At the end of the week, Nova packed up the tools he used and taught the goblins. Nova knew that if they could the goblin smiths would tie him up and force him to teach for eternity, but thankfully they weren't stupid like the other mortals were.

"Lord Nova. Thank you again for this last week's worth of knowledge. We will certainly put it to great use and practice and do hope that you decide to teach us once more." a goblin said while bowing to Nova.

"Ragnok. I am glad that your people will go to great lengths to implement my teachings. But I will not be teaching again. The knowledge I have imparted to your people is enough to propel your current skills for a few hundred years without having to worry about slaughtering each other for secrets."

"I understand Lord Nova. Thank you for your time." Ragnok bowed once more.

Nova then walked outside the bank and flew towards the Greengrass Residence. Once he arrived Nova landed on the main lawn outside the front door. As he approached the front door and was about to knock the door swung open and a little girl seemed to fly out from it.

It was Astoria.

"Hello Little One. How are you today?" Nova asked.

"Good. Sister says you can help me." Astoria said.

"Indeed. Come take me to your family, Little One." Nova told her.

Astoria then took Nova by the hand and led her to the living room and there Nova was greeted by the Greengrass Family's Patriarch and Lady of the House.

"Lord Greengrass." Nova said shaking his hand.

"Lady Greengrass, you're as divine as ever." Nova said kissing the back of her hand.

"I have no idea how my daughter will reign you in if you keep flirting." Lady Greengrass said with a small blush.

"Mother!" Daphne said.

"Heiress Greengrass. Your beauty has only grown in since the last time I have seen you." Nova said with a small smirk.

"Ok that is enough. Young Nova, if you keep this up my daughter will soon over heat from embarrassment.��� Lady Greengrass said.

"Indeed. Let us get to the matter at hand." Lord Greengrass said. "Nova, we were unable to find the ingredients needed for the process that you informed my daughter of, but we do have a cauldron large enough for the ritual."

"That is fine. I had a feeling that this might happen and asked the goblins of Gringotts to procure for me. I have the items on hand with me now." Nova informed.

"Really!? That is great news." Lord Greengrass said.

"We can start the task at midnight when the world is balance between night and day. But first, I have some questions that need to be answered first." Nova said.

"Very well."

"To start. What side of the family does the Curse originate from?" Nova asked.

"Mine." Lady Greengrass informed.

"Lady Greengrass. Can you tell me the nature of your family's curse?" Nova asked.

Herring this Nova nodded his head. It did make sense. He had observed in the last few minutes that the child, Astoria, had a weaker vitality than the last time he saw her and her soul seemed a little more strained.

"Now Milady. I see that you are not affected by the Curse, is this perhaps a random curse that appears in certain generations?" Nova inquired.


"Do you and your mate plan on mating and having another hatchling any time soon?" Hearing this question, the Lord and Lady seemed to grow quiet. Nova felt there was some unneeded tension now in the room.

"Daphne, you and your sister should get some rest so that you are both ready for the ceremony tonight." Nova said.

Having a puzzle look on her face, Daphne asked, "Are you sure? Also shouldn't you rest as well?"

"I will be fine."

Daphne and her sister then walked out of the room and when they cleared out Nova placed the room in a soundproof barrier.

��Now that those two are gone. How long as it been?" Nova said.

"What are you talking about?" Lord Greengrass asked. "My Dear, do you know what he is asking?"

"I see." Nova said, as he turned and saw Lady Greengrass looking to the side, twiddling her fingers.

"Lord Greengrass. I hate to be the one to inform you but you have been failing to satisfy your wife." Nova said matter of factly.

"Impossible, we have a strong bond and are constantly in the bedroom when I am not working." Lord Greengrass said while standing up.

"That may be so, but how long do your mating sessions last." Nova asked.

"Quite long. Just earlier it took a whole 4 minutes which is even longer than most other Pureblood males." Lord Greengrass said with a matter of fact pride.

"Lord Greengrass. I hate to be the one to tell this but that is appalling. It is no wonder your wife smells like she is in heat and seems overly frustrated." Nova said.

"What . . ." Lord Greengrass said, starting to get irritated.

"Let me explain. The average for most human males is 20-30 minutes. This also means that you have been unsuccessful in satisfying your mate. It also explains why most 'purebloods' as you call it only have one hatchling." Nova said calmly.

"My love tell him this is not true." Lord Greengrass said. He was looking a little pale now and looking to his wife for help.

"I am sorry, my love. What Nova said is true." Lady Greengrass said looking as if she was about to cry.

"Why didn't you ever say anything?" Lord Greengrass asked.

"You always looked so satisfied and tired after our time together. I just couldn't bear to say anything to you." Lady Greengrass said not officially in tears from the feeling of guilt.

"Young Nova surely there is something you can do about this situation." Lord Greengrass said.

"Well . . . Nope. Not going there." Nova said with some delay.

"You had an idea! Tell me what it is, I will pay you whatever the cost." Lord Greengrass said.

"I am sorry Lord Greengrass. There is no hope for you. This is because of all the inbreeding pureblood families do, it has caused the line to become tainted." Nova said. "The only one to get benefits from anything I suggest would be your mate. The most I can recommend is to explore the mundane side of the world, since they like to multiply like rabbits."

"But all that aside, I think we should move forward." Nova said. " I will need a large area in the back that is exposed to the elements."

Still thoroughly depressed Lord Greengrass nodded his head. "I figured as much and have already had the cauldron setup outside. Is the process dangerous?"

"No in fact it is quite simple." Nova said.

"How so?"

"I am going to kill her."

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