"What have you done?" Quirrel yelled up to Nova. Nova ignored Quirrel and came down next to Hermione and looked to see if she was ok.

"Why are you out this late?" Nova asked her.

"Do you not hear me?" Quirrel vented.

"No. Now be quiet." Nova said as he made a gesture with his hand throwing Quirrel into the side of the wall.

"Now Hermione tell me why your with this trash?" Nova asked. Hermione then started to tell him about what happened on the third floor with Harry and Ron. Hearing all this Nova couldn't help by sigh.

"Hermione didn't I ask you to not interact with the two idiots. Now you've gone and attracted a third fool."

"Who are you calling a fool? Why didn't this orb protect me? How does this infernal thing work?" Quirrel started to seeth off to the side.

"Oh yes the orb. Forgot about that." Nova then snapped his fingers and the orb flew out of Quirrel's hand and into Nova's. "Hmm . . . It doesn't seem to be damaged. Here Hermione hold onto this for now."

"How dare you steal MY divine artifact from me and give it to some little girl." Quirrel yelled. "I will. . ."

"Let me speak to him…face-to-face…"

"Master, you are not strong enough!"

"I have strength enough…for this…"

Nova then watched as Quirrel undid the turban on his head. Where there should have been a back to Quirrell's head, there was a face. It was chalk white with glaring red eyes and slits for nostrils, like a snake.

"It is about time you showed yourself." Nova said.

The extra face's red eyes opened wide, "You knew I was here?"

"Of course I saw you pathetic soul living off this trash from the first day that I saw you in the Great Hall. I must say you remind me of a leech slowly feeding off it's host, almost like a parasite."

When Nova said that and upon hearing his own word's his eyes went wide and started to think.

"Indeed I, Lord Voldemort, have been forced to live like this. Being a parasite as you call it. Mere shadow and vapor….I have form only when I can share another's body…but there have always been those willing to let me into their hearts and minds…Unicorn blood has strengthened me, these past weeks…and once I have the Elixir of Life, I will be able to create a body of my own….Now…where is the stone!"

The second Voldemort stopped talking, the air around the castle started to vibrate and tremble. When Hermione looked over at Nova, she saw that the energy was coming off of him.

"Parasite. . . Let me ask you this. I see that you are a damaged soul trying to live forever. Would you perchance have done some stupid and split your soul mulitple times?"

"This Lord has indeed done such a thing. I am now unkillable and such a powerful being such as yourself should kneel in my presence and willingly serve me. And being the gracious lord that I am, I will even give you the privilege of hosting my magnificent self."

Hermione didn't understand what was just said but it took one look at Nova's face to understand that something was very wrong.

"Would one of the soul containers you happened to have used by any chance be a diadem, that happened to look like this."

Nova then took out the diadem of Ravenclaw that hosted part of his wife's soul, "Where did you get that?!" Voldemort suddenly yelled.

"Oh well you see I made this and gave it to my wife as a wedding present. And after an accident, it fell into this world with a piece of her soul attached."

"Indeed there was a wretched soul attached to the diadem that is why I used it to host my own fragment, so that the positive life energy would nourish my own fragment."

Hermione started to back away from Nova as he had gained a terribly dark look to his face with a nasty smile.

"So you were the parasite the I burned out of existence that dared to taint my wife's pure soul. Voldemort was it? I am going to give you a special present." Now as Nova spoke the pressure around him grew. Hermione saw that the world began to distort from Nova's rage. "I am going to give you a painful life writhing in flames for the rest of eternity."

Nova then summoned from out of his ring a project he had worked on eons ago. From the rift in space appeared a set of chains. They were golden in color and seemed to radiate power. The chains then shot forward and started to wrap and coil themselves around Quirrel who was unable to move from the pressure that Nova was giving off.

"NOVA!" Hermione yelled. Nova then looked over and saw that the orb's protection field around Hermione was starting to crack and stopped radiating the pressure he was giving off.

Now able to move Voldemort or rather Quirrel was using his arms to crawl away. Seeing this Nova summoned a small box and wrote some imprisoning glyphs on the inside and breathed some fire into it. He then took the part of the chains and had them start going into the box. Slowly.

Feeling the chains tighten and start pulling them into the box, Voldemort yelled out, "What is this! How can this happen to me."

"I am glad you asked parasite." Nova said. "These chains are chains of sealing. I got them from some king in a little country in Babylon, I think. Aside from that they are designed to seal and bind anything in existence, though they are a little weak I did some improvements on them for the creation of the world laws. But the king called them Enkido, I believe. So what is going to happen now is you will go into this box and the fires inside will slowly burn your soul and allow you to never die until of course someone lets you out. Now of course that isn't possible since only a person of the Void could do such a thing."

"No Master don't leave!" Quirrel's cry for help brought Nova out of his speech, only to see a black vapor rise up out of Quirrel's body. The vapor was of course Voldemort.

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"Oh no we can't have you going anywhere. Bad Parasites must be tortured for eternity." Nova said with a grin as the chains lashed out and grabbed the smoky soul.

"NO! You can't do this. I am an all powerful being. I am Lord Voldemort. I can give you power, fame, the world will cower before you." The soul started yelling as it clawed at the ground trying to grab onto something.

"Oh pitiful Parasite. . . I will let you enjoy this gift for now, since I will throw your soul into my forge as fuel after I eradicate the other slivers of you pathetic existence."

And with those last words, the golden chains, finally dragged both Quirrel and Voldemort into the box and the last thing that was heard was a loud wail of agony as the fires inside started to burn them alive.


I have had some stuff happen lately. That I don't feel like talking about.

Things are slowly getting back to normal, but after we take care of some stuff will

I want to talk about it.

Chapters will resume as normal in few days.

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