


As the new year began, I watched as the new students entered the Great Hall. As the new students, looked around I noticedone boy who seemed different from the rest. Like all the children, he seemed curious about what he castle seemed to offer. But I couldn't really tell. For some strange reason, he wore muggle sunglasses over his eye.

As Minerva started to read the list of students to be sorted. The boy seemed oddly focused on the Sorting Hat. Though that is normal for most new children, his gaze seemed more intent of trying to pry into its secrets. But again I can only guess.

After some time, young Harry was called and many eyes followed him to see how he would be sorted. I, too, was interested. While he was up there he seemed intent on going somewhere other than Slytherin. Finally the hat decided on Gryffindor, hmm, good for him he already seems to have a few friends there.

With Harry finished, I turned my attention back to the child with shades. He still hadn't been called, finally Minerva called him. Strange name, he has, Nova Void, the boy seemed surprised as well, but gave a small nod of understanding. As the child walked up, he kept looking at the Sorting Hat like he was trying to figure something out. When Nova stopped in front of the hat, he gave a small sigh. Hmmm. . . Why though? He then looked at Minerva and the list and then turned and walked back down.


I saw Minerva look over at me, seemingly looking for advice. I just shook my head, I wanted to see what the boy was going to do.

"Are you Zabini, Blaise?" the boy asked the other boy. After not getting a reply, the boy, Nova asked again, "Are you Zabini, Blaise?" and when not getting a response, he lifted him up and started to carry him to the Sorting Hat. This display of strength stunned me and I could see other were shaken as well.

There is definately more to this child then expected. After Mr. Zabini was forcefully sorted out of order, did Mr. Void sit down to take his turn.

He must have concerns. I then watched with shock as the Sorting Hat started to wail. I then motioned for Minerva to get the hat off of the boy, but before she could do so, she stopped moving. Panic was set deep in her eyes, I tried to get up myself but found I couldn't. What did the boy do?

I could only helplessly watch as the Sorting Hat erupted into flames, but as it did, the boy just took it casually off his head like he was unafraid of getting burned. He seemed to say something I couldnt hear it from here maybe Minerva heard. And then put it down and seemed to release use from being immobile.

He then looked around and broke down each of the houses, and decided on Gryffindor. Since the hat seems broken, I will have to let it slide. This year and the coming years are going to be difficult and I will have to keep an extra eye on the boy. Perhaps Severus can help me.


Somewhere in the Void


"Master Caretaker have you broken through the seal yet?" Samuel asked.

The Caretaker who was standing next to another man, turned and looked at Samuel and bowed, "Master Samuel, the Barrier Master has been working hard and diligent for the last 2 years to understand the seal set by the Forger, he has found a loophole to exploit but is unable to send actual body though it into the world. We have also found that our realm and the orbs realm has different time conversions."

"Barrier Master explain."

"The Forger was the first in this position of crafting and my world is but one of many he created. We have not reached his level at this time. But after studying the seal, I have found a small weakness that would allow us to send a soul of certain strength to apprehend him, and the Phoenix that you desire."

"Good. What of that other matter we spoke of?" Samuel asked.

"Like you have ordered we have changed the law of the world making it impossible for the Forger to see the souls of the world. But because his power is greater than our own, we could not seal it completely. He will at most be able to see small slivers." the Caretaker explained.

"Would he be able to see the fragments of Lady Phoenix?"


"Good. I am pleased to hear that. Will the soul that we send be able to find her?" Samuel questioned.

"Yes my lord." the Barrier Master replied. "We have only taken that power from the Forger, anyone we send in now will be able to see her soul, as he should have been able to."

"Hahahaha!! Excellent. How long until the preparations are to be made?"

"It will take 2 more years. Which is about two months time in that world."

"Very well, see to it that it gets done according to plan." And with that Samuel turned and walked off with a nasty smile on his face.


Haven't really done 1st POV before and tried it out.

Let me know if I can improve anywhere.

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