Harry Potter And The Hidden Prince
Chapter 19 - You Shall Be Hunted Down and Regret What You Did Till Your Last Breath
Draco was acting oddly in the Slytherin common room. Pacing back and forth as be ran his hands through his hair in a frantic manner.
Deciding it was best to go out and take a breather, Draco happened to come across Harry Potter and his two other friends. ' The golden trio ' Louis called them, not liking that there was things they didn't know about and ran around to get their answers. Presuming they were right all the time, and getting in trouble but be rewarded for doing it. Louis speculated that they had tremendous amount of luck to get out of trouble. He wasn't wrong.
The group of three had been doing absurd things and breaking some if not most of the school rules and were always rewarded. If they were punished, it would be light.
Draco, decided it best to just ignore the three like they were air as best as he can and continue on with life. That, and make sure Louis doesn't end up in a extremely ridiculous situation.
Caught up in his thoughts, Draco only got out of them when he noticed the three were rather suspicious in their movements. Deciding it best to follow them in case they did something stupid, he began to stalk them.
" Heya Draco. What'cha doing? " The sudden voice of Louis made Draco and jump and screeched like a girl. " Louie! Can you not scare me like that? Snd how did you get here without bring seen? " He says " Hello? Natural invisibility. That and I noticed you stalking the golden trio, horrible skills by the way. You should train with me and Ann one of these days. She's still trying to get the hang of the invisible spell, and her skills on tracking people arent really there yet. " Louis spoke as if he was talking about how nice the weather was and how bright the sum was shining. Draco, was a calm and sensible person - sometimes- and he really did not want to get a headache because of Louis and his wondering mind and questions. Best let the young boy figure things out himself.
Now at this precise moment, the two were outside the window of Hagrids hut, peering inside to know what was going on. Louis could only hear snips and bits of their conversation, " Nicolas Flamel - Fluffy - Dragon egg - " Draco who was utterly confused at what was being said inside, was too caught up in his thoughts to notice Louis head for the door visible.
" What do you suppose - Louie? Louie! Your doing a horrible job at being invisible! " The boy whisper yells to Louis, attempting to stop the boys movements before it was too late. But to his horror, he was in deed too late.
Louis already had his hand on the door handle, turning it open. The door was pushed open and he walked in. The four inside still in their own world, had not even noticed the young Princeton enter the hut.
They did notice the fl.u.s.tered cry coming from Draco outside the hut though. " Louie! " Turning their heads to the door in horror, Draco Malfoy was standing at the entrance looking at a certain direction in the hut. " Malfoy?! " Harry exclaims frantically moving about in the hut in an attempt to hide the dragons egg.
" What are you doing here?! " Ron asks eyes squinted, finger pointed " I was having a stroll, what are You doing here? " Draco retorts.
Hermione, strongly resisting the urge to smack the back of Ron's head decided to intervene before she actually did it. " What he means, is what are you doing here specifically in Hagrid's hut uninvited. " The boy in question simply points to the area where the dragons egg was, the fire place and says, " Fetching someone who's not supposed to be here. "
The four turn their heads to where the egg was and were met of a peculiar sight. A boy of their age, who's hair was the colour of blue to purple, and eyes of caramel, dressed in a hoodie and Jean's, was squatting beside the dragon egg in the fire seeming in a trance.
Never in their life had they met someone so ' invisible ' yet had the looks of a god, seem so entranced by a simple dragon egg. Though when they did register the fact that he appeared there out of nowhere they screamed on instinct " AHHHHHH! " Hagrid looked as if he'd seen a ghost just from the look at how pale he went when he recognised who the boy was.
" Simpletons. " Draco shakes his head and walks toward the fire place and squats beside Louis. " Where'd you get this? " Louis at last speaks as he turns to look at the four still standing at their spots from where they stood.
" What? " Harry asks still in his state of shock. " I said where did you get this? " Louis repeats, this time a little peeved. " What's wrong? " Draco asks as he places a hand on Louis' shoulder in case he went into a fit of anger.
" Dragon eggs are never in range near civilisation for safety cases. If they did come into the hands of our kind, who knows what would happen to them in their frail state. Why do you think there are only grown dragons who interact with our kind? Do you know how bad it is to have a dragon's egg in the hands of another? A WAR could occur because of this! I mean no offence when I say this, honest, but it'd be best if you return this to the dragons. " ' Yikes ' Was all Draco could think after Louis' rant.
" Wha? Wait, wait, wait! Hagrid didn't steal the egg! He got it from a stranger in a the night he went to drink! And why should we listen to you anyways?! For all we know, you could be out to steal the dragons egg! " Harry retorts back practically shouting.
Smacking his palm onto his head, Draco has now realised how oblivious Harry is to the world. " Your digging your own grave if you continue. " But of course the three didn't listen and ignored him. ' I should probably fetch Richard and Annie. ' With that he rushes to Hogwarts to alert the two.
Louis was now by himself, his patience thinning and the urge to hit the day lights out of the two idiots before him increasing. Hermoine, was wise enough to stay out of it at the corner of the hut, and Hagrid was still out of it. " Can you keep your mouth shut for once and think about your actions? It's not that hard is it? To be quiet and listen and THINK about your actions and how they have consequences. I understand your upbringing wasn't sunshine and rainbows, that you were ecstatic in finding you were a wizard and you could finally escape your family. But it does NOT mean you can do as you please and expect that you're always right. " Taking a pause and a deep breath he continues " I'm telling you right now, if you want to be respected because your the one prophesiesed to defeat bald man, listen to others suggestions and words. Or I SWEAR to gods I'll hit you straight to the moon and back. "
At this point Annie and Richard followed by Draco, had reached the hut's entrance. They were not happy at what they found. " Louie! " Richard exclaims frantic as he rushes to Louis before something went horribly wrong." What did you do?! " Annie asks as she proceeds to hold Ron and Harry in a chokehold. " Why me? " Ron whimpers softly. " Because if one goes the both of you go. " She mutters darkly, scaring the four into irrepressible shivers.
" You do realise your acting like bad guys right? " Draco was both confused and admittedly a tad bit afraid of the two Princetons by the way they were acting.
" Give me the egg, " Louis asks softly, staring at Hagrid, " Please, they can't survive in our environment. " The begging and worry clear in his eyes, made all the doubt and suspicions in Hagrid desolve in an instant. Sighing he shakes his head and speaks, " Only someone 'o concerned 'bout animals and creatures 'ould 'ave that look in their eyes. 'right, I'll give the egg to ye for 'afe keeping. 'ust make sure it makes it back to it's kind safe and sound. "
Happy that he can return the egg back to it's kind, Louis beams in happiness and hugs the half giant. " Thank you, Thank you, Thank you! I won't break my promise! You can count on that! " Breaking away from the hug, Louis returns to the dragon egg, where Richard was making sure it was doing fine while Annie had at last released her hold on Ron and Harry.
Taking a breath, Annie stalks back to her two cousins and Draco, making preparations to transfer the egg safely. " That's strange. " Louis mutters out, " What's wrong? " Richard asks noticing the look on Louis' face.
" The egg is going to hatch soon. It's too early for that. " Eyebrow raised, Annie speaks " I am curious how you know all these though Louie. "
A small smirk makes its way to the boy's face as he speaks, " Who else but Aego. " smacking her hand to her head at the revelation, Annie now feels like an idiot. " Your kidding. How, his nowhere near here. " Richard points out the issue, throwing his hands into the air frustrated.
Draco looks back and forth between the three confusion as clear as crystals on his face. " Wait, who are you talking about? " He asks curious " Not now, another time Draco. " Richard silences boy as he places the egg into the make shift fire created.
" We've been keeping in touch the moment I landed. Turns out he's coming ahead of time, so I'll have to reschedule the meeting with...them, for another time. " The falter in his voice clear as night as he glances at the four in the hut with them.
Noticing that his questions weren't appropriate for the situation, Draco pushes them down and helps the three Princetons with the egg out the hut carefully.
" Thank you for your cooperation, we sincerely hope that an accident like this wont happe again. Goodbye. " Annie speaks stiffly while bowing like a robot, it was quite clear she didn't like what she was doing at the moment.
When they were out the door Harry, Ron, and Hermoine turned their attention away from the door and towards their half-giant friend whom, at the current moment was a tad pale and releaved at the same time. " Who was that? " Ron asks straight to the point.
" Why'd you let him do what he wanted without questioning him whatsoever? " Harry asks unsure and suspicious. Placing a hand up, Hagrid silences them to let himself speak. " Ye'r 'uestions for the boy ain't 'onna be answered. It's an unspoken rule. Its 'e best 'yer don't stick 'yer noses into 'at one. "
Hermoine tilts her head and asks, " Why? " Hagrid shivers at the thought, " 'is family is separate from everything and everyone else, 'ven the ministry knows not 'te mess with 'em. If 'ye mess with one of 'em, 'Ye get all of 'em. " The blanket of silence fell upon the hut as they heard this Information.
However, nobody noticed the absence of Fang who happened to follow Louis out unnoticed to play with the boy. The dog and the boy were having their own fun once the dragon egg was safe in a compartment in Louis' suitcase, safe and sound.
Deciding it was best to go out and take a breather, Draco happened to come across Harry Potter and his two other friends. ' The golden trio ' Louis called them, not liking that there was things they didn't know about and ran around to get their answers. Presuming they were right all the time, and getting in trouble but be rewarded for doing it. Louis speculated that they had tremendous amount of luck to get out of trouble. He wasn't wrong.
The group of three had been doing absurd things and breaking some if not most of the school rules and were always rewarded. If they were punished, it would be light.
Draco, decided it best to just ignore the three like they were air as best as he can and continue on with life. That, and make sure Louis doesn't end up in a extremely ridiculous situation.
Caught up in his thoughts, Draco only got out of them when he noticed the three were rather suspicious in their movements. Deciding it best to follow them in case they did something stupid, he began to stalk them.
" Heya Draco. What'cha doing? " The sudden voice of Louis made Draco and jump and screeched like a girl. " Louie! Can you not scare me like that? Snd how did you get here without bring seen? " He says " Hello? Natural invisibility. That and I noticed you stalking the golden trio, horrible skills by the way. You should train with me and Ann one of these days. She's still trying to get the hang of the invisible spell, and her skills on tracking people arent really there yet. " Louis spoke as if he was talking about how nice the weather was and how bright the sum was shining. Draco, was a calm and sensible person - sometimes- and he really did not want to get a headache because of Louis and his wondering mind and questions. Best let the young boy figure things out himself.
Now at this precise moment, the two were outside the window of Hagrids hut, peering inside to know what was going on. Louis could only hear snips and bits of their conversation, " Nicolas Flamel - Fluffy - Dragon egg - " Draco who was utterly confused at what was being said inside, was too caught up in his thoughts to notice Louis head for the door visible.
" What do you suppose - Louie? Louie! Your doing a horrible job at being invisible! " The boy whisper yells to Louis, attempting to stop the boys movements before it was too late. But to his horror, he was in deed too late.
Louis already had his hand on the door handle, turning it open. The door was pushed open and he walked in. The four inside still in their own world, had not even noticed the young Princeton enter the hut.
They did notice the fl.u.s.tered cry coming from Draco outside the hut though. " Louie! " Turning their heads to the door in horror, Draco Malfoy was standing at the entrance looking at a certain direction in the hut. " Malfoy?! " Harry exclaims frantically moving about in the hut in an attempt to hide the dragons egg.
" What are you doing here?! " Ron asks eyes squinted, finger pointed " I was having a stroll, what are You doing here? " Draco retorts.
Hermione, strongly resisting the urge to smack the back of Ron's head decided to intervene before she actually did it. " What he means, is what are you doing here specifically in Hagrid's hut uninvited. " The boy in question simply points to the area where the dragons egg was, the fire place and says, " Fetching someone who's not supposed to be here. "
The four turn their heads to where the egg was and were met of a peculiar sight. A boy of their age, who's hair was the colour of blue to purple, and eyes of caramel, dressed in a hoodie and Jean's, was squatting beside the dragon egg in the fire seeming in a trance.
Never in their life had they met someone so ' invisible ' yet had the looks of a god, seem so entranced by a simple dragon egg. Though when they did register the fact that he appeared there out of nowhere they screamed on instinct " AHHHHHH! " Hagrid looked as if he'd seen a ghost just from the look at how pale he went when he recognised who the boy was.
" Simpletons. " Draco shakes his head and walks toward the fire place and squats beside Louis. " Where'd you get this? " Louis at last speaks as he turns to look at the four still standing at their spots from where they stood.
" What? " Harry asks still in his state of shock. " I said where did you get this? " Louis repeats, this time a little peeved. " What's wrong? " Draco asks as he places a hand on Louis' shoulder in case he went into a fit of anger.
" Dragon eggs are never in range near civilisation for safety cases. If they did come into the hands of our kind, who knows what would happen to them in their frail state. Why do you think there are only grown dragons who interact with our kind? Do you know how bad it is to have a dragon's egg in the hands of another? A WAR could occur because of this! I mean no offence when I say this, honest, but it'd be best if you return this to the dragons. " ' Yikes ' Was all Draco could think after Louis' rant.
" Wha? Wait, wait, wait! Hagrid didn't steal the egg! He got it from a stranger in a the night he went to drink! And why should we listen to you anyways?! For all we know, you could be out to steal the dragons egg! " Harry retorts back practically shouting.
Smacking his palm onto his head, Draco has now realised how oblivious Harry is to the world. " Your digging your own grave if you continue. " But of course the three didn't listen and ignored him. ' I should probably fetch Richard and Annie. ' With that he rushes to Hogwarts to alert the two.
Louis was now by himself, his patience thinning and the urge to hit the day lights out of the two idiots before him increasing. Hermoine, was wise enough to stay out of it at the corner of the hut, and Hagrid was still out of it. " Can you keep your mouth shut for once and think about your actions? It's not that hard is it? To be quiet and listen and THINK about your actions and how they have consequences. I understand your upbringing wasn't sunshine and rainbows, that you were ecstatic in finding you were a wizard and you could finally escape your family. But it does NOT mean you can do as you please and expect that you're always right. " Taking a pause and a deep breath he continues " I'm telling you right now, if you want to be respected because your the one prophesiesed to defeat bald man, listen to others suggestions and words. Or I SWEAR to gods I'll hit you straight to the moon and back. "
At this point Annie and Richard followed by Draco, had reached the hut's entrance. They were not happy at what they found. " Louie! " Richard exclaims frantic as he rushes to Louis before something went horribly wrong." What did you do?! " Annie asks as she proceeds to hold Ron and Harry in a chokehold. " Why me? " Ron whimpers softly. " Because if one goes the both of you go. " She mutters darkly, scaring the four into irrepressible shivers.
" You do realise your acting like bad guys right? " Draco was both confused and admittedly a tad bit afraid of the two Princetons by the way they were acting.
" Give me the egg, " Louis asks softly, staring at Hagrid, " Please, they can't survive in our environment. " The begging and worry clear in his eyes, made all the doubt and suspicions in Hagrid desolve in an instant. Sighing he shakes his head and speaks, " Only someone 'o concerned 'bout animals and creatures 'ould 'ave that look in their eyes. 'right, I'll give the egg to ye for 'afe keeping. 'ust make sure it makes it back to it's kind safe and sound. "
Happy that he can return the egg back to it's kind, Louis beams in happiness and hugs the half giant. " Thank you, Thank you, Thank you! I won't break my promise! You can count on that! " Breaking away from the hug, Louis returns to the dragon egg, where Richard was making sure it was doing fine while Annie had at last released her hold on Ron and Harry.
Taking a breath, Annie stalks back to her two cousins and Draco, making preparations to transfer the egg safely. " That's strange. " Louis mutters out, " What's wrong? " Richard asks noticing the look on Louis' face.
" The egg is going to hatch soon. It's too early for that. " Eyebrow raised, Annie speaks " I am curious how you know all these though Louie. "
A small smirk makes its way to the boy's face as he speaks, " Who else but Aego. " smacking her hand to her head at the revelation, Annie now feels like an idiot. " Your kidding. How, his nowhere near here. " Richard points out the issue, throwing his hands into the air frustrated.
Draco looks back and forth between the three confusion as clear as crystals on his face. " Wait, who are you talking about? " He asks curious " Not now, another time Draco. " Richard silences boy as he places the egg into the make shift fire created.
" We've been keeping in touch the moment I landed. Turns out he's coming ahead of time, so I'll have to reschedule the meeting with...them, for another time. " The falter in his voice clear as night as he glances at the four in the hut with them.
Noticing that his questions weren't appropriate for the situation, Draco pushes them down and helps the three Princetons with the egg out the hut carefully.
" Thank you for your cooperation, we sincerely hope that an accident like this wont happe again. Goodbye. " Annie speaks stiffly while bowing like a robot, it was quite clear she didn't like what she was doing at the moment.
When they were out the door Harry, Ron, and Hermoine turned their attention away from the door and towards their half-giant friend whom, at the current moment was a tad pale and releaved at the same time. " Who was that? " Ron asks straight to the point.
" Why'd you let him do what he wanted without questioning him whatsoever? " Harry asks unsure and suspicious. Placing a hand up, Hagrid silences them to let himself speak. " Ye'r 'uestions for the boy ain't 'onna be answered. It's an unspoken rule. Its 'e best 'yer don't stick 'yer noses into 'at one. "
Hermoine tilts her head and asks, " Why? " Hagrid shivers at the thought, " 'is family is separate from everything and everyone else, 'ven the ministry knows not 'te mess with 'em. If 'ye mess with one of 'em, 'Ye get all of 'em. " The blanket of silence fell upon the hut as they heard this Information.
However, nobody noticed the absence of Fang who happened to follow Louis out unnoticed to play with the boy. The dog and the boy were having their own fun once the dragon egg was safe in a compartment in Louis' suitcase, safe and sound.
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