
Extra Long chapter to cover yesterday's second, and

the two chapters for today.


Since Nova could see still somewhat see the group by just sensing the magic in their bodies.

"Are you students alright?" Madam Hooch asked. Nova nodded his head looking in her general direction.

"I am fine, Ms. Greengrass seems to be a little stunned, and Mr. Longbottom might have broken something." Nova nodded his head.

Madam Hooch came over and checked on Neville who wasn't really moving. Madam Hooch was bending over Neville, her face as white as his. "Broken wrist," Nova heard her mutter. "Come on, boy -- it's all right, up you get.". She turned to the rest of the class. "None of you is to move while I take this boy to the hospital wing! You leave those brooms where they are or you'll be out of Hogwarts before you can say 'Quidditch.' Come on, dear."

"Come on you two follow as well. Mr. Void is there something wrong with your eyes?" Madam Hooch spoke.

"My eyes are a bit sensitive and I am unable to see without the sunglasses that I usually wear. If someone could help me find them that would be . . ."


"OOPs my bad. I seem to have just stepped on them." Nova heard Draco Malfoy say with a bit of humor in his voice. Nova could hear a few of the Slytherins trying not to laugh.

Nova turned to Malfoy and said, "Not to worry Mr. Malfoy. I understand that these thing happen, but please understand, that you should be more careful where you step."

When Nova spoke he released a small bit of pressure on Malfoy, who in turned turned paler than he usually was.

Madam Hooch understanding what was going on just sighed. "Ms. Greengrass, could I ask you to help lead Mr. Void to the hospital wing while I help this boy?"

"Certainly Madam Hooch!" Daphne said excitedly. When Nova heard her, he felt her grab his arm and started to pull him along after the teacher.

Now when Hermione saw this she had a look of envy on her face and when she saw Daphne look at her, she just stared back with a frown on her face.

As they followed Madam Hooch, they soon arrived at the hospital wing. Madam Hooch quickly explained to the nurse, what had happened. While checking on Nevilles broken wrist, Madam Hooch turned to Nova and asked, "You had warned me before that there was something wrong with the brooms. How did you know?"

"Someone had tampered with the magic cores of the brooms and added ancient explosive runes to explode them after." Nova explained to her.

Wide eyed, Madam Hooch said, "I need to inform the headmaster." and sprinted off to see Dumbledore.

When she left, Nova felt another presence approach him.

"Where are you injured at child?" Madam Pomfrey asked.

"No where ma'am." Nova told her.

Madam Pomfrey wasn't having any of it. She had heard what happened from Madam Hooch and couldn't believe this child was fine after the crash he had. After forcing him to take his rob and shirt off, she started to look him over. As Madam Pomfrey was poking his back and muscles with her wand, she could help but admire how well toned the boy was, and gave her nod in approval. Daphne on the other hand had smoke coming out of her head as she started to fan her face while continuing to blush.

"You know I may not be able to see right now, Ms. Greengrass, but I can still feel you staring at me." Nova told her while looking in her general direction.

"Your just soo hot, I mean, I am just making sure Madam Pomfrey didn't miss anything on her check up." Daphne said.

Madam Pomfrey shot a look at Daphne, who in turn turned her head in another direction.

"Now let me look at your face, open your eyes so I can look at them." She spoke.

Daphne chimed in, "Yes look at his eyes, you have got to look at those eyes. Make him open them."

"No, my eyes are fine." Nova told them both.

"Then why are they closed."

"My eyes are a bit special, and it could cause damage to you."

"Damage, what kind of damage?" This time it was a man that spoke. When all three heard this person, they turned to see who it was.

"Greetings Professor Dumbledore, McGonagall, and Harry? What are you doing here?" Nova inquired.

"Hmm. . . It is quite interesting that you knew it was me, Mr. Void. How did you know? I imagine it was the same way that you could see that the brooms had been tampered with."

"That is an easy enough question to answer." Nova started talking. "I can see magic. I am able to influence it and manipulate it as I want. So I can tell who is who and see inside magical objects."

"That is a very interesting ability that you have there." Dumbledore said. "I also imagine that this ability has something to do with not opening your eyes."

"Yes. When I gaze at a living creature, it could cause damage to their soul if they are not strong enough to withstand the pressure." Nova told them.

"Do you think you could demonstrated for us then?" Dumbledore spoke.

Nova looked around at the different people in the room, and shook his head, "No." Professor McGonagall was about to speak, "Before you interrupt professor, let me finish. I say no, because Harry, Madam Pomfrey and Ms. Greengrass, will not be able to handle it. As for Professor McGonagall maybe?"

"Why not?! I saw your eyes earlier, why not now?" Daphne fussed at him.

This caused Nova's eyebrows to scrunch together, "I don't know but I don't want to risk it. Beside Professors, I believe there are other matters we should talk about instead."

"Are you referring to the sorting hat?" Dumbledore said.

"Yes. Then should we go up to my office." Dumbledore said.

"I will need to ask you to lead the way or give me a cloth to cover my eyes so I can follow." Nova said.

Dumbledore nodded, waved his wand and a strip of fabric wrapped around Nova's eyes.

When Nova opened his eyes, "Thats much better. Ok lets go."

Dumbledore turned to Professor McGonagall, "When you finish with Mr. Potter, we will be waiting in my office."

When they walked to Dumbledore's office, Nova saw a stone statue standing in front of the door way. And in the head of the statue was the word:

"Lemon Drop?" When Nova spoke out loud, the statue jumped up out of the way, "What kind of password is lemon drop?"

"I find they are quite refreshing." Dumbledore replied.

"If you say so." Nova said, as he followed the old man up the stairs.

As they walked into the office, Nova looked around the room. He saw sleeping pictures lining the walls and books in many on the shelves.

When he looked at the portraits once more, he said, "You guys are some terrible actors. What kind of painting sleeps in the middle of the day?"

That statement immediately woke up the sleeping headmaster and headmistresses, some of which started to fuss at him. Dumbledore gave a small smile before saying, "Would you like some tea? I also have some lemon turnovers."

"If you don't mind." Nova spoke.

He then walked over to the side while Dumbledore got the snacks. Nova was impressed with his pet, Phoenix.

"Your phoenix is quite handsome. Albeit a little on the young side, but he is maturing quite nicely."

"Yes Fawkes is a magnificent creature. How do you know he is quite young."

"Well I was going off his size and the amount of fire energy it is putting off. What I am more surprised about is that Fawkes is a male. Their species is generally females. with only 20% being male."

"You know quite a lot about phoenixes, Nova." Dumbledore said as he sat down.

"I would like to think that I do. I was married to one for many years." Now when Nova said this to Dumbledore, the old man's eyes widened slightly.

"So I take it you are not human?" Nova nodded his head in reply.

"What am I, is your next question I assume?"

Dumbledore nodded his head. "What creature is usually described along side phoenixes? One is never spoken of without the other." Nova told him.

Dumbledore thought for a moment, then recalled what he saw in the Pensieve,

"Dragons and Phoenix. So you are a dragon I take it."

Nova nodded his head, "I am a little surprised you figured it out so quickly, but at the same time I figured you would get it fast."

They both continued sitting in the chairs for a few moments, enjoying the tea and turnovers. They heard a knock on the door, and then Professor McGonagall walked in the door.

"Tea, Professor McGonagall?" Dumbledore asked.

"No, I would like to take care of matters involving our Sorting Hat first and Mr. Void, Ms. Granger gave me these a moment ago."

In her hand was Nova's sunglasses, so he pick them up and checked their condition to see that they had already been repaired.

"It seems I must thank Hermione later." Nova said.

"I believe it will be Ms. Granger's birthday soon."

"Thank you for informing me Professor McGonagall. Now lets get down to business."

Both the professor nodded, "To start, I am going to say now that I can not guarantee your safety of lives if you look at my eyes. I hope you realize this."

Nova tore the cloth away from his eyes, "I hope you are ready."

Nova stared at both the humans, other than surprise in both of their faces, Nova could see anything wrong with them. "Tell me do you feel anything?"

"No nothing" said Dumbledore.

"I feel slight dread and discomfort, but that is all." relied McGonagall.

" I see," Nova replied slightly concerned.

"I take it that it is not a good thing for us to be unaffected then?" Dumbledore questioned.

"No it's not. It means someone is messing with the laws of the world and messing with something that they can't hope to control. Don't ask anymore, I will inform you when I am able to find out." Nova informed them. He had a bad taste in his mouth.

"Let's move on to the Sorting Hat, I can fix it. But I am in need of the supplies and materials."

"What would you need?" Dumbledore asked.

"Well going off Ravenclaws notes, 5 meters of dragon's hide. But since I am going to improve upon her design and correct the flaws, I will need 10lbs mithril as well. But as much as you can gather if possible."

"Hmm. . . That seems possible, but may I ask where did you find Ravenclaw's notes from." Dumbledore inquired.

"From the Grey Lady. Oh and speaking of which." Nova turned to one of the painting. "Can one of you located the Grey Lady for me and tell her to come here, I have a question for her."

"Why should we? We are not messengers!" An old man in black and green asked.

"You don't have to do anything, but maybe one of your peers might." Nova spoke.

He then heard, "Sure why not beats staying in here all day." Nova saw one of the women get up out of her chair and left the room.

"Why do you need the Grey Lady?" Professor McGonagall asked.

"Well I told her I would forge her a new body after helping me with something." When Nova said this the room went quiet.

One of the older painting depicting a very old lady spoke, "Are you serious?"

"Very." Nova told her, "But I am going to need some materials and for me to know what I need I have to ask her how she wants her body."

"Albus, help him get whatever you need. Use my vault if you have to. God knows that child needs a happier life than what she had." the elderly painting spoke.

"I understand Helga, but it will have to depend on the materials."

"Helga, as in Helga Hufflepuff. Are you serious?" Nova said.

"Indeed. You better honestly help that girl. She suffered enough trying to meet her mother's expectations. But Rowena could never separate herself from her research. Worked herself to death it did, shame the only attention she paid to her daughter was after she stole the diadem."

"I know what I am doing." Nova assured her.

A few moments later, the painting returned, saying she was on her way. Then a second later, Helena floated in through the door.

"Helena we were just discussing you. I was wondering how you would like your body. Would you like it to look like you do now, or would you like me to make it younger, with the potential to grow to your current form."

Helena just blanked, as did everyone else who just heard what Nova had said. "Hello, anyone home?" Nova spoke bringing everyone out of their stupor.

"Can you make me make me about fourteen years old? And then allow me to grow to my current appearance?" Helena asked.

"Yeah sure no problem." Nova said and then a quill and paper appeared in front of him.

"Lets see, 20 feet by 5 feet of white alabaster, one ton of mithril, no better make it two, a dragon's heart, phoenix ashes, and 6 liters of dragon blood. That should be good for now."

"Do you want to be able to eat food or just absorb magic to sustain yourself?" Nova asked Helena.

"I want to be able to have children."

"Ok so both then. I will need to add 20 phoenix tears, and instead of just the dragon heart better make it all the organs as well."

Nova then looked over the list once more before handing it over to Dumbledore. "Here is the list of thing this project will need, some are easily acquired, but if there is an issue with money, don't worry I am paying for this myself."

Nova then waved his hand and dropped two million galleons on the table, "This should cover it. As for the dragon parts, I would suggest getting a easy natured dragon, and have it brought over to the castle, that way all the organ are fresh."

"This everything or is there anything?" Dumbledore calmly spoke. Nova could tell he was still a little shaken from reading the list.

"I am glad that you asked. I would need an object that has a high vitality and strong life properties to make the bonding process easier. But I don't know if this realm has such a thing."

"Well we will see what we can do. As for the sorting hat, how long will it take to make it?

"Well if you can get the materials, in a couple of weeks, I can have it finished by the end of next month." Nova informed them after a little thought.

"That will be Halloween and a perfect time to celebrate." Professor McGonagall spoke.

"Though I will need to be excused from classes. When I said that before I was talking about nonstop work, if I can't then it will take 4 months to complete."

"I think that can be arranged, is there any negative in the crafting process?" Dumbledore said.

Nova shook his head, "No, but I will be left in a weakened state after forging and crafting for that long. As I don't want to trigger any of the worlds laws and rules, I have to reduce my limits by a fair bit. But since this realm poses no danger to myself, it is not a worry."

And with that Nova got up and walked out of the room. The rest of the day went quite smoothly. Nova heard from Hermione that Harry had made the Quidditch team and other than that nothing important had happened.

Later that evening, Nova got a note from a very scared owl from Professor McGonagall that the materials for the Sorting Hat were being arranged and that they would be ready in two weeks. That evening Nova then waited for everyone to go to sleep, before going out to the forbidden forest.

"Ok. Four weeks of work should take about 10 trees, plus what I have now should be enough to get me by. If not I can always take a break to come get more." Nova sighed. " I should have asked for a lava pool. That way I wouldn't have to constantly use energy maintaining the flames. Oh well."

Nova arrived in the section deep in the forest where he had been getting wood. After uprooting the trees he needed, Nova planted a few seeds to help fill in the spots for the future and left.

As he walked back into the castle, Nova made his way up to his forge. He unloaded the wood and started to cut the trees down into more reasonable pieces. After finishing up, Nova looked up at the clock and saw it was midnight.

"I don't think I am going to forge tonight. I think I will just go back to the common room to sleep." Nova said to himself. After making sure everything was neat and organized he locked up and headed out.

When he went down the stairs, Nova heard some noise and people talking. When he went to go check it out, Nova saw Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Neville in the trophy room.

"What are you guys doing?"


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