Harry Potter and the Forger of Worlds

69 Over the Dragon’s Gate

While the events of the Quidditch Pitch were unfolding, another world shaking event was taking place elsewhere. Back after the events of Christmas, when Lucius Malfoy destroyed the Emerald Snake. The blast sent emerald shards flying in every which direction, one of which flew into Daphne who was knocked out from crashing into the book case.

When the snake reformed, the shard that was lodged was also removed, though by fates design or pure happenstance, the shard left a splinter in Daphne which caused the golden hue to form, and after the artifact healed Daphne, it caused the splinter to be pulled into her blood which then circulated and was then stuck in her heart. Now the golden hue that appeared on the cut was the Void Power that Nova wielded and that all artifacts that he made were imbued with, it was in other words, a part of his Divinity as it was called in the lower worlds. Now the splinter that was stuck in Daphne was a literal micro percent of Nova's power, but could a lowly mortal endure such might? No.

The fraction of Nova's divinity that was now circulating inside Daphne was causing tears to appear in her soul. The only reason her body didn't turn to ash was the Emerald Snake was constantly healing and repairing the damage. But due to the damage of the soul, Daphne was unable to come out of the coma she was in.

Now after a few days, it was apparent to her family that something was wrong. Both her mother and father tried to find experts that could understand the cause of such sleep. But none could find it. The only thing they found was a healthy body. It wasn't until a spiritual doctor from the Chinese Ministry of Magic appeared did they find out there was a foreign energy running rampant inside Daphne's soul.

When hearing this, the Greengrass family asked if the healer could repair the soul. He said it was a simple fix. And all he would have to do was send his own soul into Daphne to strike down the foreign entity. But how wrong the healer was.

As the healer's soul dove into the spiritual soul that was Daphne, he encountered the divine might of the Dragon God that was roaming inside Daphne. When he was in there, the healer noticed that there was something else, something that the Dragon was guarding. When he tried to grab the guarded item. The dragon became fierce and protective and started rampaging. The spiritual healer tried to fight off the divine might of Nova, but he who was only a mortal, stood no chance. For what mortal on Earth could possibly rival a god, much less a Dragon God. The spiritual healer tried to escape and return to his body, but regardless his fate was already sealed. For as the healer's soul returned the path that it took was still open to the divine energy in Daphne and when it entered the healer, he exploded into a blood mist, not leaving even an atom of his existence in the world.

Now when this happened, the whole Greengrass family that was present was terrified. And just in time the Emerald Snake, Oroboros, spoke up.

"Mortals, my host soul is damaged, she will not wake up on her own. The only one that can heal her is my creator. But only if he chooses to or remembers too. So all you can do know is wait. For I know not where he is or where he is located. Or whether he can be reached." Oroboros spoke before, resting its head back down.

Now when they heard this, Daphne's parents could only try to send out letters and they tried to reach out to any of their contacts, but no one had seen a boy that matched Nova's description and every owl they sent out returned unable to locate him. But little did they know that at the time Nova was in France within the Isolation Barrier he had erected for the cottage that he had built.

With no other solution, the Greengrass family could only wait and hope Nova would realize that Daphne had not appeared at Hogwarts for the year and appear at their doorstep willing to assist.

After not hearing anything for a few months, the Greengrass husband and wife were sitting around the fireplace when Jazz, the family house elf, appeared with a mechanical owl.

"Master and Mistress, I have an owl from Young Master Nova." Jazz said while bowing lowly.

Hearing this Mr. Greengrass, stood up and picked up the owl marveling at the detail that went into its creation. He then untied that parcel attached to the owl, and when he did the owl rose into the air and disappeared with a small pop.

Seeing this the Greengrass pair went wide eyed, but quickly focused back on the parcel. Mr Greengrass opened it up and read the letter that Nova had drafted.

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'To whomever opens this: I have heard that Daphne is still in a deep sleep since the holidays. I believe it should be related to the soul. You will find a tool called the Sunset Ruby in this box that will assist in the soul repair. Give it to the Emerald Snake and stand back. Also do it outside. If done in an inclosed space you will lose your house.'

Mr. Greengrass then tilted the box on its side and a ruby the color of the sunset fell out in his hand. It was about the size of a quail egg and had silver lines spiralling around it.

Mrs. Greengrass at this time had already read the letter Nova had sent and looked at her husband.

"Dear, do you think it is safe?" Lady Greengrass asked.

"You have seen the snake. And I don't think we have much choice. We can only hope this is the solution." Mr. Greengrass said.

He then turned to Jazz, "Bring Daphne into the garden." Jazz did a deep bow and apparated away.

The Greengrass pair then went outside and found Jazz laying the sleeping Daphne on a small bed.

Mr. Greengrass then walked up and then presented the Ruby to the Emerald Snake which then raised its head.

"It seems my creator has heard of my host's plight and has crafted me an upgrade. I will begin assimilation now." The Emerald Snake said.

A mechanical voice could then be heard, "High Tier Divine Artifact Detected. Requesting Host Permission to Assimilate. Host Unable to Respond. . . . Starting Communication with High Tier Divine Artifact CodeName Sunset Ruby. Communication Established. Creator Approval Located. Over the Dragon's Gate Evolution Start. Beginning Diagnostics. . . Reading . . . Reading. . . Diagnostics Complete. Starting Assimilation Procedures." The Snake then Swallowed the Ruby as it would an egg.

"ERROR, ERROR. High Tier Divine Artifact CodeName Emerald Snake is INCOMPLETE. Scanning For Missing Fragment. SCANNING. . .SCAN Complete. Fragment has been located. Beginning Absorption Procedures." The Emerald Snake said.

The Emerald Snake then started to swallow Daphne. Seeing the snake begin to eat her daughter, Lady Greengrass tried to run forward but was grabbed by her husband. She looked at him wondering why, but he just shook his head. Though he didn't like what he was hearing, he could only hope that this artifact knew what it was doing.

When that last of Daphne had been Assimilated, the voice could be heard once more. "High Tier Divine Artifact Emerald Snake Complete. Beginning Evolution Process."

"ENERGY LEVEL Critical. Pulling Needed Energy from Surrounding Area." Suddenly the sunny sky became dark and was laced with thunder and lightning. Then thick bolts of lighting started to rain down. With each blast of lightning, you could hear the progress of completion going up. But unfortunately, each blast of lightning was doing more and more damage to the garden and the surrounding area.

"Energy LEVELS Stable. Resuming Evolution." Suddenly the Emerald Snake rose up into the air and began to break down. As it broke into millions of pieces it then began to glow.

"Evolution to Low Tier Void Artifact Successful. Reforming. Host data corrupted. Detecting Second Life Entity. Second Life Entity Unstable. Stabilizing Secondary Life Entity. Repairing Original Soul. Original Soul Repaired. Implementing Low Level Base Upgrade. Pulling Host Preference from Host Memory. Host Upgrades Complete. Secondary Soul Wishes to Implement an Upgrade. Evolution Process Overwritten. Vocal Upgrade Phoenix Melody Detected. Implementing Vocal Upgrade. Vocal Upgrade Complete. Reforming Host."

The Emerald Sphere that was hovering in mid-air began to reform and took the appearance of Daphne. As it finished, Daphne was gently brought back to the ground and laid down. She looked as she did before but her body had several noticeable changes. First off her hair was no longer blonde but was a clear emerald color with sunset ruby highlights. Her skin was smooth and supple with several noticeable upgrades to her figure. The Emerald Snake could no longer be seen around her neck but instead an Oroboros tattoo could be seen around her throat not all different from a choker.

"Process Complete. Low Tier Void Artifact CodeName Daphne Greengrass Complete. Host will wake in 24 hours."

And with that the sky cleared as if nothing happened. The only signs being a ruined garden and a lone girl laying within the destruction.

Now after seeing that everything was over, Mr Greengrass and Lady Greengrass, both rushed over to their daughter to see how she was, and upon seeing that she appeared to be physically fine, Mr. Greengrass picked up Daphne and carried her back into the house. Not fully aware of what just really happened.


Greetings Everyone. Sorry I didn't release any chapters the last few days. My new best friend COVID-19 messed with my job and persuade my boss to file for bankruptcy. So now I don't have any way of making stable income to support family at least until someone hires me.

I ask that if anyone would like to donate to help me out. My family and I would greatly appreciate it and as thanks for every $10 that is donated, there will be an extra chapter.

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Again thank you for your support.

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