The next day, Nova woke up at the crack of dawn, literally. As he had grown accustomed to starting and maintaining his forge at this time for eons. Nova sat up and looked down at the fireplace to find that the pit had gone cold and judging from the ash inside of it, the wood had only lasted a few hours. Shaking his head, Nova stood up and stretched out his body and walked to the window to watch the sun rise. As he watched it, Nova marveled at the sight. Even after eons of creating these worlds, the beauty of how they shaped themselves never ceased to amaze him.

After the sun had peaked itself over the horizon, Nova heard a shuffling of feet above him and realized someone was getting up and coming down. So Nova quickly folded his wings back into himself and put his shirt back on and walked back up the stairs to the boy's dorm. When Nova got back up the stairs he pulled on his robes after cleaning up and then turned to Harry and Ron.

"Harry, Ron get up it's time to get moving." Nova said while ripping the blankets off the two. When he did this the two shot up and almost fell out of the bed.

"Nova it's only 5:45 classes don't start till 8. Go back to bed." Ron said as he rolled over and put a pillow over his face. Harry nodded in agreement as he searched for his glasses.

"If you want to eat breakfast and not be late for classes this morning then you better get up now." Nova said as he watched the two start to fall asleep again.

Nova just shook his head and made his bed before walking down the stairs. When he got down to the common room Nova was greeted by a few of the 7th year girls who were also getting up. As he greeted them he got a very evil idea.

"Hello ladies. My name is Nova. How are you this morning?" He asked them. They turned to look at Nova and with a smile, one of the girls said, "Good morning. It's strange to see a first year boy up this early."

"Indeed you are right. How would you like to play a small prank on the guy then since I feel it would be for their benefit to get up early." Nova gave a sinister smile to the girls as he ran his plan by them.

"Hmm. . . sounds interesting. Whats in it for us?" The other girl asked.

"Lets see. . . Besides getting a good laugh at a group of guys coming to rush down the stairs how about 10 Galleons each."

"Deal" Both girls said at once.

Now with Nova having woken up most of the guys when having tried to wake up both Harry and Ron, many were trying to fall back asleep. As they were trying to do so they heard Nova from down stairs.

"WOW!!! Why are you girls only in your undergarments! If you don't hurry and get some clothes on you might be seen by the other guys." Nova's voice was heard saying.

"That's ok. The other guys are too lazy to want to see us like this. In fact they are probably still asleep." the guys heard one of the girls saying.

"So young man are you enjoying what you are seeing." Another's voice was heard.

"Oh yes, such curvy and luscious figures are such a wonderful sight to behold."

"Would you like to cop a feel as a reward for getting up so early?"

Now at this point in time many of the guys were up after hearing the conversation, and were eagerly listening to the conversation.

"You mean just for getting out of bed early and getting dressed ready for the day, you would let me feel your bodies."

"Of course, we would even let the other guys do the same if they were down here as well. But sadly they are all still asleep in pajamas."

When the guys from years 1-7 heard this many of them all but jumped out of bed, and scrambled to get changed. Then they heard.

"Wow this is such a wonderful feel your bodies are so soft and tender." Nova's voice was heard.

"Nova your so naughty just what are you doing with your hands. Just where are you touching. You must stop we might be seen at this rate!"

At this time many of the guys had were starting to rush to the common room, some had blood dripping from their noses. When they came down, they all but piled out of the stairway falling on top of each other looking around. What they saw just about made them burst into tears of rage and disappointment.

Down in the common room, the guys saw Nova sitting down in a chair with two 7th year girls sitting down on the sofa clearly dressed and trying not to laugh. Also when the guys were standing up, some notice that it was not just Nova and the two girls, but many of the other girls were standing off to the side near the entrance to their dorm. Some were trying not to laugh, while others were giving cold looks to their boyfriends who were also in the group.

"Thank you ladies. Your help was greatly appreciated." Nova said.

"Any time Nova." The girls gave a small laugh as they walked out of the portrait hole. The guys all turned their eyes to Nova and looked like they were ready to murder him.

"Good Morning boys, I am glad to see everyone up bright and early ready for classes. Though it seems to me that some of you are in a bit of trouble first thing this morning. Even though I don't know why, I trust that the issue will be easily taken care of, well I am going down for food. Good bye."

It was after Nova walked out the door that the guys all came to one voice of mind and thought, "Damn you Nova!"


Those poor guys, Nova is so mean.


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