
Kinda short.

But don't worry will be getting back into the swing of things.

Boss changed my schedule again. It's almost like

he is trying to work me to death.


As the tainted soul flew out of the diadem, it slowly grew to the size of a regular human. As the image formed, one could see the image of a beautiful lady, one that would put goddesses to shame. This was Asteria. She had long wavy hair that went to her waist, slender hips, and a dynamite bust. Seeing the form brought a form of happiness to Nova, but he also knew it was just a memory, closely related to a message in a bottle.

"Hello, my husband. Though I can not actually speak with you, or see you, I hope you are doing well. And as much as I wish I could stay by your side for the rest of eternity, it seems the Void as other plans for us. As you have noticed, my soul fragment that I had preserved in the crown, has begun to corrupt. And because I do not have anymore energy left, I am leaving this message with hopes that one day you had come to get me. Knowing you would be trying to find a way to restore me, but I am sure that you realize that this is no longer possible. Even now I feel the dark energy slowly eating away at my core, but with the rate of decay I think I have come up with a solution. While being within the crown, I had sensed that the other fragments of my soul had entered into this world's cycle of life and have merged with other forms of life, so with that in mind I have placed the remaining amount of my energy to seek out a suitable host that could contain me. Though I do not know when or how long it might take, the fragment will inform you if a person is able to host me. I know this is not the solution that you would have hoped for but I feel that this would be of value to you in the future. My love though I can not remain by your side anymore, I hope that you will attempt to find happiness. If not for yourself but for me, as the host that my other fragments have attached to will naturally be drawn to you."

And with those last words, the memory shrunk back into the diadem and let off a gentle thrum. Seeing all this would have normally made Nova happy but under the present circumstances, it didn't.

"Find happiness? My dear however will I ever be able to do that without you by my side." Nova said with a small whisper, as he looked back up into the sky. It was now evening and the sky was a dark and dreary sky, as if to represent how Nova felt as he headed back into the castle. Upon seeing the damage to the castle from his early exit, Nova let out another sigh and with a wave of his hand, the holes in the walls started to repair themselves.


Idiot 2 (Random Auror Thompson)


A few hours early, before Nova snapped. Thompson was called into Scrimgeour's office. When he had got there he saw that not only his boss was there but also the Minister as well.

"As you well know, we have a new person of interest that we must investigate." Scrimgeour told him. Thompson nodded his head in agreement, the boss was talking about the child that had infiltrated the Greengrass party and had some how brainwashed the family.

"Good, I need you to go to Hogwarts to see if you can capture the boy and see what he knows. It has come to our attention that he has access to a vault of dangerous artifacts that need to be tested. But without proof, we can not apprehend him, lest we anger Dumbledore."

"Don't worry about Dumbledore, Rufus. As Minister, I should be able to deal with him accordingly." Fudge said.

"Very well. You can go now." Scrimgeour spoke. As Thompson left the room he Apparated straight to Hogsmeade. When he arrived he had quickly rushed towards the school in order to find the child and since it was the holiday it wouldn't be too hard to find him without getting caught. A few moments later as he came over the hill, he saw the suspect in question running straight into the Forbiddon Forest, but it didn't look like he was running but more like he was flying.

"A child shouldn't be able to do that. This is clearly the work of dark magic the Scrimgeour was talking about." Thompson said to himself.

As he ran after the boy, Thompson suddenly felt the ground shake and tremble and then when he looked up as he heard a violent roar of anger, only to see a dragon the size of a mountain rise up from the tree line. Not caring about the child anymore, Thompson did a 180 and immediately sprinted out of the forest for fear of getting caught in the path of the dragon's rage. When he was clear of the forest out of the schools enchantment, he immediately apparated back to Scrimegeor's office.

"What are you doing here Thompson? Did you get the boy?" Scrimgeour asked.

"D-D-Dr. . . ." Thompson tried to say.

"Out with it man speak!" Scrimgeour yelled.

"Dragon!!!" Thompson finally managed to say. "I saw the boy in question running into the forest and as I followed a dragon suddenly appeared and started to destroy the forest."

"What how is this possible? All the dragon are being monitored. But if this is true, then we know where the child got the artifacts from. It seems he stole them from this dragon and as he greedily went back for more got caught." Scimgeour spoke. "What kind of dragon was it?"

"I don't know, it was huge as big as a mountain. Its steps shook the earth beneath my feet."

"This might be a new species. Quick right down everything you saw and get it to magical creatures. Maybe they know if they don't have them get a team to study and capture the animal." Scrimgeour order.

Thompson quickly nodded his head and after taking a deep breath ran to the Department of Magical Creatures, though as he ran to the elevator, he quickly changed his mind and first went home to get a new change of pants.

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