Harry Potter and the Forger of Worlds

44 The Ministry of Morons Part 2

When the four arrived at the site, they immediately went to the lake. When they got there they saw many of the researchers scurrying around like ants, as they were getting things in order.

"Weasley what is going on?" Amos called out to him. Hearing his name being called Charlie Weasley ran over.

"Mr. Diggory, I think we have come to an agreement with the dragon. It will allow us to do the test and studies that we need to do."

"That is great!"

"But we only have until the sun rise twice in the sky, and then after that if we haven't left it will either burn us alive or leave. It hasn't decided yet."

"It is only giving us two days? Then what are we standing around here for, did you think of a title for this species?"

"I did. Seeing as how the dragon has a grand nature to it and the other dragons we brought fear it. We have decided to call it an Imperial Dragon. It seemed to like the name when we asked it."

"Hmm. . .This dragon seems to be quite talkative." Fudge mused.

"Indeed, perhaps it would be willing to negotiate." Scrimegeor replied.

As the four approached the edge of the lake, Fudge took out a scroll of parchment with a letter written on it, "Dragon. My name is Cornelius Fudge currently the Minister of Magic. I am here to let you know that you are trespassing on Ministry lands and that as an intelligent magical creature you are bound by law to report yourself to the subjective will of the Ministry. As your Minister, I am informing you that you must submit to us any dangerous objects to us, for safe-keeping."

"Minister what are you doing?!" Amos asked. When he heard this, he felt the blood drain from his face.

"Diggory the Minister doesn't have time for your drivel." Lucius stated. Hearing the Minister read his letter, had put a smirk on his face.

Before anyone could say anything more, they saw a large head come up out of the lava, "Mortals, are you telling me that I must submit under you?"

"Indeed. You are an inferior creature, and as such we wizards stand high above you on the evolution standing. So by laws of nature it is only right for you to surrender to us." Fudge said.

"Are you an idiot?" The Dragon asked.


"You must be since you are the Minister of Morons." The Dragon said while looking down on them.

"On what grounds do you have to say that." Scrimegeor yelled up at the animal. "You are but a mere beast with a bit of intelligence. And if you wish to remain breathing on this world, you would be wise to hand over all the treasure that you have in your possession."

"I am done talking with you morons today. If you value your lives I would stop talking." They then watched as the dragon sunk it's head back into the Lake of Lava.

"You dare turn your back on us, you mere lizard." Lucius said. After wish he drew his wand from his cane and hurled explosive spells into the lava wish caused molten magma to erupt around the area.

Seeing this everyone in the area felt their blood go cold. After a moment of silence, the now calm surface of the Lava Lake erupted into the air as the dragon quickly rose up out of the area.

"If you value what is dear to you leave now!" The Dragon roared out. Hearing this caused the cold chill of death to creep up the spine of all who were present. And with out a second of thought all the researchers quickly left after grabbing what they need.


Nova- POV


After watching everyone leave, he saw done below him was the three men who were the root of trouble. Now Nova originally wasn't going to do anything terrible to the but after them having the audacity to demand his wealth and to say that they were higher up on the evolutionary chain than he was, had made him change his mind. But he wouldn't kill them, oh, no, he was going to take from them what they loved.

"Hear me mortals, you have passed a test that I have set. But in order to gain that which thee seek. What would you be willing to give up?" Nova asked them.

"I wish to be given a strong body to resist spells." Scrimegeor called out to Nova.

"I desire that my family be at the top and to always be the wealthiest of the Pure Bloods." Lucius said.

"I desire to gain absolute control of the Ministry and that Dumbledore would bend to my will." Fudge said with greed written all over his face.

"Hmmm . . . . I see. You care most for your body and physical power, you care for the prosperity of your clan, and you want power of all." Hearing this the three men all smiled and nodded their heads.

"Of course. To start I will crush your body." Then with a swipe of his hand Nova sent Scrimegeour sailing into a tree with a sickening crunch as the bones in his body could be heard shattering.

"Ok that is one down. Now lets see. Lucius Malfoy, you desire to have your family stand on top. Now you will see it fall to the bottom. I think I will castrate your son."

"No wait why are you doing this!!" Fudge was backing away quickly. He was starting to realize the horrors of what his desire would entail.

"Please no you can't do that. Leave my son out of this." Lucius felt the fear he thought he had rid himself of return.

"But this is what you wanted." Nova said as he pulled himself out of the lava with puddles forming under his body as the molten earth dripped from him.

"No not my son anything but that, take my wife instead. She is better suited to serve you. **** her if you must. Her sister too. I would have raped them both I could."

"You mean to tell me you raped your own wife." Nova said. He felt immense disgust towards this mortal. Wives should be cherished.

"Yes it was the only way to insure the Black Family would bow to us." Lucius said while grovelling on his knees.

"Lucius you didn't." Fudge looked in shock to him. It now answered many of his questions.

"I will take your wife from you just for what you have said." Nova said. "You are mistaken if you think I will let such a crime will go unpunished in front of me."

Nova then brought down a claw and castrated Lucius, the pain of which caused him to black out. Nova then turned to Fudge, and let out a toothy smile.

"I will let you go to bring these two to the witch doctor. But your punishment will not happen anytime soon. Soon you will be forced to leave that which you love and the people you trust will plot against you."

As Nova spoke you cast magic into Fudge's brain with the effect of making him paranoid and distrusting of others, he will be done for within a few years time. With that said Nova tore open a rift in space and threw the three broken individual into the space tear with a destination of being the Ministry of Magic or at least somewhere nearby. Well at least Nova thought so he had never been and only knew it was somewhere in London, but he wasn't too concerned. Nova then went back into the lake and took a nap as he thought about the things he had to do in the morning.


A/N: What should I do with Narcissa now since Lucius sold her to MC?

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