once more.
"Ahern, just a few more words now that we are all fed and watered. I have a few start-of-term notices to give you
"First years should note that the forest on the grounds is forbidden to all pupils. And a few of our older students would do well to remember that as well." It was only in an instant, but I could see his gaze was flashed towards the twin who shouted earlier.
"I have also been asked by Mr. Filch, the caretaker, to remind you all that no magic should be used between classes in the corridors. Quidditch trials will be held in the second week of the term. Anyone interested in playing for their house teams should contact Madam Hooch"
"And now, before we go to bed, let us sing the school song!" The old man said.
When the old man said that, I could see the other Professors smile's were rather…. Fixed? And with a flicked of the wand, A golden ribbon like figure flew up and twisted it self, creating words magically.
"Everyone pick their favorite tune," he said, "and off we go!"
When I saw the other students sang, I followed them
"Hogwarts, Hogwarts,
Hoggy Warty Hogwarts,
Teach us something please,
Whether we be old and bald
Or young with scabby knees,
Our heads could do with filling
With some interesting stuff,
For now they're bare and full of air,
Dead flies and bits of fluff,
So teach us things worth knowing,
Bring back what we've forgot,
Just do your best,
we'll do the rest,
And learn until our brains all rot."
I used the tune from one of Celine Dion's song and tried my best not to make it sound to weird, but in the end, I failed miserably.
And to be honest, the song sucks. The voice was overlapping each other, between a joyish and depressing tone. For example the Redhead twin, they finished the last because of the grave like March tune they used.
After the song finished (completely), everyone clapped their hands, with the old man the loudest.
"Ah music," he exclaimed, wiping of the tears from his eyes "A magic beyond all we do here! And now, bedtime. Off you trot!"
I stood up and followed the other Slytherin students. I distance myself for a moment, and moved my head to the Gryffindor's table, searching for Lauren. But, it didn't take too much effort. As soon as I moved my head, I could already see him clearly. He was laughing with the other first years and probably some of the upper-classmens. Well Lauren was always easy to talk to begin with, and would probably have one billion friends if you didn't take his disability into account. Well I guess I don't have to worry about him to much, huh?.
Walking through the halls, we arrived at a long low underground room, or at least that's what I think it is. The walls was made out of rough stones and the ceilings was mostly covered by greenish lamp hanging by chains.
One of the upperclassmen explained about the house, it's history, when it was in the peak of its glory, etc. After a long while, the upperclassmen showed us to the dormitories.
As I enter my assign room, I saw a huge room colored mainly in green. Four poster-beds covered by a green eiderdowns with a night stand next to it. There was also a wooden chair and dresser near the bed. And green carpet with the Slytherin crest on the floor. The ceilings was like the common room, covered in green silk and there was also few posters on the wall.
I turn my head left and right. There was only me in this room. Well, what do expect? Thirteen first years, Nine boys and each room can only fit four students. Sigh, at least I don't have to worry at night too much.
I went to my trunk, which was placed at the foot of a bed, and opened it. I change my clothes and went to one of the bed. Closing my eyes.
"This day just remind me of that troublesome first day, huh…"
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