
Daphne POV


A Few Hours Earlier~

Daphne was in her room trying to get ready. And even though she had a closet full of clothes she was having trouble trying to decide what to wear.

"Daphne, dear, are you ready? The guest are about to arrive." Mrs. Greengrass said as she walked into the room.

"Mother I don't know what to wear." Daphne told her mother. She continued to look through the closet and try to find something that satisfied her.

"Daughter, why have you gotten all flustered you have never had an issue wearing anything before what has changed?" Mrs Greengrass spoke.

"I invited a friend from school, and he said he would come if he had time." Daphne informed her mother.

"Well in that case we must have you look your best. Here try this one. It should do nicely with the decorations." The mother then pulled out a white dress with black flowers and lace trim. "So dear, which family is this young man from? Is his family in good standing. Does he have any wealth? What about his family's power?"

"I don't know mother."

"Daphne these are things that you have to consider when choosing a partner. If he is not wealthy or has any power, how can you hope to maintain the house."

"I haven't really asked him any of that stuff."

"Tsk." The mother showed a bit of disappointment in her tone. She just hoped the boy wasn't some pig looking to eat swan's flesh.

As they two women finished getting ready, they went to the main hall and met Mr. Greengrass who was holding his youngest daughters hand.

"I see it took someone awhile to get ready. I wonder if I am losing my daughter to marriage already."

Hearing her father say this, Daphne turned a light shade of pink that contrasted well against her white dress. Seeing his daughter act like this, Mr. Greengrass let out a small chuckle.

As guest started to appear they greeted them with warm smiles and slowly led everyone out into the garden to where the music was being played. After an hour or so everyone had arrived, and as she looked around Daphne didn't see Nova.

Letting out a small sigh, she just continued to stand by her mother and wait for the boring social event to be over. After watching her parents talk to the last group of people about some dragon business, Daphne happened to notice Zazz her house elf showing up with a guest in tow.

Seeing that it was Nova had arrived, she immediately broke into a grin and after dismissing Zazz, dragged Nova to talk with her parents. Though Nova failed to compliment how she looked, he did ask her to dance which made her ecstatic, now if only she had bothered with the formal dances that her mother put her through. But luckily though Nova knew what to do and skillfully led her to the point she found she was able to dance on her own.

After the song was over, Nova had led her back to her parents and gave her a beautiful white and gold box. She could tell that there was something inside of it but before, Daphne could check it out, four Aurors appeared.

As the argued with Nova, they seemed to be upset about something. Then one of them tried to grab Nova to prevent him from leaving. But before she could blink the man's arm was broken with blood pouring out and broken bones. Nova then said something to him and threw away, and the other Auror's started to come forward to intercede.

The next thing Daphne knew, Nova had said the word 'Freeze' and suddenly nobody could move or talk. Daphne felt as if the weight of the world had fallen on her just trying to move her fingers was like poking it through extra thick jello.

As Nova walked away, he told her parents about helping someone, did he mean her sister, who was suffering from a blood curse? How did he know? Moments later the overbearing pressure was gone and everyone could move. The Aurors immediately rushed to the front yard to catch up with him, but came back moments later say Nova had already left.

One of the Auror's came rushing back, "Mr Scrimgeour the intruder has left."

"He is not an intruder, I invited him." Daphne spoke up, still holding her gift in her hands. As the men were talking she kept hearing words like intruder and arrest.

"Now little girl, how do you know that he is who he says he is? He could have been someone in disguise."

"Rufus, that is enough. If my daughter invited him, then she knows that is the correct person." Mr. Greengrass spoke up.

"Scrimgeour what is all this about intruders what is going on. I thought you said this was well protect. How did he manage to immobilize close to a hundred people at once. Do you know what the Prophet is going to say if a child managed to interfere with Auror business? The field day they will have." Fudge appeared out of nowhere with a nervous sweaty face.

"I assure you Mr Minister, this matter will be handled appropriately. But first I need to understand how this had happened."

"Thompson. Explain how this intruder got past you?" Scrimgeour commanded. The man name Thompson, aka Idiot 2, started to tell the whole story. When Daphne heard the whole story, she was stunned. She knew Nova was strong but that is unbelievable. Daphne then turned to her mother, who she could tell didn't really like Nova, had a look of disbelief on her face. Seeing this Daphne gave a small smirk, but this didn't escape her mother's knowing eye.

Before her mother could say anything, "Thompson what do you mean he stopped your Stunning Spell in mid-air and multiplied it. Are you sure you weren't drinking again?" Lucius calmly said as he joined in on the conversation.

"Watch what you say Lucius." Scrimgeour told him darkly.

"I mean no disrespect Rufus, but only a Dark Lord would have such power." Lucius Malfoy stated, while calmly stroking his cane.

"Don't bring up such topics him Malfoy, this is still a party and there are still guest present." Mr Greengrass calmly said.

"Clearly you don't use your eyes to see, it appears to me all the guest have long since left after such sinister magic was used and went home." Indeed Malfoy was right many of the guest were already gone and had disapparated soon after they could move.

"Sigh then shall we go inside the house, I believe we should sit and talk about over some brandy."

"Very well lead the way"

As they walked into the manner Mr Greengrass called Zazz to bring the refreshments and then bring the girls to there rooms to get ready for bed.

"Hold on Greengrass, your eldest seems to be involved in this she needs to stay. Or at least the so called gift should be left here to be destroyed. It may contain Dark Magical Artifacts." Lucius said.

"It's just a wooden box Lucius." Mr. Greengrass said.

"Well it may contain something dangerous, Little One could you place it here on this table." Scrimgeour said as he magicked a table into the center of the room.

"But . . ." Daphne tried to say.

"Daphne just do what they say so this can be over soon." Mrs Greengrass told her.


Seeing her mother stare at her Daphne could only yield. She then placed the ornate box on the table. Then Scrimgeour approached the box with his wand out and cast some spells over it to check for any dark magic. But after he found nothing he just shook his head.

"Minister there is nothing here."

"Of course there isn't Nova wouldn't do anything like that." Daphne coldly spoke to them. She knew that if Nova was here, he would be calling them idiots as well. She then went forward to pick up the box.

"Child I think you should open it in front of us just in case." Fudge said.

"I agree with you Minister." Lucius said.

Giving a look of displeasure, Daphne complied since she knew that she didn't have any say. As she opened the lid, she felt a prick to her finger.

"Ouch." she cried as a drop of blood fell on the object inside. Then there was this golden glow as the object slowly lifted itself into the air. As the light dimmed, they could see an snake made entirely out of emerald with gold sculpted to form the scale pattern.

It was beautiful.

Once the light had dispersed, the emerald snake was now coiled on the table. Then it opened its mouth and said, "Greetings. I am Orboros. I am a self defence tool, I was created to be indestructible and able to mend from anything. You must be my owner. It is a pleasure to meet you."

Hearing the snake talk made everyone dumbstruck, then as it slowly made its way to Daphne who had extended her hand to the object, the snake suddenly knocked her away into the book case, just before it blew up into hundreds of pieces with the table.

"Daphne!" Mr. Greengrass called as he went to his daughter now passed out on the floor with a cut on her head. "Lucius what is the meaning of this."

Everyone turned to see that Lucius had drawn his wand and had cast the spell to destroy the artifact, "This is clearly Dark Magic at work. It had to be destroyed."

"Dark Magic? If it wasn't for this tool you would have gotten my daughter caught in the exploding spell."

Before anyone could say anything else the artifacts pieces started to glow gold once more and after turning into little snakes, moved to the center of the room and started to reform. What nobody noticed however was one of the pieces of shrapnel had lodged itself into the cut on Daphne's head and left a golden hue on the cut as it exited.

Soon all the pieces were together once more and with a shake of its head, spoke once more, "Mortal do you not listen. My divine creator has made me indestructible and capable of self repair. Are those hole on your head not made to hear but are only that of a figure piece like that of jewelry."

Hearing this Mrs Greengrass could help but crack a small grin as she felt if was a fitting punishment for Lucius pride to be hurt in front of his son no less. Then the snake went and slithered over to Daphne and wrapped itself around her neck and sat similar to how a necklace would rest. Then it let off a golden light and started to heal the cut on her head. It then levitated her off the ground and had her floating toward the couch before putting her down to rest.

"Minister don't you see this is dark magic. We must apprehend this Nova quickly." Lucius said fiercely.

"Now, now Lucius. I think you are wrong about this matter entirely. But will agree this artifact seems dangerous. Perhaps the boy should be questioned as to where he got it from." Scrimgeour said. He had a greedy light in his eyes, since he saw what the artifact was able to do.

"I agree with this suggestion, maybe the boy can help us defend the Aurors by telling the location he found it since such a tool can simply be mass produced." Fudge said, while already picturing the future headlines of the Daily Prophet.

And with that last statement, the group went their separate ways to go to Hogwarts. Hearing all the people talk, the artifact simply raised its head from Daphne's bossom, and shook it in disgust.

"Fools don't realize that they are but dust under an ant." Orboros said.

"What do you mean by that?" Mrs Greengrass asked.

Orboros chose to stay silent as it was more concerned with its charge than some human. Though it did wish her creator would have explained her purpose to these simpletons, or at least tell her how to fix the crack in the soul of this mortal.

"Dear should we do anything to stop them. It sounds like they are biting off more than they could chew?" Mrs. Greengrass asked her husband.

"No. There is no need. Besides the fact that our daughter was nearly blown up just now, this Nova seems to think he can heal Astoria from my family's Blood Curse. The fools can handle themselves or rot in the ground." Mr Greengrass said.with determination in his eyes.

"Dear I also had this thought this Nova might be from an ancient family written out of history. He has all this power and wealth, he could be perfect for Daphne."

"Maybe, but what happened to you saying he was ill fit for our daughter and that poor, powerless, orphan Mudbloods should try to eat swan's flesh?" Mr Greengrass said to his wife.

Hearing this she turned her head to the side with a crimson blush on her face, "I don't know what you are talking about. You must have had too much to drink tonight."

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