Nova then turned to Helena and looked at her and felt that she had a strange glint in her eye, but Nova just assumed it was just eagerness to have a body back.

Nova decided to start carving the body out of the alabaster block. He took out a small carving tool that one would normally use for pottery and slowly started taking chunks and flakes out of the hard block like it was made of wet clay. And slowly began his work.


Helena- POV


As she floated in place Helena watched as Nova slowly carved out the detail of the alabaster. She marveled at how he did everything with calm, precise strokes, slowly taking layers off the unblemished stone. While she watched she realized how amazing the being was to turn a block of stone into a living being was unbelievable. As she watched days passed, unaware of the time but able to feel the flow as seconds turned into minutes and minutes into hours. Hours into days. Helena wasn't sure how much time had passed has she watched Nova work. But it seemed to only be a short time. She watched and observed how the blank rocky slab, slowly took the form of a human. Everyone cut of the knife seemed to draw out even more detail to the statue, each stroke a like a small twitch of muscle being formed. And after who knows how long Nova was finished the rough outline.

Helena then watched as he took out a small etching knife and worked into the stone even smaller details. And though it felt a little embarrassing, she felt that he paid even greater attention to detail around the area of her breast and lower regions. But she knew she could say anything or had the right to be ashamed as Helena knew she was the one that asked him to let her have children. But the fact that he was touching and shaping every inch to make sure that there would be no problems in the future was making her wonder if ghosts could melt. What made it worse was she caught herself in the fantasy of Nova having his way with her once the body was fully hers. As she imagined what he would do to her as he was the one who literally knew every inch of her inside and out.

As she came out of her imagination, she watched as he stood on a stool and took the knife and like surgeon methodically started working on her face and hair. As he shaped and sculpted, she was again put at awe of what was happening as a pair of eyes, nose and mouth were brought into reality. And though it was unreal, Helena already felt that there was a living being resting in the alabaster gaze as it seemed to pierce into her very being. Nova started working on the hair and seemed to be focusing on each individual strand as the hard, rigid stone seemed to turn into wavy locks that perfectly matched her current hair style.

After hours or days had passed, neither of which Helena knew. She watched as Nova put the carving tools and took a step back.

"So what do you think?" Helena heard Nova ask her. Hearing the question, she could even find the words to answer.

"Is that me? Is that what I really look like?" Helen spoke. Her words came out like a faint whisper. As she floated around the statue, she was in amazement of what she saw, and even though she had watched the process from start to finish Helena still couldn't believe it. Seeing it reminded her of the Greek myth of Pygmalion and Galatea, and wondered if the ivory statue that had been made real looked anything like this. And though she still had some qualms about Nova not adjusting the size of her breast, she felt that she could live with them once more.

As if feeling her gaze, Nova spoke to her, "Once you are with the living once more the breast will function properly. And when you decide to have children will be able to produce the milk necessary to nurture the offspring. Though they may also increase in size due to the effects that your souls latent growth as well as any effects the mammary glands may have on the size increase. But not to worry, the size will not be out of place nor will you have trouble finding support for them as the humans have created something called a brassiere to help."

"You mean my breast might get even bigger in the future?" Helen asked. She looked once more at the mounds in front of her.

"Yes but not to worry like I said, it will not have any effects on child rearing." Nova assured her. But the assurance she was feeling made her feel more like digging a hole and burying herself from the shame. When she was young she had felt many men constantly staring at her chest, but to have to feel those stares once more, made her skin go opaque from the blush she was having. That and the fact they would get even bigger, she didn't know what to think.

"Are you sure it will seem normal?" Helena asked.

"Perfectly sure, the breast will have the best texture and elasticity than any mortal woman in this realm, any man who you mate with will be brought to the seventh heaven."

"You men are all the same." Helen said, as she felt her face get even hotter from listening to Nova talk.

"I disagree with that statement. I am not a man but a dragon. There is a very different biology to the two species."

Hearing that statement, made Helena want to hurt Nova. She was starting to wonder how his wife managed to put up with his denseness. He just casually talks about mating, and breast sizes, it's as if he has no knowledge of propriety. Her mother did warn her, but it was too late now.

She then floated back behind Nova, "This body will be acceptable." She was still embarrassed but she would just have to live with it. She did wonder if her veela friends would mind helping her learn to seduce men, so she could make Nova pay.

"Next I am going to carve the lines in which the mithril will flow so as to connect them to the Philosopher's Stone." Nova informed her. Next she didn't really pay attention to much as like before Nova took out a carving stylus used for inscriptions and quickly carved the mythril paths and right in the center of her breast cavity, Nova carved a hollow pocket for which she assumed the Stone would rest. Helena thought it was nice of Nova to make the lines come together to make it look like a necklace or some expensive piece of jewelry.

After he had finished, Nova then took a small brush and dusted off any of the debris from the crevices. Then walking to the forge he then started to throw in all the mithril that Dumbledore and had given to him and started to purify it. Helena was aware that Nova knew the castle shook when he struck the anvil, but she was starting to wonder if he even really cared. As it seemed to her that as long as it wasn't broken Nova wasn't going to worry about it. After what seemed like another month, Nova was finished cleansing the mithril and then when the last bar was cooled he took the small pile and threw it back into the forge. And with a wave of his hand a crystal coffin appeared.

Helena watched as Nova carefully laid the statue in the coffin and then she watched as the crystal seemed to glow as the molten metal seemed to turn into a river as it began to fill up the coffin and cover the body. Nova then took all the dragon bones, blood and organs that he had scraped from the dragon and dropped them into the bubbling container. Seeing this made Helena wonder if Nova was forging a body or cooking. She wasn't sure. Then after some time the metal started to disappear but not disappear, as Helena realized that it was getting absorbed into every organ, bone, and the body itself. And finally after a long time had passed the process was complete.

Nova then turned to her, "My dear. Your body is now complete all that is left is for you to lay on top of it as I lay the Stone in the core part. Are you ready?"

"Yes. Is there anything else I need to know?" Helena asked as Nova took her by the hand. She really enjoyed the sensation feeling his touch would bring to her ghostly form.

"Hmm. . .Not that I can think of. Now there shouldn't be any problems, when I apply the Philosopher's Stone it will start to sync with your soul and the process will continue for the next three months. Which should put you waking up around September 1st of the new school year. As your soul adapts to the form you will be in a sort of coma as it regresses you back to your 14 year old self." Nova explained.

"You mean to tell me you have been working on this for the last 5 months?" Helena couldn't believe her ears. She knew time was passing but that much.

"Yes and don't interrupt." Nova told her as he continued to explain. "Now there may be some side effects but it shouldn't be anything drastic. Because you wanted children and I gave you the ability to do so through a female dragon's organs. Your menstrual cycle may put you in heat a little more they any normal human, but I can assure you, you won't be laying any eggs during that period like a female dragon normally would. Or at least I think. Also when you start mating with you mate you could potentially break them due to having a dragon's physique now. But it should be fine. I remember seeing a human male take the same impact from a truck, while screaming joy about how he could finally met Truck-kun and get his 'Isekai' moment or something like that. But it is safe to say that he was perfectly fine after the ordeal just a few breaks and bruises, after I healed him, though he did start wailing like a child. It turned out alright in the end. The mortal was able to escape the reincarnation cycle and continue making an honest man out of himself. So back to the point, you desire to mate maybe stronger than normal but I am sure it will all work out in the end."

Hearing all that raised some major red flags with Helena, but before she could say anything.

"Well see you in a few months." Nova told her as he placed the now carved Philosopher Stone at the Core.

"Wait a moment!" Was all Helena got to say as she felt her consciousness start to fade. The last thing she remembered thinking was how she was going to make Nova regret giving her a dragon's s.ex drive.


Nova- POV


After Nova finished explaining everything to Helena, he put the Philosopher's Stone in place.

"Wait a moment!" He heard her say, but it was too late and the Stone was in place.

"Sigh. . . If she had questions, she should have asked them when I gave her the chance. Oh well it can't have been anything too important. Now lets go see what is going on outside. I hope Hermione didn't get into any trouble with the Idiot Duo."

And with that said, Nova put the lid on the crystal coffin and left the Room of Requirement.


A/N: I think Nova is going to be in trouble in three months


Try to get a chapter out Monday, but if not there will be one sometime Wednesday or Thursday.

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