
Hello Everyone. Nyx here. I am the one that wrote the ending of the last chapter. Since Thoth0 went to sleep instead of joining me and my sister for bed. But all that aside. I did feel bad for messing with the chapter. So while Thoth0 is praying to whatever gods exist to save him from the insuring chaos of knocking someone else up. I decided to write a chapter for him.


After Narcissa said those words the mind of Nova kinda went blank. Then after seconds of silence, \"No.\" Was all Nova said.

\"And why not?\" Narcissa said.

\"I am married.\" Nova told her.

\"And where is this wife?\" Narcissa stated.

\"She is dead. . . Well she has a shattered soul.\" Nova said.

\"That is a terrible reason. Plus men of your ability are allowed to have multiple women. So don't give me any of that bullshit excuse.\" Narcissa rebutted.

\"Well that may be so. But you see your world is about to end in another 5 years. So it will kind of defeat the point of starting a family lady.\" Nova said.

\"Explain.\" Narcissa said. Her eyes squinted with a cold look.

\"As you know I am a dragon. Not just any dragon but a Dragon God. The sole purpose of my existence is to create worlds on my World Forge. Unfortunately I can only create the worlds with the energy I have in my Forge, so to maintain them my wife would maintain the world's balance with Life Energy. But after an issue in our realm, she was forced to Self Immolated to end the strife temporarily.\"

\"Ok and what does this have to do with the world ending?\"

\"Well if you must know. This world was still on the Forge when she self immolated and it sent a section of her shattered soul into this world when it was unstable and messed with the Life Energy in it.\"

\"You can fix it right?\" Narcissa asked.

\"Without my wife. No.\" Nova said flatly.

\"You're a god though. You can just wave your hand or whatever it is that gods do.\" Narcissa said.

\"No it doesn't work that way. I create and destroy, my wife maintains the life and balance afterwards. But luckily when her soul shattered and fell into this world, it split into multiple parts. Now what I am hoping is that these fragments can be strengthened to the point that they can produce Phoenix Fire on Void Levels needed to reforge an existing world.\" Nova explained.

\"So you don't even know if this will even work?\" Narcissa said, rubbing her temples.

\"No clue. It's all in theory so far. But the good news I have located multiple fragments and they are getting strengthened considerably and four fragments initiated a Force Soul Fusion just yesterday, which means this could work and luckily the fragment in this wand and diadem have part of my wife's consciousness in them making them partly sentient. Though the Fusion weakened them significantly.\" As Nova was saying this he took out his wand and the Diadem of Ravenclaw.

\"So since this is all theoretical, your saying I will be erased from existence in five years.\" Narcissa said.

\"Well not so much erased but more along the lines of devoured by the world system that maintains the Energy Balance in the world by creating spatial tears that send tendral's into the world and devour whatever it finds to keep the world active. But yes you will possibly cease to exist in 5 years give or take a few months.\" Nova said.

\"Well even more so of a reason for you to give me a child.\" Narcissa firmly stated.

\"On what plain of existence is your reasoning on. I said no.\" Nova said. Was this woman daft?

\"Oh I heard you, but hear me out. Your wife is dead. I think she wouldn't mind you having a child with someone. And plus the world is ending, you should at least let me have a child to take care of.\"

\"That reasoning sucks. But I will tell you what just for the sake of ending this conversation. I will grant you what you want only after I have fixed the world. Since I would hate to see you unable to see the child grow to full maturity.\" Nova said.

\"Fantastic!\" Narcissa said.

\"Now will you please get some clothes on.\" Nova said. \"And why the desire to have a child. You already have one.\"

\"What? Draco? Not in this lifetime.\" Narcissa scoffed.

\"Uuuhh?\" Nova was at a loss for words.

\"So to be honest. Lucius may have raped me 15 years ago and forced my family into the position of forcing me to marry the prick. But I wasn't in this lifetime going to give him a child. Hell no. So with my mother's help, we found a Muggle prostitute, put her under the Imperius Curse and made her drink PolyJuice Potion till after she got pregnant and gave birth. But with Lucius lacking in his manhood and ability to reproduce it took over three years. Even then she only got knocked up after giving her and him a fertility potion. Quite sad really.\" Narcissa said while changing.

\"And the mortal?\" Nova said.

\"After it was all over we gave her new memories on the last few years of her life, and gave her enough muggle money and allowed her to live on a tropical island in the south with servants and such.\" Narcissa explained. She then bent over to reach for her garments on the bed then turned and faced Nova, ass in the air, \"Now are you sure you don't want to tap this now?\"

\"Positive. I have things to do.\" Nova said. He then walked out the house and flew into the air.

\"This lady is crazy. Good thing I didn't tell her the percent chance of all this working. She may have forced herself on me then and there.\" Nova mumbled.


So I hope you all enjoyed the chapter. My boyfriend will be writing the rest of the series I will not interfere anymore. Since this is boring as f*ck and taking care of my twins is so much better. I only hope that he has dug himself out of his grave by then.

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